Sentences with phrase «of the ruling party»

The comment has been widely condemned by other executives of the ruling party.
Rather than see the Nigerian troops as our people, the military is being portrayed as part of the ruling party because they serve the government.
And it had to take two very senior officers of the ruling party to go and organise people to lock up the offices of a sitting government.
How you sit on the side line and observe this corruption to go on as a life patron of a ruling party?
They should by now know that they are in a strange land where they are not seen as human beings despite their immense contribution to the formation and electoral victory of the ruling party.
According to the executives, government officials have in most cases sidelined members of the ruling party in the activities of government, leading to a gradual apathy amongst the supporters of the NDC.
The state Chairman of the party, Adelowo Adebiyi, who made this known on Monday, informed that aside Lai Mohammed, about 200 members of the ruling party in the state were arrested and detained before and during the August 9 election and that the police released about 150 of them, leaving the remaining 50 to rot in detention.
The Regional Chairman of the ruling party in a bid to make the party popular has therefore admonished the various MMDCEs and party chairmen to educate respective residents on government's plans and policies.
Deputy General Secretary of the ruling party NDC, Mr. Koku Ayidoho, has lashed at the campaign manager for the opposition New Patriotic Party (NPP), Mr. Peter Mac Manu, for saying that Nana Addo «Try me too» campaign is a sign of humility.
«It shouldn't be protecting the political interests of the ruling party or something of that sort.»
«Then again, we know that certain members and a number of supporters of the ruling party in Ottawa have taken a keen interest in this case.
The three men, who are sympathizers of the ruling party, walked out of the prison on Friday August 26, after they were imprisoned in July.
He said, «Nigerians were disheartened to see leaders of the ruling party dancing away and making vain speeches at a time when millions are still traumatized over killings in Benue and other parts of the country, while many more are groaning under the pains of economic hardship worsened by the unabating fuel crisis in the country.
In this way, the legislative advantages of ruling parties, which enjoy far more sticks and carrots to enforce discipline than opposition parties, helps to explain the failure of the Kenyan parliament to defend democracy.
Mr. Afoko, who had been duly elected Chairman by delegates of the NPP in Tamale in April 2014, had been suspended by the National Executives Committee of the ruling party in October 2015 over accusations that Paul Afoko had discussed party finances in public.
Electoral officials could not find her name in the just ended parliamentary primaries of the ruling party.
Deputy General Secretary of the ruling party NDC, Mr. Koku Ayidoho, has lashed at the campaign manager for the opposition New Patriotic...
This follows a series of comments Mr. Boateng made while addressing members of the New Patriotic Party's (NPP) student wing, the Tertiary Students» Confederacy Network (TESCON) in Kumasi, where he suggested that his focus was to give preferential treatment to members of the ruling party before any other Ghanaian.
The hoodlums alleged to be suspected members of the killer squad of the ruling party in Omala Local Government Area of the state said they were sent to kill him, but decided to beat him up as a warning against some of his reports considered inimical to them.
Dr. Zanetor Agyemang Rawlings» membership as a true NDC had been at the center of discussion among party functionaries in the Korle Klottey Constituency from the very first day she made public her desire to contest the seat on the ticket of the ruling party.
He said as other regions, especially the strongholds of the ruling party enjoy additional districts, the Volta Region could not boast of any new demarcation.
The group submitted a petition to the National Chairman of the party, Chief John Odigie - Oyegun, accusing Amosun of «impunity and imposition» in the state chapter of the ruling party.
While I think Greece's potential exit from the eurozone stage would not likely have long - term effects on other countries in the region, its political influence has grown since the election of ruling party Syriza earlier this year.
With uncontested power, members of the ruling party behave in such a ruthless manner that results in sowing the seeds of their own destruction.
Whether it was the Ghana Gas Plant, the CDB loan, the Sekondi Industrial Estate, or the Komenda Sugar Factory, IMANI has always been at the forefront of the critical quest of demanding accountability from the government of the ruling party.
The involvement of a ruling party mla in the other case in the state of Uttar Pradesh has further infuriated the public.
In an age where a radio programme host by name «Mugabe», on Montie FM, a radio station belonging to the stable of the ruling party, has stated that Nana Akufo - Addo will die before June this year, we, in the NPP, will not take any chances, whatsoever, with the security of our leaders.
Changes to the constitution, or bills passed that go against the elections program / promises of the ruling party should have to be passed by referendum too, because nobody voted you (the politician) to do that.
Investigations by The aL - hAJJ have discovered that over two dozen kingpins of the ruling party have already lined up to stake claim to the party's flag bearer slot for 2020 elections.
A letter suspending him said he had violated disciplinary rules and regulations of the ruling party.
That said, if memory serves, he does refer to the philosophy of the ruling party in» 1984» as «IngSoc» -LRB-??)
Kerem Öktem deconstructed attitudes to the Arab world in Turkey, by presenting a critical reading of Turkish public debates and the potentially counterrevolutionary policies of the ruling party in Turkey on the Egyptian revolution.
The violence started Monday after the selection of the ruling party's mayoral candidate for Pretoria ahead of local elections on August 3.
He said Buhari regarded Tinubu as a priceless political asset to the party whose immeasurable contributions to the development and progress of the ruling party are known to all.
Proponents say that drawing districts is a privilege of the ruling party and have little effect on the popularity of their policies or candidates.
Symbols of the ruling party and the president — including pagnes (clothing fabric / tissue) decorated with RDPC insignia and the face of the president, campaign T - shirts from every campaign of the last 25 years (given free of charge to Cameroonians as an impetus to vote for Biya), official Biya portraits in every public office, campaign posters in private homes and businesses, billboards of Biya's grinning face at the entrances and exists of most towns — abound.
A Deputy National Organizer of the ruling party, NDC, Mahdi Gabrie, last week, walked with the people of Techiman South constituency — with the aim of helping to improve and maintain members overall health.
Touching on NPP's allegation that the NDC is sponsoring Mr. Kwesi Addae Odike's United Progressive Party (UPP) to do it's bidding, the deputy scribe of the ruling party said the NDC has no immediate plans of forming a coalition with some political parties.
The impression a dispassionate observer would have from the failure of security and law enforcement during the Bayelsa election (which was conducted in Nigeria's smallest state with the lowest number of registered voters) would be that the federal government permitted or condoned the strong - arm tactics of the ruling party's candidate in his ultimately vain effort to secure that state's rulership by force.
There is likely correlation between nationalism and dislike of judicial independence, but I believe the more pertinent question here is related to the post-soviet nature of these states (including history, demographics, etc.) as opposed to the stated political ideals of their ruling parties
They could even make up a number that looks democratic, like 58 % support of the ruling party, rather than the ridiculous 99 % support ratios garnered with intimidation and ballot stuffing.
This country is polarised between the adherents of the ruling party, the National Democratic Congress, and followers of the NPP, the largest opposition political entity in the country.
Contrary to the distorted facts being peddled around by apparatchiks of the ruling party, President Mahama initiated investigations into activities at BOST when he got hint of corruption at the place.
If such elections are left in the hands of the embassies and high commissions, it could be rigged easily in favour of any ruling party.
In a statement signed yesterday by his Special Adviser, Media, Uche Anichukwu, Senator Ekweremadu who reaffirmed the PDP's support for a genuine anti-graft crusade, however, decried a situation where such crusade becomes a calculated attempt to decimate and silence the opposition, while members of the ruling party with serious corruption allegations go about their businesses.
The decision to suspend missile launches was made during a meeting of the ruling party's central committee on Friday, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) said.
The daughter of former president Jerry Rawlings made the comments in reaction to claims that her parents political history may play to her disadvantage in the November 7 polls of the ruling party.
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