Sentences with phrase «of the earth as»

«If you think of the Earth as a being, knowing how well it's doing is a good thing is how I see it.
There are so many contradictions in the bible, not only to what science has proven... (Adam was not created first and given dominion over the creatures of the earth as Genesis states) Dinosaurs inhabited earth for millions of years, millions of years before the first bipeds roamed.
Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the ends of the earth as your possession.»
The wicked in the days of Noah were blotted from the face of the earth as will be all in the last days who are wicked and for the same reason.
Eventually, dry land appears (Genesis 8:13) and the animals and humans can be fruitful and multiply upon the face of the earth as God originally ordained (Genesis 1:22, 25; 8:17).
C. S. Lewis, in his three masterful Space Trilogy volumes, reminds us frequently that the inhabitants of Mars, the hrossa, view the inhabitants of earth as «the bent ones.»
It is he who sits above the circle of the earth, and its inhabitants are like grasshoppers; who stretches out the heavens like a curtain, and spreads them like a tent to dwell in; who brings princes to nought, and makes the rulers of the earth as nothing [Isa.
This looks not so much like the peace of heaven dispelling the darkness of the earth as the reverse.
Paul describes the turmoil and travail of the earth as a midwife of all creation and redemption (Rom.
No other system takes the universal destination of all the goods of the earth as seriously as does capitalism.
In addressing myself to this second task, I will try to develop appropriate responses to the following questions through textual exegesis of the Bible: What is the ethical status of the earth as an entity in creation?
If you want to get nitpicky, the bible also references the four corners or quadrants of the Earth as well.
Nye's argument falls in line with the vast majority of scientists, who date the age of the earth as 4.5 billion years old and the universe as 14.5 billion years old.
No other man has touched the face and history of the earth as much as Jesus Christ.
Next week, we'll celebrate the active struggle of life again in Pentecost and the call to go to the ends of the earth as messengers of the gospel.
Unfortunately, certain elements of Aristotelian Physics are flawed from the point of view of empirical science, such as the conception of the centre of the Earth as the centre of the universe.
Humans now dominate the surface of the earth as never before.
Some other dating methods that have confirmed the age of the earth as being far greater than 10,000 yeras include: Stratigraphy, Dendrochronology, Obsidian Hydration Dating, Paleomagnetic / Archaeomagnetic, Luminescence Dating, Amino Acid Racemization, Fission - track Dating, Ice Cores, Cation Ratio, Fluorine Dating, Patination, oxidizable Carbon Ratio, Electron Spin Resonance, and Cosmic - ray Exposure Dating.
When we think of the Earth as in danger, we are thinking of a very thin layer on its surface.
This paganism, with the quasi - or actual worship of nature, leads easily to worship of the Earth as the deity - the worship of Mother Earth, or the Goddess.
This is primarily the function of the study of geography — not mainly as a learning of place names, populations, and products and a drawing and reading of maps and charts, but as a responsible consideration of the earth as mankind's home.
If there is one thing we learn from Isaiah 54 about the flood, it is that although it appears as if God sent the flood as punishment, it actually came as a result of humanities departure from the protective hand of God, and because the destroyer had set out to bring destruction upon the people of the earth as the just consequence for their great sin.
I speak of the earth as subject, not as object.
All this stuff is faith based yet, I do not think science can disprove the geology of the earth as the Bible does not reference it.
theologians have about as much value to add to determining the age of the Earth as they do to determining the age of the Universe.
From an emphasis on concern for individuals in the first two chapters we turn to the fate of the Earth as a whole.
The idiom of resurrection, as we have so far traced its path, has been used to portray the renewal of the earth as a living entity, and to describe the restoration of the corporate body of Israel when its national life was threatened with extinction.
Kallari's 85 % chocolate sent forth an intense aroma of deep cocoa with hints of earth as soon as I removed it from the packaging.
The smell of the earth as it thaws from the long, hard winter.
That could mean these planets are not as representative of Earth as scientists thought, and using them to estimate the frequency of potentially life - hosting worlds is misleading.
Against the odds, the Americans pulled it off and sent home the first pictures of Earth as a tiny blue marble from the perspective of the moon.
«People think of the Earth as having a certain amount of oil the way you might have a certain amount of money in your bank account,» adds Daniel Yergin, chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates, who wrote the The Prize, a history of oil, and The Commanding Heights, a study of market forces and the energy industry.
Brian McNoldy, a tropical storm researcher at the University of Miami, grabbed an image of the Earth as GOES - West, a satellite operated by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, that shows the Earth at local midnight last night.
While most textbooks demonstrate the outer surface of the Earth as the crust, the next inner level as the mantle, and then the most inner layer as the core, Liu said the reality isn't as clear - cut.
Previously, the idea was of Earth as a sort of isolated system on which processes evolved.
Most of us think of the earth as an inherently stable platform: bedrock.
The meteorites represent Earth's «building blocks» and, thus, yield the original uranium isotope composition of Earth as a whole, and also the undisturbed mantle.
A crisp view of Earth as seen from space pops up, and you start flying around.
The mission has assembled this collage from the shared images, using an image of Earth as the base image.
The jars are filled with seawater and stirred with a blend of chemicals designed to match the seas of Earth as they were 4 billion years ago.
UAH's Earth System Science Center (ESSC) was created to encourage interdisciplinary study of the Earth as an integrated system across traditional boundaries.
The Geophysical Laboratory was established in 1905 to investigate the processes that control the composition and structure of the Earth as it was known at the time, including developing the underlying physics and chemistry and creating the experimental tools required for the task.
This will help ensure that a message into space is more representative of Earth as a whole and may also increase the likelihood that the message is understood by potential listeners.
(See a map of the Earth as it looked towards the end of this period about 650 million years ago, when the climate was more like as it is today with mountain glaciers and polar ice.
Methods: To understand the dynamics of the jet stream, the PNNL team started with a simple configuration of the Earth as an aquaplanet covered only by ocean, using model versions that are spatially less - detailed and more - detailed.
NASA has released a stunning time - lapse video of Earth as seen in 4K quality from the International Space Station.
The girls explore how we can use the energy of the Earth as tools (and why you'll be disappointed if you expect crystals are going to change your life by themselves).
They never lived anywhere: the protagonists of this drama of marital stalemate embody a widespread social institution without ever reminding us of Earth as we know it.
However, Shinzon is dying quickly, and needs Picard's DNA, while also plotting the destruction of Earth as his first step to glory and in becoming greater than Picard.
DP Seamus McGarvey lit the sets to suggest the soft blue glow of the earth as well as direct external light from the sun as appropriate, augmented by LED lights inside.
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