Sentences with phrase «of the next book»

I've also written the first chapter of the next book in this series.
Ideally you should offer some incentive like a free chapter of your next book, or an ebook with short stories in pdf format.
Ask the members of your list if they'd like a review copy of your next book.
They'll read your blog, follow you on social media, listen to or watch your interviews and other media appearances, and eagerly await the release of your next books.
But don't all those bloggers realize that their archive is simply the first draft of their next book?
Are you going for sales of the next book in the series?
I'd love to find some new beach reads as well, I'm always in search of the next book on my list!
I've always included previews of the next book, but I've recently learned this is NOT always beneficial.
Now, at the beginning of the next book, he explores the faculty that enables him at least to attempt answers to those questions.
You have shaped and informed so much of the content of this next book.
Speaking of... can you give us a sneak peek of your next book?
Want to step up the look of your next book's interior?
This book sample doesn't have to be long nor does it have to be the first chapter or introduction of your next book.
That's why readers want to stick with the authors they know, I suspect, and they would love a faster turnaround of the next book.
For instance, if the first book in a fiction series gets most of the attention and sales, use your bio to remind readers of the next books in the series.
Her decision was not only about On the Island: she had the fate of her next book as well as her overall career objectives to consider.
Live services, including mobile live services, were nearly half of our next bookings over the last 12 months.
You can include an excerpt of the next book in the series along with links to buy it.
With all those hours researching and sending emails out, I could have written a lot on the first draft of the next book.
While a select small number of authors may have seen book giveaways as a clever promotion to boost the sales of their next book, it is rare.
Such a great discussion and that's actually the subject of my next book.
Two, make sure you have an excerpt of the next book in the series directly after the end of your book.
After Friday's session, I was able to write a detailed outline of my next book and all the pieces fell into place.
We also write a quote for the back of your next book and a review on
I also think it just gives them the name of the next book they need to find a pirated file for, unfortunately.
Rather than leave his fans in the lurch partway through a series, Pratt asked them to subsidize an online serial publication of the next book using the public radio donation model.
Stage 7 — Reader: Read the book and enjoyed it Convert these readers into fans by doing things like giving a freebie sample of the next book, maybe even giving then an ARC copy to review.
Please use the sharing buttons below to invite other people on Facebook and Twitter to sign up for my email newsletter so that they too can get a free digital copy of my next book when it comes out.
Once, a blogger writing for a complementarian organization wrote a scathing critique of my next book... back before I'd even sent the final manuscript to the publisher!
It might be Monday morning but I have some very exciting news — here's the cover of my next book!
Literally, last night I dreamt of my next book idea and I am so excited to starting putting thoughts to paper and see where it will lead.
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