Sentences with phrase «of the sweet stuff»

Too much of the sweet stuff has been linked to obesity and disease so cutting back will do your body good.
Now he likes more of the sweet stuff that I've introduced.
Coconut sugar is a less processed form of the sweet stuff and boasts nutrients and a caramel - like flavor.
This is why the average American consumes 19 teaspoons of the sweet stuff every day!
The final result of this stuffed chile salad is the pleasantly contrasting flavors of the sweet stuffing, the smoky chiles, and the tangy vinaigrette.
If you simply can't go without a syrup, ask for the sugar - free version or just one pump of the sweet stuff.
It sure is a lot better than eating all the junk food and all sorts of sweet stuff.
While there's no sugar added — it all comes naturally from the fruit — one cup of juice still contains 12 grams of the sweet stuff.
She also includes lots of divine, healthy recipes for all you lovers of the sweet stuff.
I mean, like a really strong desire for a shot of sweet stuff?
We realize the skinny on chocolate seems too good to be true, but there have been positive signs lately that a bit of the sweet stuff is OK.
Why not give him a little taste of the sweet stuff.
My kids were determined to attract a bird to their tin plate of sweet stuff but no dice.
Unfortunately, too much of the sweet stuff can lead to a higher risk for problems such as obesity or diabetes — but we've got good news.
Coconut sugar is a less processed form of the sweet stuff and boasts nutrients and a caramel - like flavor.
So decorative pumpkins notwithstanding, most Americans eat 2 to 3 times the amount of the sweet stuff as they should.
Not everyone's on a strict paleo diet here, so we leave it up to our savvy readers to decide if they want to dribble a little of the sweet stuff on these 100 % paleo pancakes, or not.
First, I need to say that the end goal here is not to tell you to just keep eating all you want of sweet stuff, even if you use only sweeteners on the «good» list.
We consume 400 million pounds of the sweet stuff each year, according to the National Honey Board.
Cleaning up your diet and limiting your intake of the sweet stuff may help cheek breakouts clear up.
Much of it is loaded with sugar, and too much of the sweet stuff actually contributes to the shrinkage of key brain areas involved in mood regulation.
And Italians seem to have a love - hate relationship with sugar in desserts: some are intensely sweet, especially those with whipped cream, while others are almost void of the sweet stuff.
Interesting recipe Heidi - I'd have guessed at a much higher ratio of sweet stuff to cream in caramels but I haven't made any since I was about twelve!
The chocolate lover's triumvirate, this airy concoction has a triple dose of the sweet stuff: bittersweet and white chocolate as well as Dutch - processed cocoa powder.
This low - sugar recipe only has two tablespoons of the sweet stuff plus a bit of confectioners» powder dusted on top.
We are like a child who has been aching for cake a long time but whose father has been refusing to get him a piece of the sweet stuff.
Sugar - coating a draw would need a wheelbarrow full of the sweet stuff.
Kicking sugar is as hard as quitting some of the most addictive drugs, but it is possible to at least lessen the amount of sweet stuff in your diet.
Bird and Little Bird is the work and play of Annie, a teacher, Mama, and maker of sweet stuffed creatures.
If chocolate is your guilty pleasure, it'll be a real sweetener if he picks you up some - which means the dad - to - be can indulge in his own love of the sweet stuff without feeling guilty.
The American Academy of Pediatrics updated their official ruling on fruit juice, recommending none of the sweet stuff before age 1.
Sure, honeybees do good work in the field and they are invaluable as providers of the sweet stuff, but it is bumblebees we should really be worried about.
How to do it: Start by cutting out processed versions of sweet stuff, like candy and packaged treats, and begin tracking how many foods you buy that are pre-sweetened, such as yogurt or almond milk (sugar can even be lurking in store - bought tomato sauce and salad dressing).
So, D'Anna advises keeping flavored water in the fridge to wean them off of the sweet stuff.
Well, that's certain to fuel shoppers» suspicions, especially in light of the recent headlines concerning breakfast cereals hiding high levels of the sweet stuff due to their lack of label transparency.
With time and a diet purged of the sweet stuff, you can switch things around and start enjoying healthier foods.
Save some of your sugar allowance for the pumpkin pie (and apple... and pecan) by making your own cranberry sauce at home — that way you can control how much of the sweet stuff goes into it.
This is for serious bbws, u the rest let's talk and do this, I'm starving can and will eat front and back no problem, can't get enough of that sweet stuff want to make u flow like a river.
Although some things might come close — a bubble bath or a cold beer on a balmy Summer's evening — ultimately there's a satisfying feeling that comes only from enjoying a bar of the sweet stuff.
At breakfast I tend to crave more of the sweet stuff (think smoothie bowls, banana pancakes, peanut butter toast) so by lunch I can totally get down with an omelette OR this pretty gem no problem.
Even more startling is the fact that in 2012, the average American took in about 170 pounds of the sweet stuff.
Unfortunately, Americans are consuming 22 and 30 teaspoons of the sweet stuff each day.
I've been craving savoury food a lot recently, probably because I'm over the amount of sweet stuff I have to make for my cake business!
Intake of the sweet stuff has increased nearly 9 percent to 185 calories per day.
With all of the sweet stuff around this time of year...... don't forget to grow some greens!!
With the «I Quit Sugar» revolution in full force, most of us are aware that too much of the sweet stuff can be bad news for our waistline, heart health and overall well - being.
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