Sentences with phrase «of the human body from»

She tackles the big questions surrounding: identity in a time of mass, overpowering consumerism; privacy in an era of surveillance; the interfacing of humans and machines; the relationship between real and virtual worlds; and new bio-ethics surrounding practices such as growing parts of the human body from DNA samples.
Iwasaki explains: «I made several works of the human body from wood before my current Torso works.
She tackles the big questions surrounding: identity in a time of consumerism; privacy in a era of surveillance; the interfacing of humans and machines; the relationship between real and virtual worlds; and growing parts of the human body from DNA samples.
Lassnig's self - portraits are familiar having been fortunate to see last year's exhibition at Tate Liverpool (2016), in which her reflective Baconian paintings address the ageing process, the passing of time and the fragility of the human body from a feminist perspective.
2000 Encounters: New Art from Old, National Gallery, London, UK Spectacular Bodies: The Art and Science of the Human Body from Leonardo to Now, Hayward Gallery, London, UK
Diabetes is looked upon as a medical condition that can damage any and all internal organ of the human body from the teeth in your mouth to your precious eyes and quality of vision.
Diabetes is looked upon as a high risk medical condition that can damage any and all internal organ of the human body from the teeth in your mouth to your precious eyes and quality of vision.

Not exact matches

The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation announced yesterday that it was presenting its prestigious 2017 Lasker - DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award to a pair of National Cancer Institute researchers, Douglas Lowy and John Schiller, who created a vaccine to prevent human papilloma virus, or HPV, from taking hold in the body.
A former health care investment analyst with a degree in biology from Yale University and current CEO of the company, Wojcicki is fascinated by the mysteries of the genome and what it can reveal about the human body.
Already, Qualcomm (QCOM) and Intel (INTC) have introduced new biometic security technology that would use readings from the human body — such as a fingerprint or a facial reading — to allow access to devices instead of traditional passwords.
Such models can recreate the complex layers of tissue in the human body to study a practically infinite number of grievous wounds from all angles, speeds, and styles of bullets (or even shrapnel from mines and improvised explosive devices).
While mindful of the negative connotations that might arise from manufacturing body parts and implanting them, cyborg style, in humans, he doubts someone on a waiting list for a new kidney and requiring daily dialysis would have such qualms.
It's early days for all parties and each one still needs to address questions like how this type of rapid acceleration might affect the human body, how to prevent passengers from getting trapped in capsules inside the system, deceleration techniques, and how to manage traffic.
For instance, Hamid speculates about a future political order, based on pure democratic assemblies: «How this assembly would coexist with other preexisting bodies of government was as yet undecided... [U] nlike those other entities for which some humans were not human enough to exercise suffrage, this new assembly would speak from the will of all the people, and in the face of that will, it was hoped, greater justice might be less easily denied.»
So whether the human body was specially created or developed, Catholics are required to hold as a matter of Catholic faith that the human SOUL is specially created; it did not evolve, and it is not inherited from our parents, as our physical bodies are.
But I want to respond to people throwing out examples such as: The human body is too complex to have formed from evolution or where did the universe come from, both must have come from god because none of you can explain it.
The concept of international human rights from which no country is exempt is consonant with the idea that Shari'a, the large body of legal tradition that informs the Muslim community about how God requires it to live, is in some sense the rule of God.
Participants in the conversation from all walks of life should seek to describe authentic human fulfillment and propose safeguards against the many opportunities for abuse, until a body of principles and a consensus about the best applications of genetic knowledge emerge.
But I would like to highlight one crucial aspect of Nat's body of work that obituary writers in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, the Associated Press, and other mainstream media outlets (though not First Things) woefully downplayed: Nat stood steadfastly — sometimes at great professional and personal cost — for the sanctity and equality of human life from conception to natural death.
This mystery of human selfhood, with its connection to but also its freedom from the body, is the best evidence I know for the presence of transcendence in our world.
For instance, the steady destruction of our natural forests, pasture lands and inland coastal water bodies has not only meant increased economic poverty for millions of tribals, nomads and traditional fisherfolk, but also a slow cultural and social death: a dismal change from rugged self - sufficient human beings to abjectly dependent landless laborers and squalor - stricken urban migrants.
In contrast the pamphlet proposes that far from diminishing the relevance of the human body, matter - energy has its fullest meaning and highest dignity in its relation to the soul.
A moment of human experience is largely constituted by its inclusion of elements of previous experience, elements derived from the body, and elements derived from the larger world.
Yet in creating human beings with bodies formed from the unfolding of matter in cosmic development, God the Son committed himself from all eternity to become Man according to the Father's will.
The human body comes about from the seed and egg of parents in common with other animals, but the soul is created immediately by God's loving command and wise, eternal will.
The notion of women's autonomy» including absolute control over our own bodies» leaves us with an unrealistic sense of human power and an exaggerated sense of independence from the consequences of our attitudes and actions.
And now in the heart of the whirling cloud a light was growing, a light in which there was the tenderness and the mobility of a human glance; and from it there spread a warmth which was not now like the harsh heat radiating from a furnace but like the opulent warmth which emanates from a human body.
If this is the case, it follows that there can be no soul apart from a body, and that in particular the death of a human being involves the disintegration of the whole organism, including its organizing principle, the soul.
For the saving love of God to be present to human beings it would have to be so in a way different from how it is present to other aspects of the body of the world — in a way in keeping with the peculiar kind of creatures we are, namely, creatures with a special kind of freedom, able to participate self - consciously (as well as be influenced unconsciously) in an evolutionary process.
By the deliberate choice of evil, the first generation of human beings did not just lose «preternatural gifts», they tore themselves away from their true source of control and direction, damaging their own integration and ontological harmony as creatures of body and soul.
Alfred North Whitehead brilliantly defines the human body as the primary field of human expression.14 So every bodily action becomes symbolically the incarnation of a human attitude in the whole gamut from ecstatic fulfilment to boredom and despair.
Indeed, the classical Aristotelian nature and the Christian idea of the human being as body and soul united as an indivisible and integrated whole are excluded from the outset.
De Santiago considers the meaning of shame as a reaction that protects us from lust, so that our respect for the human person is enhanced and we can value the nuptial meaning of the body.
When a women eliminates a clump of living, human cells from a part of her body she is doing it because those cells are a part of her body that she doesn't want.
Man's body is formed from the dust of the earth, but the soul is created by an individual act of God, at which moment the new human person comes into being.
The Wrestler and Black Swan both explored embodiment, and painfully, graphically exposed what happens when we objectify and abstract bodies (male and female) from their connection to the rest of the human.
Some feel it reflects a negative valuation of human sexuality based on the dualism of Hellenistic thought, which saw salvation as a freeing of the soul from the body, rather than the biblical tradition which affirms the goodness of the whole creation.
Thereby the living power of the transcendent and omnipotent Judge is transposed in human experience into the dead body of Satan, as Milton's passage through the death of selfhood unveils the ground of an isolated selfhood as that chasm separating the creature from the Creator, thus making possible the reversal or dissolution of natural virtue and self - righteousness in the immediate and present actualization of the self - annihilation of God.
Also human beings are made in the image and likeness of God, we can know and love, through the power of our spiritual soul - we are very different from animals, not in our physical bodies but in our souls.
Yet, if his body was raised physically from the grave and did not see corruption, or if his body was transformed after death into something different, in such a way that in itself it was annihilated, then he did not experience the whole of our human destiny.
If we disconnect the experience of sexual pleasure from the moment of giving ourselves for another, to another in love, we fundamentally distort the meaning of the human body in its sexual dimension.
Finally, as Blake envisioned, it is the human body of Christ who negated the God who is present in the memory of the past, and only when the Christian has wholly been delivered from remembrance and recollection will he be open to the Word that is fully incarnate in the present.
Lets see; worship a naked jew nailed to a piece of wood — human sacrifice — ,... eat the body and drink the blood - cannibalism — ... and hang gruesome parts of peoples bodies from jars for hundreds of years.
Ted, our ancestors in Britain were at first barbarians, some of them cannibals whose relish for certain choice portions of human bodies, like well - cooked male buttocks and female breasts, is in the historic record, and it was Christian missionaries who saved our forebears from their savagery.
What I gleaned from these pages, in part, is that for Kierkegaard the roots of the comic lie in the inherent contradictoriness of human nature: soul and body, freedom and necessity, the angelic and the bestial, eternity and temporality, and so on.
All sexually reproducing organisms have pairs of chromosomes in all body cells (humans have 23 chromosome pairs), one chromosome of each pair inherited from the father and one from the mother.
The molecules comprising the human body exist within a deterministic framework, for «the future state of the molecule could be calculated from a knowledge of its past and present history within the system» (PW 233/258).
@child: in that situation it's called adrenaline: wonder drug from your adrenal gland that permits amazing feats during times of «fight or flight» mothers have been known to flip cars when their children were trapped under them due to the surge of body strength adrenaline gives the human body.
They are equal in being human, mortal, possessed of body and mind — but from these elemental equalities no significant direction for conduct follows.
The research adds to a growing body of evidence that runs counter to the popular perception that there was a linear evolution from early primates to modern humans.
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