Sentences with phrase «of the mechanisms involved»

What that research lacked then was a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms involved that would enable even more precise control over these structures.
It is a fact because there is no actual scientific doubt that it happens, the theory is the best scientific explanation of the mechanism involved.
Close examination of the mechanisms involved revealed that treatment decreased the activity of various pathways involved in pain.
Also, the 32 - year period studied in the project provides a good indication of the mechanism involved, yet is too short for definite conclusions.
And researchers are unsure of the mechanisms involved and do not know if their preliminary results would transfer to humans in real - life scenarios.
Lowering our risk in these two areas is very likely to be one of the mechanisms involved with the diabetes - preventing benefits of green peas.
«Regardless of the mechanisms involved, the clinical implications are of critical importance since patients at cardiovascular risk presenting with one or more metabolic syndrome characteristics are at even greater risk if they have steatosis,» noted Dr. Pais.
«Our study revealed that one of these mechanisms involves metabolic stress - induced structural changes within liver cells that compromise their function.»
«Continued study of the mechanisms involved in the development of alcohol - induced cardiac birth defects is warranted in order to implement effective treatments and / or prevention strategies.»
He was working with no real idea of the mechanisms involved — although Mendel was working diligently, genes were still a long way from being understood.
Beyond the well - known role of astrocytes in the control of brain homeostasis, the disruption of mechanisms involved in astrocyte - neuron signalling may result in the appearance of some brain diseases.
Some diseases such as gout, or ketoacidosis of diabetes, are marked by a decrease in blood pH, but generally the blood maintains its delicate pH through a number of mechanisms involving a complex array of regulatory systems involving the liver, lungs, kidneys, thyroid, muscle, bone, etc. etc..
I've tried plenty of games (Kairosoft games I do have a soft spot for), but in the end I don't enjoy most of the mechanisms involved to keep them free and the games that have a full price don't translate well to phone only controls.
Poor parenting appears to be part of the mechanism involved (Deater - Deckard 1998).
Rony Paz, PhD, director of the Lab for Neural Mechanisms of Learning at the Weizmann Institute of Science, added, «The goal for the alliance is to demonstrate how collaboration can accelerate understanding of the mechanisms involved in brain disorders and translate that learning into care advances for patients and their families.»
«A better understanding of the mechanisms involved in axon guidance will offer new possibilities for developing techniques to treat lesions resulting from spinal cord injuries, and possibly even neurodegenerative diseases.»
The prevention of dilated cardiomyopathy in a mouse model by feeding a high - fat diet signals an advance in the understanding of the mechanisms involved in heart disease and has implications for the future development of treatments for this condition.
The investigators report that excess female weight «impairs human reproduction» and that «the reduction of uterine receptivity is one of the mechanisms involved
The brainchild of Professor Manabu Abe of Hiroshima Universities Department of Chemistry, it aims to open up the mysterious world of neurotransmission — increasing our understanding of the mechanisms involved and potentially leading to treatments for memory loss conditions.
«This clearly demands a deeper understanding of the mechanisms involved
The discovery of this substance is expected to contribute not only to an understanding of the mechanism involved in superconductivity with broken spatial inversion symmetry but also to the development of new superconducting materials that can be used in a magnetic field.
By performing comparative studies in complementary models (C. elegans and human muscle biopsies), we expect that our results will contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms involved in human MDs and that the mechanisms and suppressors, which we will discover, will be instrumental towards the development of efficient palliative treatments for human MDs.
Great Expectations: International Collaboration Holds Great Promise for the Future of Psychiatric Care In an unprecedented move, McLean Hospital and Israel's Weizmann Institute of Science have launched an alliance with the goal of demonstrating how collaboration can accelerate understanding of the mechanisms involved in brain disorders, and translating that learning into care advances for patients and their families.
This highly plastic level of regulation offers many trails for our understanding of the mechanisms involved in development and strong levers to intervene in pathological situations.
New findings suggest dreaming is not confined to REM sleep, challenging our understanding of the mechanisms involved.
The work, done in collaboration with the Space Science Center at the University of New Hampshire, marks the first laboratory confirmation of the disparity and deepens understanding of the mechanisms involved.
Testing for mediation effects of both relationship satisfaction and child - rearing conflicts between the early child - rearing years and the adolescent offspring years can potentially increase our understanding of the mechanisms involved in parental dissolutions throughout the child - rearing years.
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