Sentences with phrase «of the agony of»

/ In the hour of the agony of death, help me with Your suffering / Which can not save the world from pain.»
It is for precisely this reason that Christian faith can not relieve itself of the agony of dealing with the problem of the historical Jesus.
It can lead to the deepest joys and to the abyss of the agony of suffering.
Calvin thus perceived in the crucifixion not only the price of redemption, but also the archetype of faith as he understood it: seeing God even in the midst of agonies of body and soul, when every natural feeling cries out that God must be against me.
Yet I am not persuaded that the hope of another life answers the problem of life's unfairness and suffering, and if it diverts us from addressing those injustices, it offers us comfort at the expense of the agony of other people.
I do not have the figures in front of me, but I expect that golfers buy more instruction books, chuckle at more golf whimsy, read more fiction about their sport and sympathize more fully with accounts of the agonies of their brethren of the links than any other athletes.
The right one reads, «Out of the agony of this hour, we will rise.»
In the middle, a statement from then - university president Wallace Graves, reads: «Out of the agony of this hour, we shall rise.
Unfortunately, these new rock hard boobs only exacerbated our latch problem and now I was dealing with engorgement pain on top of the agony of having my baby suck on my cracked nipples every 2 hours.
This side of the film is all about mood — of the dread of the unknown, as well as the potential for violence from that panic, and of the agony of hiding one's true self.
His paintings of the»30s and»40s were expressionistically rendered, often Biblical parables, filled with what he called «the grief of the intolerable» and reflecting an acute awareness of the agony of the time, from the Holocaust to the Spanish Civil War.
Apollo turned him into a cypress tree after seeing him die of the agony of killing his beloved pet.
Just think of the agonies of having to transcribe Joyce's longhand!

Not exact matches

In a New York Times op - ed, author and performer Mike Daisey, creator of the one - man play The Agony and Ecstasy of Steve Jobs, wrote that Jobs's magic has its costs.
«Far from being sources of agony and dread, hard choices are precious opportunities,» concludes Chang.
Looking down at himself, Plutt let out a scream of agony as his underlings hurriedly fell back.
She then functioned somewhat like a marriage counselor, communicating to both sides that, believe it or not, all that pain and agony was a normal part of the process.
For many business owners, writing a headline — that handful of words that goes at the top of your press release, your newsletter, your blog post, or in the subject line of an email — is total agony.
«It was 25 years of agony and pain on my family.»
The project has offered an unfiltered look at the ecstasy and agony of climbing Everest, including snaps of toilets and trash buildup.
As a business owner or a manager, you've gone through the agony of selecting an accounting, customer relationship, management, order entry or some other type of software for your company.
Some shots also showed the brutality of the movie, including one of men in agony as they hung on crosses.
«It's a privilege to meet and join such a distinguished task force, and hear some of the stories from the four provinces with coal plants — their charm, their agony, and their pain,» Corbett said.
In the coming weeks, millions of college freshmen will know the joy of acceptance and the agony of money anxiety as they figure out whether they and their parents can afford the college of their choice.
And the ink was barely dry on his creations when the crazy monarchs of Europe stumbled into World War I with the carnage and the poison gas and the agony and stupidity.
It is, as you can see, a representation of Our Lord wearing what looks like a pashmina, or maybe a camel's - hair hand - me - down from His cousin John the Baptist, and is entitled «The Agony in the Wilderness.»
How would you describe the agony of extreme regret to a person?
its a constant renewal of agony.
The trillions of lifeforms that have gone extinct before us, the billions of humans that have died, are dying, and will die in pain and agony.
It was fortold to Jesus in the agony in garden, it is also fortold in his conversation with Simon Peter when jesus said «get back Satan, do you not understand that the son of god must fulfill the wishes of the father.»
The joy of God goes through the poverty of the manger and the agony of the cross; that is why it is invincible, irrefutable.
I don't really care to watch them any more, but the thrill of victory or — with the Tigers, much more frequently — the agony of defeat still registers.
For God so loved the world, he cursed mankind with bitter labor and womankind with the pain of childbirth, drowned almost everybody on the planet in a flood, then came down and ra.ped a young girl so she could have his son, so he could make men torture the son to death so they would thank him for being awesome like that, and he'll come back later and kill everybody who didn't worship the son and send them to burn in agony in fire forever.
As for the nails in the hands, that was done simply to increase the agony of the condemned.
I'll leave the encouragement of agony, disorder, and misery to the unbelievers.
Stories from different parts of the world share the same agony of modern day slavery.
I've been talking recently with an Episcopal priest about the ongoing agonies of the Anglican Communion.
It is a god that must be commensurate with both the agony of oppression and the freedom of all persons.
Even in that agony, and being unjustly treated, him thinking of others and coosing love for his opressors.
I am persuaded that nothing short of a thoroughly biblical faith can provide the theoretical base and the staying power necessary to endure the discouragements and the agony of the impending struggle for justice.
I'm honestly asking — when I do not know these people or their story, but I do know the murkiness and agony of divorce — is it wrong of me to not want to rush to grab a pitchfork after hearing just one side in a series of anecdotes derived from a divorce?
If Tony were to respond in detail with his version of events, if EV leaders stepped in and rather inevitably started saying, «but Julie was or did X or Y,» and THAT's why I did Z... then suddenly the conversation is immersed in counter-accusations over the agony of a divorce, something that is rarely if ever simplistic and one - sided.
In the rising heat of the flames, there's that wooden silhouette of the hunched Christ dragging that carved cross closer to the agony of Calvary.
Even in Hades he tries to use Lazarus (whose name he now remembers) as his lackey to «dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am in agony in these flames.»
Authentic Christian spirituality is understood and lived where there is real sharing in the pain and agony of Christ for the world.
It is a vicious circle and Satan delights in it as it doesn't reflect well on them and it of course makes you a ball of agony and self - recrimination.
One word at a time, Sarah liberates us from the agony of bearing our stories alone, so we can follow Jesus (my favorite feminist) with more freedom and joy.
God can be bothered to get involved with our sporting events, but he can't be bothered to help the 1000's of starving children that die in agony each and every single day.
In the midst of worship we experience the ambivalence of Christian community: its joy and its agony.
Your battle, your problems, your agonies, with the leaders - organization of the church pale in comparison with what those apostles put up with.
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