Sentences with phrase «of the same sex»

Do you want to see love scenes on the television — and the love scenes ARE there — with people of the same sex?
They also may be intolerant of dogs of the same sex in their households.
It is so easy to be intimidated into silence by those in favor of same sex marriage.
Single travellers joining group trips are paired in twin - share accommodation and tents with someone of the same sex for the duration of the trip.
Currently well over half the nation has statutory and constitutional bans on same sex marriage and / or recognition of same sex couples.
It becomes more emotionally important to have friends, especially of the same sex.
Judges and other decision - makers must be attentive to these possibilities when engaging in decision - making in relation to the children of same sex relationships.
The child might feel that the parent of the same sex does not like her or him.
Often they're made collaboratively, with friends, or at least vetted by someone of the same sex as their target audience.
There are a lot of misconceptions and misinformation out there regarding marriage and parenting between partners of the same sex.
The child has an unhappy relationship with adults of the same sex.
The trial judge found that the state had no rational basis to deny recognition of same sex married couples.
You won't have friends of the same sex because you'll just want to have sex with them.
And although I profoundly disagree with his support of same sex marriage I have defended him many times — including on television and on this blog.
The evolution of a mixed orientation marriage becomes more complicated the further into the relationship the couple becomes aware of the same sex attraction.
During primary school close friendships are most often with a child of the same sex.
They say he managed to turn votes to win passage of same sex marriage and a property tax cap, as well as gun control legislation.
Within animal populations, competition is often particularly acute among individuals of the same sex because such individuals require the same limited resources to maximize their success.
If you are happy to be paired up with another single traveller of the same sex on your tour, this can be arranged, thus avoiding the single person supplement.
While dwarf hamsters of the same sex may get along, most hamsters are solitary animals so we recommend keeping only one hamster per cage.
You can keep them alone, in pairs or small groups preferably of the same sex to prevent unwanted breeding and fighting.
Your therapist shouldn't be learning about the ins and outs of same sex relationships for the first time.
Perhaps you have been attracted to a person of the same sex at some point in your life.
It is expected that single travellers will be happy to share a cabin with another diver, almost always of the same sex.
Many of the issues arising from the breakdown of a same sex relationship may be similar to those that arise from the breakdown of an opposite sex relationship.
Finding someone of the same sex attractive means I've already had sex with them?
Our firm also advises clients on making sound decisions regarding child custody and visitation following the break up of a same sex or opposite sex couple with children.
Only twins of the same sex were included in the analysis.
People of the same sex also had a stronger impact on one another.
One might even find good friends here of the same sex as well as opposite ones.
I recommend that you don't place your Dog in a home with a dog of the same sex unless you are absolutely certain that they'll like each other!
You will be sharing a bunk or double bed with your travel partner or one of your fellow passengers of the same sex and sharing the bathrooms onboard.
The question of same sex marriage has absolutely nothing to do with your delusion.
Before you start the process make sure your child can see an adult of the same sex using the toilet.
However, bigger question is: Is the practice of same sex sex sinful?
His growing awareness of his same sex attraction is laid out with honesty.
If anything, I'd have more faith in the kid of a same sex couple to do the right thing than one from a christian home.
Same sexual orientation was not studied the way we understand it today until the 19th century, that speech is only about male and female relationships, there's no mention of same sex.
You can use the charts to track your child's growth trend and to compare your baby's growth with that of other infants of the same sex and age.
A new report summarizes old research into a comprehensive analysis of same sex versus heterosexual parents.
Then each was shown a «neutral» image of a casual acquaintance of the same sex and age as the former romantic partner for comparison purposes.
An additional benefit is a part of the same sex men dating sites shaped creatures, is to keep away from confusion and make easy the dating sites if you are looking for relationships.
I would also recommend reading several profiles of your same sex to get an idea of the competition.
There are many venue for one to find people of the same sex preference.
First of all, the customer needs to be sure they have a male and a female, as sometimes two birds of the same sex will act like a pair.

Phrases with «of the same sex»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z