Sentences with phrase «of the equation so»

Let's take Wenger out of the equation so that we can address other points that I asked you: You have still not told me how one man can ride roughshod over the owner and board of the «4th» richest club in the world without any consequences.
It would be a tad hasty to leave my readers out of the equation so here I would love to gather your thoughts and questions about what you would love to see in the car.
Abrams understands how to deliver both sides of that equation so that each compliments the other, rather than getting in each other's way.
The worksheet is quite scaffolded and I took some artistic (mathematician's) license to adjust the coefficients of the equation so that it was more appropriate for secondary school pupils to work with.
While the world of eReading is a rapidly changing one, ultimately our goal is to make it easy for you to get your questions answered quickly and to take technology out of the equation so you can focus on your reading enjoyment.»
In this way, we've taken maturity out of the equation so we can focus only on credit quality.
I am a fan of Tomas Milanovich and he has made some comments on your paper both during the original peer review stage and now, and I believe that his point that your system of equations should have been extended so as to ensure that most of the relevant variables have been specified and for a sufficient number of equations so that each variable may be solved mathematically.

Not exact matches

Which is why fast coffee makers that take the hassle out of the equation are so popular.
Mo Gawdat, author of «Solve for Happy,» shares his happiness equation, so you can be content at work and in life.
So for the firms that source and supply parts to stranded planes at airports around the world, the significance of the time - equals - money equation couldn't be clearer: the ones that work the fastest, win.
So you need to find the value of x in order to plug it back into the «b» equation, writes Dora Seigel of PrepScholar.
So if p is the total amount Alma paid to the cashier and x is the original price of the laptop, the equation reads as follows:
While doing so is certainly part of the equation, programming and database optimization are equally important.
This TV stand does away with the furniture part of the equation in favor of two legs that you'll screw into the holes on the back of your TV so that the TV can stand on any old table.
So, while you will do better on the rent vs. mortgage payment part of the equation — rent will go up with inflation and your mortgage payment will remain fixed — you will do worse on the investment part.
One thing often is left out of that equation, however: Networking involves interacting with others, so it's worth asking what the average person believes it takes to become great.
Fast fashion, which is clothing made and sold cheaply with a condensed supply chain so it can capture ongoing trends, used to be considered the «low» end of that equation.
This gentleman set everything up so it would more or less run on auto - pilot, which is another good idea to keep emotions out of the equation.
This may be one of the reasons why this equation shows a relatively small impact over the first year or so following an interest rate change.
If our device could be moved close to where it is needed, but still on the energy producer's side of that equation, yet just outside the meter, then the energy producers could have millions of these small devices that they own and operate, because grandma doesn't want to become her own utility company because she has a solar panel, but if the utility companies and energy providers could compete with each other to have small units that are so close to the loads, they still get the full advantage of being a supplier of energy, except with just millions of little plants, they can avoid needing transmission lines, distribution lines, substations, et cetera, that everybody is talking about being expensive, unreliable, and subject to issues.
So far, we've only shared our annual expenses on our blog but never disclosed the income side of the equation.
«Most notably, they don't incorporate actual cash flows, so they don't contemplate an actual ability to take risk — just merely a client's willingness to accept risk, which is only half of a complex equation.
Much of the acceleration was due to a monthly decline in March 2017 rolling out of the equation, so the year / year rate has returned to its level prior to that decline.
Not doing so means a zero on the qualitative side of the equation and mostly likely a zero or negative growth number.
So, the equation is as follows: vulnerability of workers + a shortage of jobs = downward pressure on wages and quality of all jobs.
In the past year or so, our inventory of available homes for sale was dangerously lower then that equation.
What I am saying is that buyer behavior is changing so rapidly that the C - Suite must balance out the equation to attain the deep understanding of buyers that is focused on future orientation.
On top of those unknowns, the deal will not be executed for a couple of months, so in the meantime, Iran, Russia, and Saudi Arabia — along with Libya and Nigeria who are ramping up production — will be adding to today's supply glut, with US inventory draws remaining insufficient to rebalance the equation.
Investment return is not a part of the equation for determining negative net cash flow, so increasing or decreasing investment returns will not have an immediate, first - order effect on the calculation for negative net cash flow.
and this doesn't even bring in to the equation the will of the Lord to afflict us or bless us if he so chooses.
No matter how you cut it Theo, once you use the argument of «everything must have a cause» to assume into existence you god, you then have to address why it need not have a cause (and then why that logic can not simply be applied to the Universe itself so as to take your god out of the equation altogether.)
So it ends up being a matter of (Being Saved) + (Good Works) = Salvation from Hell, but does it really doesn't matter to the equation if we switch it around to (Good Works) + (Being Saved) = Salvation from Hell?
The equations of electromagnetism have a mathematical structure that is dictated by a set of so - called gauge symmetries, discovered by the mathematician and physicist Hermann Weyl almost a century ago.
Paul Dirac, one of the giants of twentieth - century physics, went so far as to say that it was more important to have «beauty in one's equations» than to have them fit the experimental data.
Sometimes lack of sleep is actually the cause of friction, so taking that out of the equation and waiting to talk when everyone's a bit more rested might actually be a better strategy for nipping the conflict in the bud.
My main point is, when you test to see if prayer works, there are ways to randomize it so bias is out of the equation (Usually double - blind tests work nicely) and then before you even begin you outline that a prayer that works means the person is healed instantly, or to make it slightly more «fair» and conform to laws of nature more, a person who has prayers heals at an abnormally high rate.
So it is that many people — and not just Communist apologists — blanch at the equation of Stalin's Russia with Hitler's Germany.
The equation E = mcc was an offchute of the greater theory of relativity... the equation itself only defines energy for easier study, to define it so we have a starting place.
So if there is no substitute for repentance as a part of the equation from being cleansed, then why is it a surprise that unrepentance can bring you to a consequence of not having the salvation that was given to you?
While this classic model of addiction may like the therapeutic sensibility underlying it, be of limited value, it has significantly nuanced, if not displaced, the fat - sin equation so often debunked by critics of evangelical diet literature.
So you take out one part of the equation: conviction.
He merely inverts the ID equation and confesses his own personal incredulity at the idea that nature — containing so much that is inefficient, ungainly, brutal, wasteful, abortive, and ill - formed — could be the product of a designing intelligence.
Later in chapter five, statements about variables and numbers, such as algebraic equations, are called algebraic forms, which Whitehead does not define because «the conception of form is so general that it is difficult to characterize it in abstract terms» (TM 45).
«When the physical model of wave - motion in a material medium had to be abandoned in physics», writes Mary Hesse, «it left its traces in the kind of mathematics which was used, for this was still a mathematical language derived from the wave equations of fluid motion, and so, for the mathematician, it carried some of the imaginative associations of the original physical picture.»
«The persistence of sexual modesty challenges and ultimately refutes the equation of the libertine with the erotic, because those who are returning to virtue are doing so for precisely sensual reasons.»
Robert Yet, if someone who went to church with you for decades was caught being a serial killer with 35 bodies buried in his backyard you'd probably claim that his actions prove that he wasn't really a Christian all along, so why pretend that behavior isn't part of the equation?
and we don't start to calculate this equation because seven in the Bible is the number of completion, perfection, so, until Gods purposes are fully carried out, He never gives up on us.
And there is something pernicious about the facile equation of poverty with victimization; doing so condescendingly and harmfully excuses the poor from complying with the moral and practical imperatives that govern the lives of everyone else.
So my gripe is not with dualism per se, but with the simple equation of Gnosticism and dualism.
But in America, there is so much arrogance both sides of the equation that printing an article like this is nothing more than an attempt to get controversy brewing.
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