Sentences with phrase «of the shadow cabinet»

Some members of the shadow cabinet appear a little too cautious, a little overly optimistic.
He said he would be open to a return of shadow cabinet elections if the new leader thought it was right.
Over half of the shadow cabinet remained in the same position as the previous month.
However, one of the shadow cabinet ministers who resigned last week said the rebels were willing to play a «long game».
No great movements in the latest rankings of the shadow cabinet, as voted by the grassroots.
None of the shadow cabinet have broken ranks or done anything to put forward an alternative vision for the party.
It is time at least fifty per cent of shadow cabinet are women, and rejection of the urgency of that ambition on the basis that members should be appointed on merit is nonsense.
If you are arguing that most of the shadow cabinet also got it wrong strategically on the economics of the post crisis state then I'd agree.
There might still be some minor changes around the edges of the shadow cabinet, but nothing on the scale that was planned just a few days ago.
Good, loyal hard - working members of the shadow cabinet.
If we enter an election campaign with most of the shadow cabinet having been in position for years our result will be much better.
It came as Mr Corbyn tightened his grip on the party with the completion of a shadow cabinet reshuffle which saw a host of allies handed front bench roles.
Some posts have been vacant since a wave of shadow cabinet resignations in the aftermath of June's EU referendum, with some MPs taking on multiple portfolios.
Corbyn also said he was «reaching out» to disaffected MPs who previously walked out of his shadow cabinet as he called for party unity.
In a parting swipe, Dugher said he had chosen to speak out because he was «frustrated and angry» at members of Corbyn's team for briefing the press against other members of the shadow cabinet in a way that amounted to a «terrible trashing of people's reputations».
Mr Cameron said on Sunday there were many members of his shadow cabinet who attended state schools, including shadow foreign secretary William Hague, shadow defence secretary Liam Fox and party chairman Eric Pickles.
In recent weeks I've met a number of shadow cabinet members who have admitted that their own local Associations were decidedly negative from the grammars schools row until the Blackpool Conference.
Allies of Jeremy Corbyn say he they are nervous about him using his platform to launch a future leadership bid, and he is being accompanied by other members of the shadow cabinet on visits to keep an eye on him.
The majority of his shadow cabinet resigned in the wake of the EU referendum and now a second leadership contest is underway.
One senior member of the shadow Cabinet told the expenses scandal had become «farcial» and a «witchhunt of McCarthyist proportions».
Corbyn's position is finally settled even if the thorny issue of shadow cabinet elections is not.
Attack on all fronts, using as many members of the shadow cabinet as possible and give David Cameron a rest.
The Guardian understands that Corbyn is considering convening an extra meeting of the shadow cabinet later this week to discuss the issue, which risks exacerbating the rift between MPs in post-industrial seats where there are profound concerns about immigration and those in constituencies that voted remain.
A wave of shadow cabinet ministers resigned in protest at Corbyn's leadership, accusing him of not doing enough to convince Labour voters to vote Remain.
The Labour leader has so far held on despite a dramatic and destabilising coup attempt, started at the weekend, which has now seen two - thirds of his shadow cabinet step down, as well as 28 shadow ministers and 11 private parliamentary secretaries.
Equally, if the majority of the shadow cabinet sought to defy Corbyn by enforcing a three - line whip to make MPs vote for intervention in Syria, public ridicule would ensue.
Former deputy prime minister John Prescott's wrote: «I really hope every member of the shadow cabinet thinks twice before writing for the Sun after that front page.»
«They do try and hold the party together, they do recognise that the Labour party is a broad church, not a religious cult, that you need people of different backgrounds and try and get the best possible talents,» Dugher said, adding that «ultimately [the makeup of the shadow cabinet] will be a decision for Jeremy».
Mr Corbyn's team do not want to being back wholesale shadow cabinet elections but are considering allowing a small number of shadow cabinet posts to be elected as a peace offering to their divided party.
He has faced mounting calls for him to step down with open calls for his resignation from former Labour leaders and current colleagues, after dozens of his shadow cabinet ministers deserting him.
(Andy is not top of the shadow cabinet rankings by a -LSB-...]
Jonathan Isaby's pick: «My selection for backbencher of the year goes to someone who could equally have been nominated for the frontbencher award - as he was a member of the shadow cabinet for the first half of the year.
With no - one able to predict the election result, the Westminster rumour mill is dominated by discussion of shadow Cabinet appointments.
As Jeremy Corbyn looks set to be remain in place as Labour leader, moderate MPs are keeping themselves busy outside of his shadow cabinet.
Some Labour MPs are looking for a more categorical denunciation of threats to deselection and the return of shadow Cabinet elections before they will consider a frontbench role.
But, while in agreement with Labour's governing body, the National Executive Committee, that Corbyn should be on the ballot paper in the leadership contest, Smith nevertheless decided to resign and oppose his leader when a meeting between Corbyn and the so - called soft left of the shadow cabinet, including shadow energy secretary Lisa Nandy, led to rancour.
He circulated a list of shadow cabinet review groups, though these had not been updated since the reshuffle and it was still not clear how to engage with them.
Lord Prescott's criticism of the shadow Cabinet comes one year after the party held elections to decide the makeup of its frontbench team at its autumn conference.
Jeremy Corbyn, who opposes Trident, is heading for a battle with much of his shadow cabinet, MPs and trade unions over the issue but the Labour leader is likely to have the support of grassroots members.
For the women who backed Corbyn during his leadership campaign, the lack of women in the core team of the shadow cabinet is disappointing.
«They do try to hold the party together, they do recognise that the Labour party is a broad church, not a religious cult, that you need people of different backgrounds and try and get the best possible talents,» Dugher said, adding that «ultimately [the makeup of the shadow cabinet] will be a decision for Jeremy».
Yet 11 of his shadow cabinet backed airstrikes, including shadow foreign secretary Hilary Benn, deputy leader Tom Watson, and shadow health secretary Heidi Alexander.
Dominic Grieve had argued that the Tories wanting a British bill of rights would have to be quite careful about this at a dinner conversation full of shadow Cabinet members about this.
But he gets coherence in parts of his shadow cabinet over Trident at a very big price.
Ironically, the change to the party rules which introduced OMOV elections which had originally been promoted by the Campaign for Labour Party Democracy, was designed to bar members of the shadow cabinet from standing.
Mr Corbyn said this was the most ever of any shadow cabinet or cabinet.
Perhaps to the surprise of the «village», the world has not ended since members of the shadow cabinet defied the three - line Brexit whip and stayed on in their posts.
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