Sentences with phrase «of the carbon footprint based»

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So Shepherd had to come up with a method for taking the salt out of sea water with boilers and kettles but without incurring the bloated carbon footprint of fossil fuels, which would betray the green ideals of his customer base.
Adopting the UniVoIP portfolio of cloud - based multimedia contact center tools not only benefits workplace productivity but can save your organization 62 % on power consumption while reducing your carbon footprint.
The Carbon Reduction Label originates from the UK - based Carbon Trust, and advises consumers of the total carbon footprint of a product: from raw materials and manufacturing right through to disposal or recycling of packaging.
Project Innovation Award A Highly Commended Award was presented to Construction Industry Council Hong Kong, S. Thomas Ng and James M.W. Wong (The University of Hong Kong) for their report on «A product - based carbon labeling scheme for construction materials» The judges commented «This report highlighted a project that not only clearly demonstrates a topic relevant to the present day, but also the work that the researchers have accomplished in order to progress the idea from the ground upwards, leading to the development of a carbon footprint assessment tool that could not only be used in Hong Kong, but also internationally.»
Plastic has a huge carbon footprint: Producing the petroleum - based material accounts for at least 100 milion tons of carbon emissions each year.
Indeed, given his very high profile remarks questioning climate change and the science upon which it is based, I think we can safely assume he doesn't lose any sleep over his consumption habits or the size of his carbon footprint.
The smaller footprint and cost would help enable the possibility of small - scale (in the 1 - 10 megawatt range) supercritical carbon dioxide Brayton cycle - based concentrating solar power plants, making concentrating solar power more competitive with other types of renewable energy.
Use of wood - based material will lower energy consumption at the production stage, as well as reducing the products» carbon footprint.
For instance, it is not clear if an import tax could vary based on the amount of carbon dioxide emitted during a good's production — WTO rules would have to be interpreted in a way that considers products not to be «like» each other based on their carbon footprints.
The standard would require reductions in the carbon footprint of the fuels supplied in Canada, based on lifecycle analysis.
«I told my mom and dad that my decision was based on animal welfare and the high carbon footprint of meat.
If you're an environmentally - friendly single, whether you drive a Prius, recycle on a regular basis, or are a vegetarian, one of the most important qualities you look for in a date or partner is a similar passion for reducing the carbon footprints we leave.
One vehicle that could also benefit from a new architecture based on MQB is Skoda's projected City Streak EV, which in turn could yield an all - electric version of Audi's city car and help offset the premium automaker's carbon footprint.
But I'm curious if the report noted what the carbon footprint is based on the manufacturing of the Kindle — and how much power is consumed in actually powering the Kindle?
A study done by a San Francisco based company Cleantech Group advocates that when a printed book is manufactured — from raw materials to disposal — it has the greatest carbon footprint per unit of any made products.
Biking to work just one day a week would reduce your carbon footprint by 800 pounds of CO2 a year, based on these figures.
The cultivation of sugarcane utilizes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which gives our plant - based plastic a negative carbon footprint.
• Low temperature alkaline hydrolysis (Aquamation) systems exhibit 1/10 the carbon footprint of a flame based pet cremation system.
What it means to consumer's today is that with their purchase choice of Sun Chips in the Ingeo bag, they're already today, choosing a product which is renewably based, and which has a lower carbon footprint than the petroleum bag.
In a recent UN-commissioned study I conducted with Dr. Feng An, Liping Kang and Robert Earley, my colleagues at the Innovation Center for Energy and Transportation, a policy center based in Beijing, we found that in only three of the seven electricity grid regions in China does an EV have a lower carbon footprint than a traditional internal combustion engine vehicle.
Vice Chairman Xie Zhenhua of the National Reform and Development Commission clarified in a press conference that China's progress would be calculated on a narrower basis compared to how other countries might account for their carbon footprint:
The cultivation of sugarcane utilizes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which gives our plant - based plastic a negative carbon footprint.
As he points out, electricity consumption is one of the key drivers behind a corporate carbon footprint and switching to green energy and committing to RE100 or Science Based Targets goals can be an important part of an emissions reduction strategy.
The units use 1 / 2500th of the amount of water typically used by field - based growing, and due to their farms» proximity to their urban consumers, they also have a reduced carbon footprint.
It is reasonable to conclude that China's rising carbon footprint is in no small part attributable to the consumer demands of its trading partners and points to the challenge of apportioning blame responsibilities on a geographic basis, as the current international climate negotiations attempt to do.
If you have a very small carbon footprint, or you simply need to offset a limited amount to cover travel, you might select a provider based on the cost per offset — after checking their certifications, of course.
Taking data from the California Consumption Based Emissions Inventory, it illustrates the reality of our large carbon footprint from the goods and services we consume.
The cultivation of sugarcane utilizes carbon dioxide and releases oxygen, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, which gives plant - based plastic a negative carbon footprint.
These omissions included: (a) the lack of recognition that dependence on natural gas as a bridge fuel for reducing the US carbon footprint raises several ethical questions, a matter reviewed here in detail, (b) acknowledgment of the US special responsibility for climate change for its unwillingness to take action on climate change for over 20 years since it ratified the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, see, The World Waits In Vain For US Ethical Climate Change Leadership As the World Warms, and, (c) failing to communicate the extreme urgency of quickly and significantly reducing ghg emissions in the next few years to give the world any hope of avoiding dangerous climate change, see, On the Extraordinary Urgency of Nations Responding To Climate Change on the Basis of Equity.
WINNIPEG - April 19, 2018 - A local producer of hemp food products is the first food manufacturer in Canada to completely offset their carbon footprint and be certified as 100 % carbon neutral by Carbonzero, a Toronto - based company.
To further take responsibility for its carbon footprint, Mucci has acquired high - quality, Ontario - based carbon offsets to neutralize the footprint of the Mucci Pac and REMASCO facilities.
One possible solution for scientists making measurements on the ice is a wind powered moving base station that can make traverses of the ice sheet with minimal carbon footprint.
The consumption - based emissions (carbon footprint) in each country consist of the production - based emissions, less emissions to produce exports, including emissions in other countries to produce imports.
«Many of our Guests are looking for an opportunity to offset their carbon footprint and we are confident that Carbonzero has quality offset programs, based in Canada, which will provide our Guests with that opportunity.»
Meanwhile, New York is seriously considering instituting a carbon charge approach to pricing in its markets, and a 2017 PJM working paper raised the possibility of implementing a carbon price either across the PJM footprint or on a sub-regional basis.
Decrease, on a full fuel cycle basis, the overall impact and carbon footprint of alternative and renewable fuels and increase sustainability.
On Thursday, the Boulder Planning Board will take up «SmartRegs,» a proposed point - based system designed to get rental properties — which make up about half of the city's housing stock — to reduce their carbon footprint.
Certainly investors can pressure companies to report on their carbon footprint or on how climate change could negatively impact their bottom line, but such transparency doesn't solve the core problem of stopping carbon emissions or demanding that these companies stop looking for more sources of carbon - based fuels and instead invest in renewable energy.
We track the actual tonnes you offset and match them with specific projects, and we will be sharing projects» progress with you based on the time of your donation and which project (s) you matched your carbon footprint with.
New, gadolinium - based PV technologies are said to be as high as 40 % efficient, but I have not seen any estimates of their carbon footprints and could not guess, because I do not know how they are manufactured.
Switching from oil - based to plant - based plastics dramatically cuts the carbon footprint of a product by around 70 percent, Mayfield said.
«They plan to work together on a long - term basis to educate consumers about their role in minimising the carbon footprint of their clothing.»
This «carbon footprint labelling» will show the symbol of plane so customers can make purchasing choices also based on the CO2 embodied in their goods and produce.
GreenMeter evaluates your current fuel efficiency by measuring acceleration and distance covered and then giving you information on fuel consumption, cost and carbon footprint based on the make and model of car, weather conditions and fuel type.
The standard would require reductions in the carbon footprint of the fuels supplied in Canada, based on lifecycle analysis.
When I wrote about Carrboro, NC based Goat Patrol landscaping, while being generally positive about the concept, I did ask about the carbon footprint of moving a bunch of goats around.
The fact that anyone can now have ready access to a quickly growing data base of carbon footprint information - to which they can provide feedback and help grow - is a key component of moving towards a sustainable future.
With easy - to - use charts and tables, as well as success stories from the frontlines as citizens, companies, and communities across the country fight climate change, the book offers a wealth of science - based strategies that can help you achieve a 20 - percent reduction in your carbon footprint — a step the book urges as an important «down payment» toward effectively tackling this problem as a nation.
The PNNL and the US Dept of Energy's Office of Science make Richland a world center of high - tech and science based jobs, including cutting - edge energy research and development, cyber-security research, and carbon footprint reduction on the environment.
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