Sentences with phrase «of the litter box»

Because urination is painful, your cat may start to associate the litter box with pain and eliminate outside of the litter box in search of relief.
Many older cats have trouble or experience pain when attempting to get in or out of a litter box with high sides.
The type of litter box used may also discourage your cat from using it.
There should be the same number of litter boxes as there are cats in a household.
Changing the location of the litter box Not rated yet I have three cats (2 males and 1 female) who are all neutered.
Few cats are going to want to adopt the use of a litter box if they don't have privacy.
Try lining the bottom of the litter box with some baking soda before putting in new litter.
It meant keeping the dogs out of the litter box in search of «snacks».
Your veterinarian should be your first stop whenever there is any kind of litter box problem.
Frequent cleaning of the litter box with gloves can help decrease the chance of getting infected.
Taking care of litter boxes for multiple cats isn't that different from managing a single cat's litter box.
One side of this litter box is a traditional square shape, while the other side is circular.
The size of the litter box makes a difference, and could be a leading factor in why your cat is refusing to use it.
Try filling a couple of litter boxes with different types of litter and observe what your cat chooses.
You lose this daily health check when your cat uses a toilet instead of a litter box.
It tracks slightly, so slip a mat in front of the litter box.
One possible cause of the litter box problems is from having to use a different litter box filler after surgery.
Many of these will keep most dogs out of the litter box as well.
Your pet may have difficulty walking up and down stairs, climbing over the edge of the litter box or jumping into the car.
I did some research on the types of litter boxes available in the market.
Continue feeding her, playing with her, and taking care of her litter box at the same times.
As mentioned above, stress can be a big factor and common cause of litter box avoidance.
There are various types of litter boxes on the market.
We carry a large selection of litter boxes for single and multiple cat households.
The next time you're in a pet store, take a look around — you'll be amazed at the variety of litter box choices you have available.
Your cat simply doesn't like the style of litter box you have chosen — try something that offers more privacy or a larger litter box.
With all the choices of litter boxes available to pick from, there will be at least one which should suit your cat well.
In the case of litter box issues or if there's any tension between cats then the rule changes to having one more box than you have cats.
It's common for cats to begin eliminating outside of their litter box when they have a medical problem.
In the overview, we cover some of the major physical and behavioral causes of litter box avoidance.
The walls of the litter box are a bit high to ensure that litter stays inside the box.
This way, a cat won't decide to go to the bathroom outside of a litter box if it sees a box is already occupied.
Speaking of litter boxes, many hamsters will use a litter box in the corner of their cage, and special tiny litter boxes just for hamsters are available.
On the placement of its litter box, it is best to place it in a low - traffic area where it's quieter than the rest of your home.
There are a number of litter box furniture options, many of which are quite attractive and innovative.
Even if the memory of the punishment has faded they may still associate the sights and smells of the litter box with an uneasy feeling.
This will occasionally happen and it's part of the litter box usage of indoor cats.
The design of this litter box also works to prevent litter being kicked out onto the floor as well as minimize odor.
As you can see, features of litter boxes vary widely and are often targeted towards certain problems that cat owners and their pets might face.
This is also why so many of the litter boxes on the market today do not appeal to cats.
Provide plenty of litter boxes in easy - to - access sites.
Some cats will never get used to this type of litter box while others will take to it with no problem.
For bird and cat cases, it is helpful if you bring photos of the litter box area, or cage.
How about getting an old sink and put it on top of the litter box to sort of move Kit Cat over to there!
This particular model of litter box does not come with the privacy hood that is included with the «ultra» version.
We have listed several situations that you may find that this type of litter box works really well.
Another important aspect of litter box appeal has to do with something that isn't even on the radar screens of most cat parents... safety.
If you don't want to clean up litter outside of the litter box again this is your solution!
In a perfect world, each litter box is in a separate place, because to a cat, a row of litter boxes just equals one giant litter box.

Phrases with «of the litter box»

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