Sentences with phrase «of the immigration debate»

Because most media often portrays one side of the immigration debate I want to work to promote immigration discussions in a holistic manner.
In the border town of Brownsville, Texas, the high school game is on the front lines of the immigration debate.
We look into this concerning example of deteriorating legal standards in the shadow of the immigration debate.
When Syracuse Mayor Stephanie Miner sent a letter to President Obama offering to host undocumented Latin American children at a former convent, a spirited version of the immigration debate erupted in the area.
«If Labour's hopefuls are ever to make amends, it won't be by playing to imagined prejudice and falling back on the surly, inward - looking populism of the immigration debate.
The bitterness of the immigration debate has helped keep U.S. population growth off - limits in the national conversation.
Told against the backdrop of the immigration debate, Helen Thorpe's Just Like Us is an essential read for educators working with immigrant populations or with students straddling a cultural divide.
(Audio) «Roberto Gonzales, a professor at Harvard's Graduate School of Education, talks to WhoWhatWhy's Jeff Schechtman about the human face of the immigration debate — a debate which, in this election season, seems continually on the verge of stoking violence.»
It's the exact same logical fallacy as the Sun: to pretend that criticising some kinds of immigration debate is the same as criticising all kinds of immigration debate.
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