Sentences with phrase «of the modern human condition»

As George Weigel notes: «To those who object that the essence of the modern human condition is its plurality, John Paul says — you are right, and that is precisely why wehave to think more seriously about the possibility of moral truths and their relationship to living in freedom.»
Would you describe your paintings as a reflection of the modern human condition?

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The modern project of controlling nature is founded on the belief that technological innovation improves the human condition and should be encouraged rather than controlled.
What could be more comforting to modern consciousness than to discover that «ultimate concern» and «sin» are essential and unavoidable characteristics of the human condition?
Building on but moving beyond psychological understandings of guilt, and excavating the reality of wrong «being that underlies our wrong» doing, Pieper brings the wisdom tradition of Plato, Augustine, and Aquinas into conversation with moderns, both Christian and anti-Christian, who try to make sense of sin and evil in the human condition.
Fundamentalism rejects the human freedoms which have opened up in the aftermath of the western Enlightenment, and is committed to combat secular humanism and all other aspects of the modern world which it regards as injurious to the spiritual condition of humankind.
One of its key tenets is that the modern era reveals something new about the human condition that requires the Church and doctrine to change in fundamental ways.
Of all the views of man and his purpose that were expressed in the ancient world, that of ancient Israel most nearly conforms to the modern knowledge of the human conditioOf all the views of man and his purpose that were expressed in the ancient world, that of ancient Israel most nearly conforms to the modern knowledge of the human conditioof man and his purpose that were expressed in the ancient world, that of ancient Israel most nearly conforms to the modern knowledge of the human conditioof ancient Israel most nearly conforms to the modern knowledge of the human conditioof the human condition.
The Thriving Society: On the Social Conditions of Human Flourishingedited by james r. stoner jr. and harold jamesthe witherspoon institute, 230 pages, $ 25 W hat conditions are required for a modern society Conditions of Human Flourishingedited by james r. stoner jr. and harold jamesthe witherspoon institute, 230 pages, $ 25 W hat conditions are required for a modern society conditions are required for a modern society to thrive?
A modern, secular version of this view can be found in certain tragic views of life which assume that evil and suffering is part of the human condition to which there is no ultimate solution.
Above all, though, Paul VI's concern and care for the family is expressed at length in the Council's Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et Spes, which notes that «the well - being of the individual person and of human and Christian society is intimately linked with the healthy condition of that community produced by marriage and family».
Cage, and a number of others, represent an extensive revolt against modern, self - expressive art whose function is supposed to be that of uncovering or portraying the human condition.
In this age of rapid change, and with our modern understanding of the human condition, we can see how much alters in a person's lifetime; we must remain open to what may come, and free to respond to new circumstances.
The techniques have been viewed by many as invaluable in the development of modern science and the understanding of the human condition.
Of the thousands of ancestral variants reintroduced into modern humans, only 41 have been linked in genetic studies to diseases, such as skin conditions and neurological and psychiatric disorders, he saiOf the thousands of ancestral variants reintroduced into modern humans, only 41 have been linked in genetic studies to diseases, such as skin conditions and neurological and psychiatric disorders, he saiof ancestral variants reintroduced into modern humans, only 41 have been linked in genetic studies to diseases, such as skin conditions and neurological and psychiatric disorders, he said.
By analyzing microwear traces on the fossilized molars of Neandertals and Upper Paleolithic modern humans, the researchers were able to draw conclusions about diet type and establish a relationship with prevalent climactic conditions.
Without modern sanitation, life would be nightmarish — human and animal waste would fester on the streets along with garbage and food scraps, producing a stench so foul that you'd want to keep your windows closed even in the sweltering heat of summer (for the moment, envision lacking the luxury of air conditioning).
«This is exciting because we now have a proven resource that could finally bring definitive answers to fundamental questions about the early movements and conditions of human populations — and new information about the importance of vitamin D for modern populations,» says McMaster anthropologist Megan Brickley, lead author of the paper and Canada Research Chair in the Bioarchaeology of Human Dishuman populations — and new information about the importance of vitamin D for modern populations,» says McMaster anthropologist Megan Brickley, lead author of the paper and Canada Research Chair in the Bioarchaeology of Human DisHuman Disease.
These unusual conditions, they write, may have directly influenced survival and day - to - day life for Neanderthals and anatomically modern humans alike, and emphasize the resilience of anatomically modern humans in the face of abrupt and adverse changes in the environment.
«Humans in this region thrived through the Toba event and the ensuing full glacial conditions, perhaps as a combined result of the uniquely rich resource base of the region and fully evolved modern human adaptation,» study authors noted.
Recent finds at Willendorf in Austria reveal that modern humans were living in cool steppe - like conditions some 43,500 years ago — and that their presence overlapped with that of Neanderthals for far longer than we thought.
These include the discovery of interbreeding between anatomically modern humans and extinct hominins; the development of an increasingly detailed description of the complex dispersal of modern humans out of Africa and their population expansion worldwide; and the characterization of many of the genetic adaptions of humans to local environmental conditions.
The rise in the prevalence of all of these conditions parallels the arrival of modern and processed foods, such as refined carbohydrate, in the human diet.
The modern human diet of plentiful «healthy whole grains» but lacking in vegetables and fruit is highly acid - charged, inducing a condition called acidosis.
Although the assumption is often made that agriculture was in every respect an improvement upon the human condition, anthropological research shows that if our Paleolithic ancestors were able to survive accidents, infection and childbirth, their longevity was similar to that of the modern human, but without many of the chronic degenerative diseases that affect us now.
The film for which the late director, perhaps the greatest of all modern artists, won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, it attracted strongly divided critical responses and has emerged as one of his most definitive works, an immensely contemplative work on suicide and the human condition that takes place, as with many of Kiarostami's works, mostly over a series of car rides.
Whether portraying modern couples sitting in a park (Gay Liberation, 1980), or a biblical family's unfolding drama (Abraham's Farewell to Ishmael, 1987), George Segal's life - size human figures express the fragility of the human condition.
Anne Uddenberg installations present the motif of the siren in a different, modern light of perfecting the human condition and nature through technology (transhumanism).
From the same period, Abstraction (1949 — 50) revealed the potent religious symbolism that permeated the artist's iconography, which spans from lust and perdition to salvation, making it a modern take on the reflections on the human condition rendered by the masters of classical painting.
In his Traps series, Lockett used the predicament of ensnared animals as a metaphor for specific modern - day crises, such as segregation and environmental destruction, as well as the more general human condition of feeling isolated or trapped by the circumstances of birth.
As for modern life, Mathew Cerletty's pellucid image of an edition of the Yellow Pages floating on swimming pool - blue water is incisive: It's a parable about obsolescence, a condition to which painting has yet to succumb and possibly never will as long as humans are around to do it.
Addressing issues of time and the human condition, Rovner will appear alongside established modern sculptural maste
With echoes of Edward Hopper and L.S. Lowry in his work, Duffin is a masterful storyteller of life and the human condition in the modern metropolitan city.
Ouadahi's depictions of the ubiquitous high - rise, the legacy of Modern Architecture's failed promise to improve the human condition, emphasize its impenetrable boundaries of steel, glass, and concrete.
These photographs highlight how television has become an integral part of modern life and the reality of its impact upon the human condition.
Lauder's collection is unified by virtue of her interest in the way that photography is closely linked to the human condition in the modern area.
The largest Bruce Nauman exhibition in Europe since 1998, this survey follows the American artist's understated yet commanding occupation of Tate Modern's Turbine Hall last year and takes as its focus the artist's ongoing investigations into the human condition.
A new study confirms that carbon pollution has ended the era of the stable climate conditions that enabled the development of modern civilization High levels of carbon pollution have caused global temperatures to rise above the slow - changing, relatively stable conditions that existed «when humans were figuring out where the climate — and rivers and sea levels — were most suited for living and farming.»
«Growing evidence demonstrates that climatic conditions can have a profound impact on the functioning of modern human societies1, 2, but effects on economic activity appear inconsistent.
This is not to say that the rule of law and the separation of powers are sufficient conditions for the protection of human freedoms, but they are absolutely necessary — conditions precedent to a modern bill of rights.
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