Sentences with phrase «of tense»

When describing duties performed in your prior positions, misuse of tense will stick out like a sore thumb.
The answer appears to be a complicated one, but involves Cambridge Analytica and a number of tense political situations around the world.
Zaatari's art practice involves unearthing, collecting and re-contextualizing a wide range of documents that confound notions of history while recognizing the ways in which these documents are uneasily situated as evidence of tense political and cultural conditions.
Although art from the region is often overlooked because of the tense political situation, the former advertising mogul, who was born in Baghdad, said: «The work is breathtaking — new Arabian artists are about to take centre stage in the art world.»
But instead of painting scenes of all - out warfare, Hancock captures super-charged moments of tense waiting or vivid torture, suggesting that his epic narrative has reached a crossroads.
It considers the complex undercurrents for this occurrence in art today, and posits other and possible realities existing simultaneously, via careful re-orientations of tense; elevating the need for vigilance towards the present and future over a concern for the past.
Jack and Andy have retired to a London pub to chat about the game, and if it can deliver on the promise of a tense, crime drama that even your Granny can play.
The combination of tense jungle and city warfare action, superbly designed levels...
Horrible AI, a hit - and - miss cover system and the complete absence of the tense trademark Resident Evil atmosphere means that like Umbrella's infamous T - Virus, Operation Raccoon City is a title that you (unless you're a hardcore fan of the series) might want to steer clear of come the day of release.
But, most importantly, Conflict: Desert Storm essentially won the hearts of gamers with a series of tense missions and an inspired console - based control system that mapped a multitude of commands to the joypad, somehow turning what could've been a nightmare experience into one of the better titles of 2002.
Be warned though that the game quickly tests friendships as things can easily go wrong even when you think you're in control of a tense situation.
It's a really useful function and one that certainly saved a fair few of those tense races I was a part of, but on the flip - side it can feel a little bit like cheating.
Valve's vision of a cooperative zombie shooter was spot - on from the start, as you paired with three other survivors to blast through an array of zombies and other freaky beasts through a series of tense campaigns.
Even though the game does lack some polish and can get buggy from time to time, the payoff of the tense battle royale format does such a great job of keeping things thrilling right up to those final moments of winning or being cut down on your way to the top.
In Outlast, this basic gameplay system made for plenty of tense pursuits in which the adrenalised player fled pell - mell into the dark and spent breathless moments holed up in hiding spots, watching as bludgeony - murderers passed by just a metre or so away.
It combines a balance of tense action, puzzle solving, story, and fun that has yet to be equaled on in the FPS arena.
But for many it's the original — with its masterful fusion of tense horror, puzzle - solving, and unintentionally hilarious dialogue — that remains the best in the series.
I believe it was Ben «Yahtzee» Crowshaw of Zero Punctuation fame that said that one «can't have any kind of tense survival horror and co-op» but I have a feeling that the new Dead Realm early access now available on Steam may beg to differ.
Even a simple supply run through your is full of tense but fun situations.
It's less twitchy but still responsive enough to get the experience of a tense race.
It's workable, but in the midst of tense boss battles it can be hard to find enough time for both the movement and the action due to the awkward activation.
Months of tense negotiation between Adult Swim and Rick and Morty creators Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland culminated in the cartoon getting a massive 70 - episode...
It can lead to a lot of tense stand offs and a lot of ridiculous moments too.
While not without its fair share of problems and technical issues, Battle Chasers: Nightwar still manages to provide plenty of tense battles that challenge players.
While individual levels range from lasting just a few moments to over a minute of tense precision jumping and games of cat and mouse with the numerous potential enemies, they do not exist in isolation.
LEGO Jurassic World will be the first game to let you play through all four of the tense and exciting movies in the Jurassic franchise, with an expected release in June -LSB-...]
With developer Supermassive Games already demonstrating their story telling prowess with Until Dawn, I was eager to see what they could do with the interactive control of mobile devices and social gaming, fused together with the same brand of tense, branching narrative.
There's plenty of tense encounters that will really test your teamwork skills and teach you both the value of sharing precious ammunition.
Nightwar is full of tense action, but you have to be patient to make it to the end»
In a game full of tense moments, this one had us feeling infected vertigo.
Some of the memories, such as the airplane level, are genuinely terrifying thanks to a mix of tense gameplay and well timed scares.
It's a more forgiving style that makes it a much easier game to play using a controller and more welcoming for general racing fans, but some of the tense, on - the - edge feeling of DiRT Rally gets sacrificed as a result.
After days of tense negotiations, the Soviets finally agreed on the 28th to withdraw their missiles from Cuban soil.
Accolades, review scores, and clips of tense moments in the game.
If you know of any tense games that allow for more options for player expression and exploration, I'd love the recommendations.
There are a ton of tense moments, but most of the time I was running into enemies before I had a chance to even get a weapon so death came for me plenty of times.
Since the June 22 Yulin dog meat festival, members of China Animal Protection Power have rescued more than 1,000 dogs bound for slaughter in a series of dog truck interceptions on China's highways involving days of tense negotiation with dog traders and police.
Takes control of tense situations with distraught or angry customers and assists staff with resolution of difficult situations.
Many of us tense up when we hear the word «investing.»
«A tender love story in the form of a tense courtroom drama, Sandrine's Case is mystery, metaphor, and morality wrapped together in a nifty package, a chance to observe grace (or treachery) under pressure.
And true, reading my book will be more like watching a 70s car chase movie combined with the kind of tense edgy awkward romance of Moonlighting and X-Files.
It actually also provided a bit of comic relief as in the midst of a tense scene, celebrities were named dropped like it was your everyday Hollywood scenario.
Seventeen discrete encounters with Maggie at different ages, in different locations, reveal a whole life in a series of tense, visceral snapshots.
Such worksheets assignment writing service test simple understanding of tense and words meaning from context.
Repudiating this lethally false theology, Sacks unfolds a genuinely inclusive and pacific Abrahamic faith by burrowing into the Hebrew Bible, beneath the surface narratives of tense sibling rivalries (Jacob versus Esau) and tribal genocide (Joshua's extermination of the Canaanites), discerning deep themes conducing both to a universal justice between all peoples and to a profound sense of God's particularizing love for diverse covenant communities.
The extra lap meant a shorter fueling period, and the four - tire change was perfectly executed by the No. 4 crew to send Milner back out in the midst of a tense four - car battle.
The broad emphasis of the rear end conveys a sense of power, in an interplay of tense, muscular volume and sharply defined edges.
After months of tense meetings that included a lawsuit and a walkout, it seems as though Ritz and the other board members have called a truce: The last State Board meeting of the year ended amicably with an agreement on new operating procedures.
The Baltimore Teachers Union has voted overwhelmingly to ratify a three - year contract with the school board after more than a year and a half of tense negotiations.
This assumes that in the heat of a tense situation, a colleague has the time and opportunity to make an emergency call.
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