Sentences with phrase «of the neighborhood»

Because we draw families out of their neighborhood schools, we have forged our own close - knit community of teachers, students, families and friends.
Children about to enter kindergarten are eligible if they meet the income guidelines, regardless of the quality of their neighborhood schools.
Being a part of a neighborhood watch association shows that you are being proactive in your community.
Every time a property sells, I send out a photo of the property to fellow practitioners and residents of the neighborhood where the house sold.
Tiny homes can add much needed density without changing the overall character of the neighborhood.
Lately, many developers also have been merging two lots to build larger homes since many of the neighborhoods in the village are developed.
In fact, the majority of millennials cited the quality of the neighborhood contributed as a major factor to buying a home.
We need as a society to ensure people can overcome substance abuse, but at the same time, we must protect the quality of life and safety of our neighborhoods.
Related literature on neighborhood effects has found that labor market outcomes for adults are also significantly affected by the type of neighborhoods where people reside.
Whether that's because of the type of neighborhood in which you live, or because of your lifestyle, or just because of bad luck doesn't matter.
The essence of the work was basically built on the destruction of neighborhoods of color.
Given the focus on neighborhood, the question becomes what kind of neighborhood do people prefer most?
While the majority of people are not going to wander the streets of your neighborhood late at night in search of you, it is best to just not take that chance at all.
Limited ingredient dog foods, by design, provide specific nutrients that can turn your dog into the envy of the neighborhood with his flawless skin.
Many residents work outside of the neighborhood in lower paying jobs including childcare, housekeeping, restaurants and as health aides, the report said.
All member agents have taken a pledge to provide the residents of their neighborhoods with excellent personal service and ethical guidance and advice.
Have students learn about the history of their neighborhood by researching it.
They gain the trust of neighborhoods by starting with individual contacts.
Becoming a member of a neighborhood watch association can also pay off dividends both in your safety and with lower insurance premium rates.
Imagine the look on children's faces as they are introduced to this rolling resource in the parking lot of their neighborhood school.
You can admire the amazing view of the neighborhood from your beautiful balcony.
But there was no influx of neighborhood kids after his removal.
These gardens serve as more than that though, growing human relationships, fostering learning opportunities, and providing safe spaces in a wide variety of neighborhoods.
The ultimate reason is that the more money in claims insurers have to pay in an area, the more they will charge residents of that neighborhood for coverage.
It's known as a «city of neighborhoods» and attracts millions of visitors each year.
You can also provide potential buyers with a virtual tour of the neighborhood.
You can admire the amazing view of the neighborhood from your beautiful balcony.
A small percentage of neighborhood children can put the kitten in «harm's way».
One of the main effects of neighborhood segregation is the segregation of schools.
Mother of 3, desperate to get her children out of the neighborhood public school and into a private school where they will be challenged and encouraged to succeed.
Closing doors and windows to the outside will help keep the smell of neighborhood cats outside.
Check that the appraisal has accurate information and determine whether the appraiser considered illegal factors, like the racial composition of the neighborhood.
Connect with a local real estate expert, with street - level knowledge of your neighborhood, for a more accurate estimate of your home's value.
Although congregations build churches to suit their worship and ministry needs, churches exist also in a wider context of neighborhoods and cities.
These educators argued that the school should be the center of neighborhood life and they wanted the building open and accessible well beyond the school day.
Because of our neighborhood community centers and parks, our employees have the unique ability to work close to home, and many of their coworkers are their friends and classmates.
In this case, the law being enforced protects the quality of life of our neighborhoods and the physical safety of tourists, both of which are endangered by illegal hotel operators.
«That is a key sort of meeting point between a number of neighborhoods,» he said.
Here's a list of the neighborhood features that not only satisfy your home - buying checklist but also boost your resale and property value in the future.
The program of the institutional church was planned to meet the social and cultural as well as the religious needs of the neighborhood.
It is our plan to have more and more of our neighborhood schools become unique, better able to serve its community.
With the district offering free transportation, students have better school access, regardless of neighborhood and socioeconomic background.
Ideally, different areas of the city would have dramatically different designs to give the feeling of neighborhoods and landmarks that we use above ground to figure out where we are.
It was wonderful to watch the diversity of the neighborhood change and there has not been terrible resistance.
«This is a process that defines the future of this neighborhood,» he said.

Phrases with «of the neighborhood»

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