Sentences with phrase «of the immigration system»

A bipartisan group of senators has agreed on a set of principles for a sweeping overhaul of the immigration system, including a pathway to American citizenship for 11 million illegal immigrants.
There are some aspects of the immigration system that do require immediate action and I am in favor of repairing the broken infrastructure.
The government are proceeding with wide - ranging reform of the immigration system supported by very strong public opinion.
For many countries, the decision to allow visa free travel is based on the likelihood of abuse of the immigration system.
A third of students interviewed said the complexity of the immigration system had impacted negatively on their experiences here.
Due to his experience and knowledge of the immigration system, he has helped many clients facing difficult immigration challenges.
USCIS secures America's promise as a nation of immigrants by providing accurate and useful information to our customers, granting immigration and citizenship benefits, promoting an awareness and understanding of citizenship, and ensuring the integrity of our immigration system.
McConnell said that there have been conversations happening between both parties to satisfy questions of «border security, interior enforcement and reforming broken parts of our immigration system
We trap them in the bureaucratic horror of our immigration system.
By fasting, we hope to follow the examples of Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi to touch the compassion and sensibilities of our elected leaders to address the moral crisis of an immigration system that fails to comport with our national values, our creeds and belief in justice.
Liam was made Minister of State for Police and Counter-Terrorism in May 2006 before the Home Secretary asked him to lead the re-organisation of the immigration system and the Home Office.
«Parliament will soon consider a fundamental reshaping of the immigration system.
Or perhaps they tolerate it because the Kafkaesque horror story of our immigration system acts as a deterrent towards those who wish to live here.
What kind of immigration system will we have for EU citizens?
«The executive order signed today by President Trump will make America safer, and address long - overdue concerns about the security of our immigration system.
This consultation marks the next phase of the government's overhaul of the immigration system which seeks to end the days of mass immigration which have had such a profound impact on our communities and public services.
He warned of the extra pressure this could put on housing and public services, adding: «This is just the latest in a long line of examples showing how the government patently does not have control of the immigration system.
«Ravi and other immigrant rights leaders have been viciously targeted by ICE for speaking out against the injustices of our immigration system.
A young man having escaped a dangerous past, has to deal with the harsh reality of the immigration system in New York City.
It provides a general overview of a variety of immigration systems, and addresses issues such as eligibility criteria for the admission of guest workers and their families, guest workers» recruitment and sponsorship, and visa requirements.
The design of the immigration system was enforcement oriented, focusing on deporting status violators.
Immigration Information Sharing: Secretary Napolitano announced that the United States will join a biometric data sharing initiative involving Canada, Australia, the United Kingdom and, eventually, New Zealand — an initiative designed to strengthen the integrity of immigration systems and the security of each country while protecting privacy and civil rights.
A Home Office spokesman said: «Detention is an important part of our immigration system, helping to ensure that those with no right to remain in the UK are returned to their home country if they will not leave voluntarily.
We are pleased to share with everyone our reform proposals for Canada's inland refugee determination system and other aspects of the immigration system, which we recently submitted to the Ministers, their staff, IRCC, and the Immigration and Refugee Board.
Since his push to enact a ban on assault weapons and wider background checks for gun owners collapsed on Capitol Hill in 2013, gun control has slipped down the list of White House priorities, below a legacy - building Iran deal, an opening with Cuba and reform of the immigration system.
«The government continues to tackle abuse of our immigration system and protect the reputation of our world class education institutions.
The government has published its proposals for employing skilled and temporary migrant workers in the latest phase of its overhaul of the immigration system.
One Labour MP told PoliticsHome the admission was «shocking but unsurprising» and demanded «root and branch reform» of the immigration system.
«Sir Andrew himself now appears to know more about the workings (and failings) of the immigration system than most civil servants in the Home Office.
The LMO is an integral part of our immigration system, but will continue to see reforms to ensure employers are first looking locally to hire Canadians before going abroad.
Reform Proposals for Canada's Inland Refugee Determination System and Other Aspects of the Immigration System
«Our government listened and acted with regard to Canadian taxpayers» concerns on this issue, and we remain committed in our effort to preserve the integrity of our immigration system
This reminder is consistent with our commitment to world - class customer service and enhancing the integrity of our immigration system
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