Sentences with phrase «of the report»

The inspector keeps a copy of the report on file.
And I was writing a whole series of reports on the fact that the third world debt couldn't be paid.
However regulators are keeping a closer eye on ICO activity, amid a rising number of reports of scams.
Recently, there has been an increasingly alarming number of reports in the media about children being targeted and groomed online.
To read the summary of the report in full, download from the «Related Documents» section below, by right clicking and «saving as» on to your hard disk.
In a series of reports released between 2003 and 2005... the answers emerged: the program didn't affect student outcomes.
The university has denied requests to see a full copy of the report by the consultants and instead provided a brief summary.
I'm sitting here with the co-authors of this report.
One part of the report details results of a job - satisfaction survey sent to all districts asking them to rate the performance of their first - year teachers.
The seventh section of the report provides information on how to dispute any of the information on your credit report.
We have removed this Web site review from our Site Review archive because of reports from readers that the site contained some inappropriate advertising.
The occasion is the publication of a report on educational achievement, analyzed in terms of the ethnicity of pupils.
There is a number of reports about problems with a manual transmission due to a faulty bearing.
We present a processed version of the reported data in a consistent hierarchy and in a format that is machine - readable and easy - to - use.
Some of the key findings of the report showed some very promising news.
The turnaround time of the report following the Interview is also discussed.
Most of the reported cases of itching in dogs usually exhibit signs of allergies.
I've seen lots of reports from authors who have lost dozens of reviews for no apparent reason.
Be ready to submit proof of eligibility (a copy of a report card, grade - point average, etc.) when requesting this discount.
A lot of your reporting for this book was in low - income neighborhoods.
And we know of it only because of the reported observations of the disciples.
Every parent receives this kind of report with a detailed character assessment of their child.
Explore the details of these reports further by looking at the sections below.
Since my review of reports by various females about qualities of Russian men, I keep getting comments from local guys themselves.
The team also created summaries of the reports for policymakers that required line - by - line approval from hundreds of stakeholders in science and government.
The number of reporting periods included in the moving average calculation affects the moving average line as displayed in a price chart.
Most of the reports about the digital divide center around racial and socio - economic differences (a 2010 study confirmed that household income is the greatest predictor of Internet use).
Learn about Russian dating scams and check names and photos of reported At this point, everyone knows about online dating.
The suggestion that all students need to get the same kind of report card is faulty.
• Count money at the beginning and end of each shift to ensure accuracy of reported amounts.
As the title of this report states, it is time to put «our future in our hands».
Please discuss with your child the importance of reporting issues as soon as they arise.
Each agency that holds your report has different ways of reporting information, so there could be errors on all three.
Many teacher - powered schools choose to implement some element of this report as part of their approach to discipline.
Here is just a sample of the reports from top analysts in those years.
Some positive figures that came out of the report include the 5.5 % year over year increase in retail sales, which was driven by clothing and sporting goods.
Nor is it a plea that every recommendation of every report by a revived law commission be adopted without questions or debate.
The size of the company and the number of layers of HR staff who have a variety of reporting relationships impacts your search for a job in HR.
Editor's note: An earlier version of this report included incorrect values for renewable energy investment.
An analysis of the report's data suggests that far - right parties are poised to take a third of all seats in the next round of European elections in 2019.
Each credit bureau is obliged to provide you with a free copy of your report at your request at least once a year.
The act of going somewhere for the purpose of reporting back on it here on the blog makes me thrilled.
This is the conclusion of a report in the journal Science Advances.
Despite this, there has been no apparent difference in the actual result of reported cases.
You'll also have a better understanding of the contents of the report if you are able to see it from our inspector's perspective.
One part of the report said that the system had passed the test; another, that it had failed.

Phrases with «of the report»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z