Sentences with phrase «of the affected eye»

For children who don't respond to chemotherapy, there is cryotherapy and laser treatment and radiation available — and of course removal of the affected eye.
If left untreated glaucoma will lead to blindness and in severe cases may require surgical removal of the affected eye.
Fast - growing melanomas require complete removal of the affected eye.
This disease is seen more commonly in Australian and English conformation lines; its prognosis is poor, typically requiring the removal of the affected eye.
But surgery and even removal of the affected eye may be necessary.
The cataract causes LIU, which in turn can cause many serious complications and the complete loss of the eye (including possible surgical removal of the affected eye).
Cherry eye, if caught early, may be resolved with a closed - eye massage of the affected eye or with antibiotics and steroids.
Diagnosis is usually made by identifying lashes emerging from the meibomian gland openings or by observing lashes that touch the cornea or the conjunctival lining of the affected eye.
Whitish raised plaques - singular or multiple - are visible on the cornea of the affected eye.
Total or generalized forms of retinal dysplasia have been described as an inherited trait in several breeds, including the Bedlington terrier [78], Sealyham terrier [79], Labrador retriever [80] and the Yorkshire terrier [81] and are associated with complete detachment of the abnormal neuroretina from the retinal pigment epithelium that results in blindness of affected eyes.
Potentially, after enough time has gone by, the dog may not be able to see at all out of the affected eye.

Not exact matches

OPINION: With one eye on re-election and afraid of making tough calls, politicians have ignored a number of crises that will profoundly affect their constituents.
A Chief of Work would coordinate all that, with an eye toward building a culture that attracts top talent, or what Martin calls «the complete experience of working for the company, and how that affects performance.»
Plank has the affect and intensity of a head coach — direct eye contact, military analogies, the air of someone you do not want to disappoint.
«If you believe passionately, act with integrity and take personal ownership of the impact of your decisions, have the ability to look at yourself in the eyes and admit when you are wrong, the rewards are that much greater than if you never had the courage to make bold moves, affect transformation, or ultimately strive to have a positive impact on your life as well as the life of others.
«While our airports drive a collective $ 59 - billion in economic activity, our current state hinders our economic potential, and affects Canada's profile and ability to remain relevant in the eyes of foreign investors, international business travellers and tourists.»
Although the performance of the bond market does NOT affect our day to day swing trading stock picks, having a general idea of how bond ETFs such as $ TLT are performing helps us with our «bird's eye view» of the overall market trends and sentiment.
Jesus died for ALL sins, not just some, not the ones that we like to consider big because according to the Word of God all sin is equal, big or small, obviously murdering someone will have more of an impact than lying because the individuals family is affected among other things but in the eyes of God ALL sin is equal but Jesus died for ALL sins and I believe Paul's testimony shows that there are no sins that can't be forgiven, the power of sin has been taken away.
Dyes being invented partly to please the eye, and partly to hide dirt, I have felt in this weak state, when traveling in dirtiness, and affected with unwholesome scents, a strong desire that the nature of dyeing cloth to hide dirt may be more fully considered.
«But it has affected the vast majority of people who still go to church, who visit the monasteries, and they still carry on their lives daily, knowing they are a greater, in the eyes of some, target.»
Also the size of your muffin tins will affect the outcome so if yours are smaller, just keep an eye on them and when they smell good and look done, start testing them with a toothpick.
From gluten testing to ingredient risk scores, cross contamination and knowing what ingredients actually are and what they are consisted of has opened my eyes to how important gluten could affect somebody's life who is sensitive to it.
Since ovens vary, and different bakeware can affect the cook time (metal pans cook faster than glass, for instance), it's important to keep a close eye on them as you approach the end of the baking time.
«Any caution that affects the outcome of the race intentionally is a really, really bad deal and it's a black eye for the sport,» he said.
About one out of the five babies will experience newborn sticky eyes which may affect one or even both of their eyes.
All types of conjunctivitis Many doctors recommend putting a few drops of expressed breast milk (if you're breastfeeding) in the affected eyes several times per day to help clear any discharge, treat an early infection, or even prevent an infection.
And be sure to rule out other possibilities you may not have thought of, such as vision problems, that may be affecting your child's ability to learn; have your child's eyes checked to make sure the problem isn't something as simple as his not being able to see properly.
Keep an eye on the temperature of your environment because it will affect how long your breast milk truly will last.
If you really think that a medical doctor on a blog going off with that kind of tone shouldn't affect her credibility in the eyes of the reader... I don't know what to say... I'm kind of shocked.
Affected infants typically develop feeding difficulties, a lack of energy (lethargy), a failure to gain weight and grow as expected (failure to thrive), yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes (jaundice), liver damage, and bleeding.
Our words, our gestures, our habits, even our eye contact - all of this affects our sexuality.
Many people treat conjunctivitis by applying a small amount of breast milk to the affected eye.
The point of the talk was that the media turns a blind eye to these issues that affect working Americans in the name of political correctness.
Retinopathy affects the blood vessels supplying the retina - the seeing part of the eye.
The irony is that in the midst of the abhorrence and condemnation of these incidences by Ghanaians, the EC will look into the eyes of Ghanaians, and declare the election results as free, fair and transparent with the usual saying «the security incidence did not affect the elections» creating the impression that the violence is permissible.
As one of the ears and eyes of the President, practice good personal conduct frequently as one's personal conduct affects the government in power in many ways both at home and outside the country.
But we know, however hidden from the public eye it might be, it affects many thousands of children.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune disease that occurs when the immune system attacks the body instead of defending it, causing inflammation that often results in serious damage to bones, joints and tendons, and can also affect internal organs like the heart, eyes and lungs.
Barack Obama's campaign had a soundtrack of Black Eyed Peas, which was hugely effective at tapping into the mood hip hop and Obama affected.
U.S. Rep. Anthony Weiner (D - Forest Hills) says President Barack Obama's highly publicized statements on the Israel - Palestine conflict may not be what most affects his standing in the eyes of pro-Israel Democrats.
For patients with the herpes simplex - 1 virus (HSV - 1), there are just a handful of drugs available to treat the painful condition that can affect the eyes, mouth and genitals.
The researchers looked for 200 types of immune - signaling molecules called cytokines and identified 64 that were different, usually more abundant, in the eyes affected by NIV.
The illness was later renamed progressive supranuclear palsy (PSP) to describe the weakness or paralysis (palsy) patients develop when brain areas that control eye movements are affected by the syndrome — which produces the classic symptom of motionless eyes described by Dickens.
The updated guideline covers four neurologic disorders: spasticity in adults, which is muscle tightness that interferes with movement typically following a stroke, spinal cord or other neurologic injury; cervical dystonia, a disorder of the brain affecting neck muscle control that causes involuntary head tilt or neck movement; blepharospasm, a movement disorder that causes the eyes to close uncontrollably; and chronic and episodic migraine.
It is not yet clear how climate change might change the severity or frequency of hurricanes — and thus affect the terns — but it is something to keep an eye on, Pimm says.
The patch is made of eye cells made from human embryonic stem cells, and it has been designed for treating the «dry» form of macular degeneration, which accounts for 90 per cent of all cases, and affects 1.7 million people in the US.
Martin Stevens from Exeter University who, along with Claire Spottiswoode from the University of Cambridge, co-led the project said: «Despite such a long history of research, ours is the first study to directly show how the degree of camouflage an individual has, to the eyes of its predators, directly affects the likelihood of it being seen and eaten in the wild.»
In light of recent major data breaches, many experts are eyeing how artificial intelligence will affect big data in the years to come.
Consuming even low levels of alcohol while pregnant seems to affect the shape of a baby's eyes and nose, although there is no evidence that this is harmful
They tend to affect tissues and organs that need lots of energy, including brain, eyes, and muscle.
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