Sentences with phrase «of the reform agenda»

This part of the reform agenda needs more work, as does widening the marketplace to include choices among courses, delivery systems, and even teachers.
This part of the reform agenda needs more work, as does widening the marketplace to include choices among courses, delivery systems, even teachers.
The programs you mention are not dramatically new, but are you saying they have not been an integral part of the reform agenda?
Thoughtful arguments can be made about the efficacy of these and other elements of the reform agenda over the last several decades.
«Passage of our reform agenda in Albany next year just took a giant step forward.
Meanwhile, a second poll by Education Next this week shows strong support for other aspects of the reform agenda.
Fulfilling digital learning's enormous potential to boost student achievement, he says, «will require a wholesale reshaping of the reform agenda itself, particularly in the realms of school finance and governance.»
«Passage of our reform agenda in Albany next year just took a giant step forward,» he said in a written statement Sunday after the endorsement.
«We were able to really use many of their policy positions and implement many of their policies to drive pieces of our reform agenda,» said Tony Bennett, Indiana's schools superintendent.
From an investment perspective, assuming Macron is able to build support and implement the central tenets of his reform agenda, we'd expect the main beneficiaries could be stocks with an exposure to clean energy, research and development (R&D), technology, health care and infrastructure projects.
Cuomo has also talked of making schools and school administrators more accountable, and he has yet to fulfill a key component of his reform agenda, the public financing of campaigns.
«If we focus on that kind of reform agenda, that bridges the divide very naturally between the Conservatives and the Liberals in the coalition,» Mr Horwood added.
They say Cuomo hasn't rallied public support for his proposals to limit outside income for legislators, create a public campaign finance system, or to close the LLC loophole - all parts of his reform agenda unveiled in January.
Meanwhile, Governor Cuomo announced two more portions of his reform agenda.
But during his brief three years in office, he has sown the seeds of a reform agenda that may endure.
«Common sense governmental reforms and bold leadership are the basis of the Reform agenda.
In due course, I shall spell the details of this reform agenda in a manifesto for the elections.»
It was helping to shape policy, placing principalship at the center of the reform agenda.
There it's fairly obvious that the GOP doesn't know what it stands for on education anymore — partly because much of its reform agenda has been co-opted by Messrs. Duncan and Obama, partly because it has long tended (at least in Congress) to ignore this topic, partly because it has much else on its none - too - robust policy platter.
At the heart of the reform agenda lie commitments to combat the U.S. dropout crisis and propel the nation's schools and its economy at full speed into the 21st...
Creating new resources, processes, and values is hard and gradual work — The temptation of any reform agenda — especially one as rational and intuitive as competency - based education — is to imagine that vis - a-vis policy change or of their own will, schools can simply flip a switch and suddenly exist in this new, mastery - based paradigm.
OECD officials are alive to the risk of the reform agenda being paralysed by in - fighting.
«The president really needed this vote, not just in terms of the merits of the F - 22 itself but in terms of his reform agenda,» said Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin (D - Mich.).
The purpose of the reform agenda of the Legal Services Act 2007 is to unleash the powers of competition thus enabling consumers to have greater choice and access to improved services.
Cuomo's speech was the first of what he promised will be a lengthy campaign to press reluctant lawmakers into passing the key elements of his reform agenda.
He continued: «Some aspects of the reform agenda have the potential to improve patient care.
It's fundamentally different: for it to fulfill its enormous potential will require a wholesale reshaping of the reform agenda itself, particularly in the realms of school finance and governance.
Those groups would like to scrap the Common Core as part of a reform agenda that would also target teacher tenure and boost charter schools and voucher systems.
De Blasio should be wise enough to leave those parts of the reform agenda in place while he works to construct a sturdy educational foundation for the city's youngest children.
It is clear that overhaul of these entities must be part of a reform agenda.
In his initial remarks that day, at events in Tivoli and Albany, and during multiple exchanges with journalists, Molinaro has outlined elements of a reform agenda that, he says, will help restore faith in government
Not to be outdone, a «platform» released by the Movement for Black Lives (a group of organizations organized by Black Lives Matter) issued a scorched - earth condemnation of every aspect of the reform agenda, which it characterized as «a systematic attack... coordinated by an international education privatization agenda, bankrolled by billionaire philanthropists... and aided by the departments of education at the federal, state, and local level.»
After many years of bipartisan support, key elements of the reform agenda — higher standards, better teachers, test - based accountability, parental choice — are starved for oxygen in both the Republican and Democratic party platforms.
For three decades, leaders of both major political parties have recognized the urgency of reforming and renewing American K — 12 education, and major elements of the reform agenda have generally enjoyed bipartisan support: higher standards, better teachers, results - based accountability, and more choices (particularly via charter schools).
This report from an education reform advocacy group notes that «For digital learning to fulfill its enormous potential, a wholesale reshaping of the reform agenda itself is required, particularly in the realms of school finance and governance.
As part of that reform agenda, Brown proposed that a general review of prerogative powers be carried out.
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