Sentences with phrase «of the general election campaign»

His appearance as a witness in the trial would likely come in the middle of the general election campaign.
The party's national executive committee meets today and is expected to vote down moves to change the leadership rules and discuss a review of the general election campaign.
This works well as a preview of the general election campaign for both sides.
This is his best opportunity of the general election campaign to change his image.
Like the rest of the country, the result of the general election campaign is finely balanced.
It tells part of the story about the most extraordinary feature of the general election campaign: the impact on voters of the first TV debate by the three party leaders.
Last year I said our union would try to make school funding the centre of the general election campaign.
Well, we are in the middle of a general election campaign that no one predicted.
AG Eric Schneiderman is getting a boost in the final weeks of the general election campaign from New York's junior US senator, Kirsten Gillibrand, who says a win by the Republicans next month would be «simply unacceptable.»
The state Conservative party just released its first TV ad of the general election campaign that urges New Yorkers to vote Row D in the governor's race if they want to «send Albany a message» about being «fed up with the political games.»
Labour has cancelled the launch of its general election campaign as the human tragedy in the Indian Ocean takes precedence over domestic affairs.
At least 10 mailers from the campaigns (a sampling of which is below) have been sent to the district since the start of the general election campaign between incumbent Democrat Cecilia Tkaczyk and her Republican challenger George Amedore.
If Meg Whitman wants to go on Sean Hannity's show the first day of her general election campaign, let her do it.
«We are publishing our manifesto ahead of the General Election campaign because it sets out key recommendations that will enable candidates to achieve a better understanding of the countryside and enable those elected to effect real change.»
Liam Fox has urged the Conservative party not make David Cameron the focus of its general election campaign because «people come and people go».
The broadcasters ITV, Sky, and the BBC will each hold one of three TV debates over the course of the general election campaign.
The spot, which is Schneiderman's second of the general election campaign, is entitled «Verdict.»
Even by the standards of general election campaigns, the Conservatives continue to act in a highly disreputable manner.
To: Carly Fiorina CC: Political Reporters, Interested Parties From: Tenoch Flores, Communications Director RE: Day 1 of your general election campaign Date: June 10, 2010
The hoards of exhausted and overworked party officials are the real winners of any general election campaign.
Our current Prime Minister could hardly have been clearer on the final Sunday of the General Election campaign, speaking to Andrew Marr to make his final week pitch to the British public.
Both Cameron and Gordon Brown have gone out of their way to blow kisses at Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg, leading some commentators to say he won the opening skirmishes of the general election campaign despite not having said a word.
«I think he's going to be a very toxic influence on the type of general election campaign we're going to have and I think Cameron should sack him,» Abbott said.
And an endless cycle of general election campaigns would be just what the Labour Party's treasurer would be seeking right now...
The candidates for Nassau County executive wasted no time Wednesday trying to gain the upper hand on what could become the central issue of the general election campaign: fighting public corruption.
We've been reporting on candidate selections over the last few months, and now 40 are in place there is an opportunity to give an overview of the PPCs who will be fighting in some of the key battlegrounds of the general election campaign.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo has issued what I believe is his first endorsement of this general election campaign, announcing his support for Anna Throne - Holst, who is challenging Republican Rep. Lee Zeldin in the 1st Congressional District on Long Island.
The leaders of the two main opposition parties are set to launch the key themes of their general election campaigns on Monday.
«The YouGov poll, the level pegging poll, I'm going to sue them for my ulcers» — David Cameron on the stresses of the general election campaign.
Here's a graph of the the two parties» positions since the beginnning of the general election campaign:
After almost a month of general election campaigning, Theresa May has come face - to - face with her first angry voter.
With the last few days newspapers having been an orgy of Cameronia, it is rather unsurprisingly a good poll for the Tories — for the first time since the beginning of the general election campaign it shows the parties neck and neck: CON 36 % (+1), LAB 36 % -LRB--1), LD 18 % -LRB--2).
They're the voters that really decide the outcome of General Election campaigns and the ones that politicians must prioritise in their campaigning.
Bigot-gate Gordon Brown's description of Rochdale pensioner, Gillian Duffy, as «that bigoted woman» was the undoubted numero uno gaffe of the general election campaign.
Kamara's selection as the ruling party candidate shocked many but the party had succeeded in putting its house in order with previous presidential aspirants now in charge of the general election campaign.
Former Scottish Secretary Lord Forsyth of Drumlean has today given a stark assessment of the state of the Scottish Conservative Party in the wake of a general election campaign which saw the party fail to gain any of its targets seats.
«Gordon Brown drafted a speech on the eve of the general election campaign setting out plans to stand down within a year of the poll, but was persuaded by senior ministers not to go ahead.
Housing associations have campaigned, and succeeded, in putting housing at the heart of a general election campaign for the first time.
Downing Street has decided that government in the final months of a five - year fixed - term parliament is an extension of the general election campaign.
Since the election, it has been reported that Ashcroft would be writing a damning assessment of the general election campaign, in which he co-funded and managed a campaign for marginal seats.
This appointment means the shadow chancellor will have virtually no say in the strategy or detail of the general election campaign, and most importantly, will be unable to help his wife secure the type of campaign profile needed, in the coming months, to publicly cement her position as the next leader.
The Conservatives have raised more than # 1.6 m during the second week of the general election campaign, more than doubling the combined donations to all the other political parties over the same period, figures show.
In his first television ad of the general election campaign, Republican congressional candidate Lee Zeldin is critical of the Common Core education standards.
ConservativeHome's own review of the General Election campaign (PDF here) also concluded that the party was damaged by (1) the agreement to debates and (2) the way the big society message eclipsed a retail message.
The main political parties clashed over tax and spending plans ahead of tomorrow's expected launch of the general election campaign.
The Conservatives had won 69 % of their new 2017 voters by the start of the general election campaign.
«I have already observed that the «sleaze from Belize» is a toxic issue... it should have been sorted out years ago rather than in the middle of a general election campaign
«I've campaigned for a better, more open, more transparent, new politics, every single day of this general election campaign.
But the news that Brown has U-turned on plans to scrap non-means tested tax relief on childcare following a small but significant backbench rebellion indicates he is loathe to upset the middle classes too much ahead of a general election campaign.
«I've been very much encouraged by the way in which the Liberals have taken on board very many of the things that we have been saying during the course of the general election campaign.
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