Sentences with phrase «of the brain involved»

Days after reading sections of the book, results showed heightened connectivity in the areas of the brain involved in receptivity for language as well as physical sensation and movement.
As we burn through mental capacity, the activity in the part of the brain involved in self - control decreases, triggering us to make poor calls.
Commenting at the time on the 2010 Purdue study for Sports Illustrated [20][15], Randall Benson, a neurologist at Wayne State University in Detroit, speculated that the Purdue researchers may have taken what amounted to a «real - time snapshot» of the early stages of the corrosive creep that wears away at the frontal lobe, a part of the brain involved in navigating social situations.
Chronic stress during pregnancy has been linked to an increase in the risk of premature delivery and low birth weight, and of the baby having reduced grey matter volume in areas of the brain involved in learning, memory, attention, and emotional regulation.
Recently, Goadsby proved that the posterior of the hypothalamus — the part of the brain involved in circadian rhythm — is measurably larger in people who suffer from cluster headaches.
In women not taking the pill, the team found an increase in the volume of grey matter in the right parahippocampal and fusiform gyri, areas of the brain involved in spatial location and facial recognition (Brain Research, DOI: 10.1016 / j.brainres.2010.06.019).
Finally, neuroscientists note that the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in forming memories, matures fairly early in life.
Cluster headaches have long puzzled researchers, too, although studies are slowly revealing the parts of the brain involved when those punctuated bursts of pain occur.
She isn't yet five months old, but according to Laura - Ann Petitto, a cognitive neuroscientist at Dartmouth College, she is already using the parts of her brain involved in language.
Previous work has suggested that the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), a part of the brain involved in making predictions, might have a role in decision confidence.
This pruning changes the relative density of receptors in the circuit linking the area of the brain involved with processing rewards (the basal ganglia) and the area of the brain implicated in inhibition and control (the prefrontal cortex).
He found that obese individuals had more water in the amygdala — a part of the brain involved in eating behaviour.
A coherent scene structure was needed to achieve the highest correlation of activity between viewers in parts of the brain involved in extracting meaning (The Journal of Neuroscience, vol 28, p 2539).
You're Dead, for example, they found that about 65 per cent of the frontal cortex — the part of the brain involved in attention and perception — was responding in the same way in all the viewers.
Previous imaging studies have found that in PTSD sufferers, parts of the brain involved in memory, fear, and mood control are smaller compared with the brains of people who come through their trauma more - or-less unscathed.
The macaque - derived map models the core — the prefrontal cortex and other parts of the brain involved in consciousness, cognition and higher thought.
One consequence could be depletion of serotonin in the nucleus accumbens, a part of the brain involved in providing restraint and foresight into the consequences of actions.
This large - scale epileptic network comprises various areas of the brain involved in normal brain activity during both seizure - free intervals and those involved in so - called pathophysiological activities such as seizures.
Lewy bodies are protein deposits that develop in nerve cells in regions of the brain involved in thinking, memory and movement.
Teenagers and young adults seem most likely to procrastinate, perhaps because the part of the brain involved in long - term planning doesn't mature until our twenties.
«We discovered that rhythmic oscillations of groups of neurons in the prefrontal cortex — an area of the brain involved in decision - making and executive functions — controlled the strength of oscillations in neurons of the neighbouring nucleus accumbens, an area involved in pleasure, reward and addiction,» says Liu.
Thirteen volunteers received TRNS to their prefrontal cortices, a part of the brain involved in higher cognition, while doing these problems for five days in a row.
Teenagers and people in their early twenties seem most likely to procrastinate, perhaps because the part of the brain involved in long - term planning doesn't mature until our twenties.
Consider the hippocampus, a region of the brain involved in long - term memory formation.
Researchers have long thought that the region of the brain involved in some of the highest forms of cognition and reasoning — the prefrontal cortex (PFC)-- was too underdeveloped in young children, especially infants, to participate in complex cognitive tasks.
PD is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder, primarily caused by the death of dopamine - containing neurons in the substantia nigra, a region of the brain involved in motor control.
Schmitz and Spreng show that, as Alzheimer's progresses, degeneration of the basal forebrain predicts subsequent degeneration in temporal lobe areas of the brain involved in memory.
In July neuroscientists at Caltech announced they had tapped directly into the mysterious part of the brain involved in planning and motivation — in this case, in three rhesus monkeys.
When these birds sing, the activity of a master gene called FoxP2 declines in a key region of the brain involved in vocal control known as Area X.
The changes occurred primarily in areas of the brain involved in social tasks like reading the desires and intentions of others from their faces and actions.
But while the areas of the brain involved in estimating spatial orientation have been identified for some time, until now, no one has been able to either show that distinct neurons signaling «sensory conflicts» existed, nor demonstrate exactly how they work.
Previous studies had suggested that meditation does something similar for parts of the brain involved in focused attention.
Researchers have identified eight distinct neural subnetworks that together form the connectivity infrastructure of the mammalian cortex, the part of the brain involved in higher - order functions such as cognition, emotion and consciousness.
«TAAR1 seems to be working as a «brake» in the areas of the brain involved in decision making and executive function.
In particular, obesity has been linked with dysfunction of the hippocampus, an area of the brain involved in memory and learning, and of the frontal lobe, the part of the brain involved in decision making, problem solving and emotions, suggesting that it might also affect memory; however, evidence for memory impairment in obesity is currently limited.
«It is unclear to what extent excessive televiewing in early childhood — a particularly critical time in the development of areas of the brain involved in self - regulation of emotional intelligence — can adversely affect social interactions,» said Pagani.
They injected live brain cells from mouse embryos into the amygdalae of adult mice — the parts of the brain involved in fear.
Through this work, researchers were able to pinpoint the different parts of the brain involved in creating the two types of short - term memories.
Though it may not be possible to fully restore their sight, blindsight patients can recover some of their vision by exercising other regions of the brain involved in motor perception.
The group did find CD11c microglia and arginase, an enzyme that breaks down arginine, are highly expressed in regions of the brain involved in memory, in the same regions where neurons had died.
The results show that this therapy induces structural changes in areas of the brain involved in verbal fluency in female - to - male transsexuals.
TMS is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to treat some patients with depression by stimulating nerve cells in the region of the brain involved in mood control.
The differences in the arcuate bundle, which connects areas of the brain involved in understanding words and regions related to speech production, were particularly severe in those who had a significant history of «delayed echolalia».
When the researchers gave depressed people a placebo and told them it might help their symptoms, they saw changes in brain chemistry (left) in patients who responded to the placebo pill, in the areas of the brain involved in emotional regulation.
«We found that it's the areas of the brain involved in representing the sound of words, not sounds in isolation or abstract rules, that send back the important information.
Another concern is that the adolescent brain is still developing; especially the prefrontal cortex, which is the part of the brain involved in decision - making and impulse control.
In healthy volunteers given these instructions, regions of the brain involved in motor planning, spatial navigation and imagery light up.
The system consists of a headpiece equipped with electrodes that monitor activity in three areas of the motor cortex (the region of the brain involved in controlling the movement of the arms and legs).
Working in zebrafish, for example, we will identify how small areas of the brain involved in initiating movements influence how the entire brain processes feedback from those movements.
And they saw that the part of the brain involved in language processing lit up more for children who had experienced more conversation at home.
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