Sentences with phrase «of tens of millions of people»

Dogs are such great pets, and bring joy and love into the lives of tens of millions of people worldwide.
- We address to those who love to read novels and personal development books, namely a market of tens of millions of people.
With the reproductive wellbeing of tens of millions of people being affected, governments should be pushing for greater regulation, but this is easier said than done.
Over the weekend, the New York Times and The Observer of London posted a blockbuster investigative piece revealing that Cambridge Analytica, the firm brought on by the Trump campaign to target voters online, used the data of tens of millions of people obtained from Facebook without proper disclosures or permission.
But for digital products, we are already in a world where a publisher can put their products for sale directly into the pockets of tens of millions of people in dozens of countries instantly.
However, the senseless murder of tens of millions of people during the twentieth century by atheistic godless governments does not convince me atheism holds any real answers.
Why Online Dating Is The Opium Of The Masses With two out of every five singletons in Europe and the USA now turning to the internet to find a partner, it would be safe to say that the phenomenon of online dating has changed the social and dating habits of tens of millions of people from Newcastle to New York.
Over the weekend, the New York Times and The Observer of London posted a blockbuster investigative piece revealing that Cambridge Analytica, the firm brought on by the Trump campaign to target voters online, used the data of tens of millions of people obtained from Facebook without proper disclosures...
In 2014, Cambridge Analytica gained access to the Facebook data of tens of millions of people with a technique widely used during that time to collect information on Facebook users.
Religion has been the greatest cause of war and conflict throughout human history and has resulted in the deaths of tens of millions of people throughout history and is therefore detrimental to life.
«It is absolutely essential for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to compel the facility to comply with all fire safety measures — both to secure the plant's emergency systems and ensure the safety of the tens of millions of people living in the region.»
The World Health Organization in 2015 recommended PrEP for everyone at «substantial risk» of becoming infected — a total of tens of millions of people, to judge from the nearly 2 million new HIV infections in 2016.
Cataracts cloud the eyes of tens of millions of people around the world and nearly 17.2 % of Americans over the age of 40.
Stewart's fame these days comes primarily from two areas: her relationships, which draw the interest of tens of millions of people, and her studiously independent film work, which garners the ticket sales of, well, somewhat fewer.
It's a lot easier when you're starting with something that has a following of tens of millions of people», explained Blizzard executive Nick Van Dyke.
It took the form of hundreds of Women's Marches all over the country, composed of tens of millions of people.
Thein is one of tens of millions of people across Myanmar quietly struggling to adapt to the realities of a warmer and more unpredictable world.
Among the worst - case consequences: A new ice age in Europe, and massive flooding of regions in India, China and elsewhere that could make refugees of tens of millions of people
Governments must adopt strategies to mitigate the effects of desertification which are aggravated by climate change and could lead to mass migrations of tens of millions of people in the next decade, a new United Nations study cautioned today.
As Clinton said in the documentary, «If you want to save lives and stop an epidemic that has claimed the lives of tens of millions of people, treatment is the best prevention.
At that time, the world was still in a state of disorientation, having witnessed the deaths of tens of millions of people, hoping to recover some sense of its humanity.
The order raised concerns among YouTube users and privacy advocates that the video viewing habits of tens of millions of people could be exposed.
Over the weekend, the New York Times and The Observer of London posted a blockbuster investigative piece revealing that Cambridge Analytica, the firm brought on by the Trump campaign to target voters online, used the data of tens of millions of people...
If so, then you're just one of the tens of millions of people in the United States using this site to meet and bang.
You may be getting tired of my stories on climate change and food, but I think this is a critical topic already significantly affecting the lives of tens of millions of people (or more) that will become increasingly important in the years to come (if we don't do something to address climate change NOW).
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