Sentences with phrase «of the committee»

Part of this long term solution should be left for members of the committee on security to make objective suggestions.
It moved out of the committee on a 24 - 16, party - line vote.
The senators were reported to the state comptroller's office, which approves payroll, as chairs of the committees.
Earlier the chairman of the committee for standards in public life said banning MPs from hiring relatives «could be the right thing to do».
Many of these efficiency provisions were part of the comprehensive energy bill we reported out of committee in 2009.
I thank the members of the committee for the great job that they have done.
The administration of the income and property of the mosque is the responsibility of a committee of from three to seven members who are elected for a year and serve without pay.
I think it's entirely appropriate for you to share what you know with a member of the committee in whatever way is normal for sharing any feedback about a candidate.
Earlier this year, the group devoted part of a committee meeting to discuss their legal options for his removal.
The work of this committee focused on interventions that show particular promise to support the rapid educational improvement of high numbers of students by targeting supports to these schools.
I believe that after such a meticulous work, the recommendations of the committee are likely to meet the aspirations of the rank and file of our party.
We've been talking with a number of committee members in the few days to find out whether they're inclined to support the guidelines.
In 1951 - 1952, another set of committee hearings created a new set of rules.
The head of the committee asked me to write an essay, which was going to decide my faith.
The committees comprise experts and specialists in the particular areas covered by each committee and the chair and the majority of committee members are independent of government.
Nonetheless, the bill was voted out of committee by a count of 15 - 7.
At some point after that meeting, their names were put on the list of committee members because they started receiving mail from the committee, she said.
The majority of support of this committee comes from voluntary contributions.
The key idea behind it is to impress members of the committee with your outstanding events or achievements in life, proving that you are able to cope with different life challenges.
Many of the committee members also talked about the regulatory measures to be worked upon.
Terms of reference of the committee include examination and review of the current pay systems for both the public and private sectors.
The formation of the committee comes well before any candidate would think to begin campaigning in earnest.
What's more, the group of committees which reported on air quality will be pressing for actions on their findings.
I am the team leader of this committee and am passionate and excited about this initiative.
Last year, the head of the firm's pro bono committee and the deputy co-chair of its committee on associates worked with others to come up with a uniform, national policy.
The involvement of the committee set the frame for the work reported here.
The first duty of the committee is to solicit samples from each of the textbook vendors that have been approved by your state department.
«Additionally, these violations had no practical effect upon either the outcome of the committee vote or the subsequent primary election,» he said.
Some other members of the committee said they had not been aware of the visits.
The purpose of these committees is to collect information on the educational needs of each of the ten regions.
But the bills have yet to get out of the committee stage.
If you'd like to stay updated about upcoming functions of the committee, are eager to volunteer or are interested in being connected with your organization, please let us know.
The principal role of the committee and management partner should be to make certain that the important aspects of the firm's operational activities are being managed.
Remember that committees are the easiest place to kill legislation, and the makeup of a committee will often dictate what a bill looks like if and when it reaches the floor.
You can get the help you need for your scholarship essay writing from professional writers who understand the expectations of committees who review essays of this nature.
Over the past 25 years, I have served on a variety of committees and task forces dealing with the unauthorized practice of law, access to justice and related subjects.
The candidates who receive at least 25 percent of the committee's support will get their names on the ballot this fall.
Most of the committee members nod in agreement, though the few inevitable skeptics remain.
Finally, I want to thank the leadership of this committee and its members for your efforts and the opportunity to work together.
While you might be inclined to get the opinions of your committee as support, it never works that way.
Both fall in the bottom half of committees when ranked by their gender balance.

Phrases with «of the committee»

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