Sentences with phrase «of the campus community»

Members of our campus community spoke out and made their perspectives known.
Although I opted for off - campus accommodation, I spent most of my time on the campus and found myself very much a part of the campus community.
Today the campus is a mixture of green spaces and historic and high - tech buildings, and is ever - evolving to meet the needs of the campus community.
As members of the campus community, we share great food and music and fresh ideas, too.
• A new site - specific installation by social practice artist and disability activist Carmen Papalia, premiering at the BCMA, which will consist of performance documentation such as text - based banners, photographs, and other ephemera reflecting the artist's collaboration with members of the campus community on the subject of nonvisual learning.
Having this conducted by parts of the campus community outside of Greek life is key, and should go a long way toward ID - ing what needs to change, and how they can get there.
For the past fifteen years, the Fine Arts» Critic - in - Residence fellowship has invited outstanding critics to give a public lecture and contribute to the cultural life of the campus community.
Violations of campus alcohol policy that result in injury or damage to property or undermine the safety and security of the campus community, including acts of hazing.
«On behalf of our campus community, I am delighted to congratulate our UCSB colleagues who have made important contributions to the work of the IPCC through research, writing, and personal participation,» said UC Santa Barbara Chancellor Henry T. Yang.
«This speaks to the progressive nature of UCSB, not only in its ability to surpass California's 20 - percent water - use reduction mandate nine years ahead of schedule, but also in our ability to assist others as they strategize for future reductions, conservation, and education of their campus communities.
Based in Taubman College, the journal publishes student work from a wide range of disciplines, and provides an opportunity for members of the campus community to share perspectives on a variety of urban issues, including those that affect the region, the state, and the planet.
and develop campus resources to help service workers feel part of the campus community, as opposed to marginalized and disposable.
And one must be concerned to build an environment on campus in which religious ideas and values can flourish, so that every member of the campus community is touched.
This new facility encourages interaction among students, staff, and faculty of all backgrounds by providing gathering spaces and student resource centers that are open and accessible to every member of the campus community.
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