Sentences with phrase «of the leadership election»

The main trade unions have been signing up supporters ahead of the leadership election.
It was all a bit suspended animation because of the leadership election for six months.
With the end of the leadership election, the formal involvement in the shadow cabinet election of four of our would - be leaders begins.
In 1998, the system of leadership elections was altered to the present form, where MPs choose a shortlist of two candidates, who are then presented to the mass membership to choose.
With the tight result of the leadership election between Clegg and Huhne I have no doubt that Chris Huhne still regards his leadership ambitions as very much «in play».
Yussuf was believed to be a close associate of Governor Rauf Aregbesola of the state before the two fell out after the outcome of the leadership election at the lower chamber of the National Assembly.
Thatcher resigned having won, but not won outright by the rules, in the first round of a leadership election in 1990.
[86] On 18 May 2010 Labour's National Executive Committee announced the details of the leadership election.
In 1998, as part of a wider review of the leadership election rules, it was agreed that the requirement for a suitably - nominated MP to issue a challenge to the leader should be abadoned.
Surveys of party members are quite rare, most of the time they only happen in the middle of a leadership election when there is no incumbent leader whose ratings we can compare.
On the morning of the 9th June the prospect of the leadership election did not fill me with any excitement.
People's QE was a prominent part of the leadership election campaign for British Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn.
In a short speech, he confirmed he was standing down and said he would recommend Suzanne Evans to be acting leader ahead of a leadership election in the autumn.
Even if not adopted nationally, it would be a powerful answer to the criticism that our internal structures are undemocratic and to resentment over the lack of a leadership election when Brown took over.
Tomorrow Labour will announce the winner of their leadership election, and our last poll showed David and Ed Miliband neck and neck amongst the electoral college.
When asked if Henry Bolton will be the next to leave, Arnott said: «He finds himself in a very difficult position to be honest, I think he genuinely does believe that if he does resign the party can't survive the stresses and strains of another leadership election... but at the same time the national executive committee has just voted for a motion of no confidence in him so it's very difficult for him to continue under those circumstances.»
The piece notes the possibility of a leadership election, but what other things could I do in practice and within the law, were I able to find enough like - minded people to join me in that effort?
«None of us knows where we're going to be in the future, but we've got to pull together now and not have navel - gazing and talk of leadership elections.
In a comment piece for Labour MP Simon Danczuk says Ed Miliband left the party with an «absolute mess of a leadership election» and calls for it to be paused to allow the party to identify why new members are joining or becoming supporters.
If Labour can turn its fiasco of a leadership election into a voter registration drive, it can push back against a rigged system.
As an ageing so - called Bennite I joined the Party at the time of the leadership election but not, as it happens, to vote for our Jezza.
«If the Telegraph wishes to be taken seriously in its coverage of the leadership election it should consider whether this is the right way to go about it.»
I dare say these had an impact on how Conservative MPs voted in the first ballot of the leadership election.
In this case, he would be safe in the knowledge that the Conservatives, presumably in the midst of a leadership election or with a new and potentially more right - wing leader, would be unable to muster a rainbow coalition.
Labour are down sharply, the Liberal Democrats are up, benefiting either from the publicity of their leadership election or through Labour's misfortune, the Conservative vote is down very slightly — the same as we saw with BPIX, rather than the sharp drop we saw with ICM.
The Liberal Democrats will announce the result of their leadership election on Thursday, with the winner facing the onerous task of rebuilding a party punished hard by voters for its five - year partnership in government with the Tories.
Didn't MP almost endorse DD in one of his many endorsements of the leadership election?
Speculation of a leadership election arose following the party's poor showing in the 2017 general election that the Leader of the Conservative Party and Prime Minister, Theresa May, had called.
In January 1964, and in the absence of any other information, Macleod now editor of The Spectator, used the pretext of a review of a book by Randolph Churchill to publicise his own different and very detailed version of the leadership election.
Mr Brown felt the debate «would inevitably be seen through the prism of the leadership election so it's difficult to debate policy,» Mr Clarke said.
«The idea of a leadership election suddenly now would be a catastrophe,» former Tory leader Iain Duncan Smith has told the BBC.
[45] Jackie Baillie took over as acting leader until the conclusion of the leadership election.
«We should take the opportunity of this leadership election to ask who has the ideas, the passion and the energy to meet this moment with the change we need.
He could rescind rash promises made in the heat of his leadership election, but plainly has no wish to.
I agree completely that the chances of this leadership election result being at all challenged in any way shape or form by anyone within the Labour Party are rather remote to say the very least.
After initially coming out to defend Corbyn, it looks like the big three — Unite, GMB and Unison — will shortly back the prospect of a leadership election while maintaining their support for Corbyn.
Top union leaders have rallied behind Mr Corbyn, pointing at his «resounding mandate,» but have said they will respect the outcome of a leadership election.
On Liberal Democrat Voice, the party faithful's website, some 54 % want him to stay — uncannily the same as Margaret Thatcher's vote in the first round of the leadership election that ousted her.
How Labour, the Liberal Democrats and the nationalists (who, in Wales, have run joint campaigns with the Greens before) react will be the test of the importance of this leadership election.
In the middle of a leadership election and in the first weeks of what could be a five - year fixed term parliament, it may seem too early to be talking about parliamentary selections.
Nice to see Ms Abbott engaging with the party members — this kind of thing needs to be an important part of the leadership election, so the members feel part of the movement and that their vote is important.
Tomorrow Labour will announce the winner of their leadership election, and our last poll showed David and Ed Miliband neck and neck amongst the... (Comments: 0)
Mr Bowyer reveals there are elements on the right of the party who, self evidently, would sooner Labour imploded rather than support a left of the party leader by taking the decision to abide by the result of the leadership election and attempt to nurture the enthusiasm of the influx of support.
Farage's comments serve as a rallying cry toUkip ahead of its leadership election, which has seen the party riven by internal divisions.
On 26 October, following a meeting of the party's executive committee, he outlined the details of a leadership election, which would be held using the three - tier electoral college, and conclude with the announcement of a new leader on 13 December.
Now Sir Menzies will need to move the party on from the crisis suffered as a result of the leadership election and focus instead on the positives that can produce such sensational results as the Dunfermline by - election.
For the result may undermine my first rule of leadership elections - that the winner is usually the youngest candidate.
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