Sentences with phrase «of the white matter»

Writing in the journal Neuron, the scientists found that reading increased the quality of white matter, the brain tissue that carries signals between areas of gray matter, where information is processed.
One biological distinction between humans and other animals is a surfeit of the white matter inside our skulls called myelin.
Imaging various sections of white matter from different angles can help researchers focus on the brain circuitry important for proper neuron communication.
Imaging various sections of white matter from different angles can help researchers focus on the underlying brain circuitry important for proper neuron communication.
Furthermore, brain imaging data for these very elderly animals shows a slight loss of grey matter (neuronal cell bodies), an effect that the researchers have not yet explained, as well as significantly slowed atrophy of white matter (the neuronal fibers connecting different areas of the brain).
Using neuropsychological testing to assess cognitive performance, the researchers found a relationship between the amount of white matter injury and changes in reaction time and the ability to switch between mental tasks.
Tracts of white matter, the fibers linking brain regions, seemed to have declined in the vets.
DTI is a non-conventional MRI technique that allows detailed analysis of the white matter tracts that transmit nervous signals through the brain and body.
The results showed that amyloid plaque levels in the posterior cingulate cortex were related to the amount of white matter damage, suggesting that injury to the brain's wiring may be linked to the formation of amyloid plaques.
The amount of white matter — the bundles of axons that connect different parts of the brain — did not differ, nor did the overall surface area of the brain cortex.
For instance, a previous study discovered significant differences between male and female brains in four regions of white matter — and that female - to - male trans individuals who hadn't had sex reassignment surgery had white matter in these regions that more closely resembled a male brain.
Then it has to develop an axon that can penetrate «this huge wall of white matter,» the outside covering of the spinal column.
For the new study, researchers from the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) in Pittsburgh used diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), an MRI technique that measures the integrity of white matter — the brain's signal - transmitting nerve fibers — to see if injuries to the nerves may be the root cause of these post-traumatic depression and anxiety symptoms.
This image shows regions of the white matter skeleton in which connectivity in IED subjects was significantly lower than healthy controls.
Compared to controls, patients with depression had decreased fractional anisotropy (FA), a measure of the structural integrity of white matter connections, around an area near the deep gray matter of the brain that is strongly associated with the brain's reward circuit.
«We saw that there were prolonged abnormalities in terms of the white matter in the brain,» said Manning, noting that these changes are only visible using high field - strength MRI and these sophisticated analytical methods.
A study published in May found that this duplication (or absence) of genetic material relates to a distinctly different brain structure, such as a larger or smaller corpus callosum, the tract of white matter connecting the brain's hemispheres.
Software measures the neuron - rich gray matter in the brain's outer cortex, the underlying fibers of the white matter, and the clear fluid that fills the cavities.
Educational level, mood symptoms and the severity of white matter disease were associated with risk for delayed post-ICH dementia after six months.
Black said it's not possible to know yet whether the extra gray matter is transmitting information that somehow contributes to tics or whether reduced amounts of white matter elsewhere in the brains of kids with Tourette's may somehow influence the movements and vocalizations that characterize the disorder.
To do this they will combine several imaging tools including something called diffusion MRI, which maps the structure of the white matter that insulates the «wires» of the brain, and also resting - state MRI, which measures how brain regions oscillate in unison as a result of shared connections.
For the new study, researchers looked at the brain's structural connectome, a map of white matter tracts that carry signals between different areas of the brain.
The volume of white matter in the brains of overweight people at 50 were similar to that seen in the brains of lean people at 60.
ASD was also associated with underdevelopment of white matter in the left uncinate bundle, which plays a significant role in face recognition and emotional processing.
The study group had normal structural MRI findings, but MRS results showed significant differences in the biochemical maturation of white matter between the term and preterm infants, suggesting a disruption in the timing and synchronization of white and gray matter maturation.
The researchers found cardiorespiratory fitness was positively linked to the structural integrity of white matter fiber bundles in the brain in the older adults, while no such association was observed in younger adults.
But Kable explains that even though you start out life with lots of those white matter connections, they tend to get trimmed and refined during development.
The images are based on cumulative data from patients in a study showing potential links between physical fitness and deterioration of white matter.
Seven years later, the volume of white matter hyperintensities was determined using brain MRI.
«It was illuminating to see the association between measures of white matter integrity and important outcomes occurring months to years down the road in our study population.»
Neuroimaging studies have linked intelligence to the developmental course of specific high - order brain regions (Shaw et al., 2006), total brain volume and focal brain structure (Thompson et al., 2001; Haier et al., 2004; Colom et al., 2006; Hulshoff Pol et al., 2006; Choi et al., 2008), microstructural organization of white matter (Chiang et al., 2009), and the functional dynamics of specific high cognitive brain regions (Duncan et al., 2000; Gray et al., 2003; Choi et al., 2008; Song et al., 2008).
The researchers also analyzed 15 other cardiovascular risk factors, as well as age, gender and ethnicity, as predictors of white matter hyperintensities.
In particular, loss of white matter integrity has a direct, measurable effect,» Dr. Ware said.
Brain imaging shows yellow and reddish pixels representing areas where the functionality of white matter is associated with higher fitness levels.
«We retrospectively analyzed the data from the DTI sequence to derive measures of white matter integrity, which we compared to clinical measures and subsequent outcome measures 6 months to 2.5 years after the initial evaluation.»
Their responses on these facial affect recognition tasks were correlated with neuroimaging changes on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), which shows the integrity of white matter tracts in the brain.
Their findings indicate a pattern of white matter damage and gray matter atrophy associated with this specific impairment of social cognition after TBI.
In the first part of our project, we will test the hypothesis that our imaging system, which combines PET and a new form of MRI that I invented called diffusion basis spectrum imaging (DBSI), can reliably detect and measure the severity of white matter damage and inflammation.
He patented DBSI and published papers demonstrating that it could be used to specifically measure and characterize multiple types of white matter microstructural changes.
The brain is mostly made up of white matter and gray matter.
The impact of bilingualism on the microstructure of the white matter pathways related to language processing is assessed in elementary school children by magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging
He also showed that DBSI could be used to examine the development of white matter inflammation in patients with neurodegenerative diseases and in animal models of these diseases.
However, a thin and narrow corpus callosum is seen in an AD patient (C) due to the degeneration of this white matter structure.
Goldstein and her colleagues found that patients diagnosed with â $ œamnesticâ $ MCI showed greater loss of white matter integrity in a certain part of the brain — the medial temporal lobe â $ «than cognitively normal controls of similar age.
Although multiple sclerosis (MS) is generally considered a disease of the white matter, recent evidence suggests substantial involvement of gray matter in cognitive decline and disease progression.
This study suggests that aberrant development of white matter may precede the manifestation of autistic symptoms in the first year of life, and highlights the importance of longitudinal data and data from young children and infants with the disorder.
The study also found early losses of the white matter of the brain, which is important stuff because it's the «wiring» of the brain.
Using a mouse model for this disease, which in humans involves the destruction of white matter in the brain, a research team led by Albee Messing, director of the UW — Madison Waisman Center, found that a protein behind the symptoms of the disease, called GFAP, is broken down more rapidly in the body than researchers previously found in cell culture studies.
These rich data will also allow us to quantify genetic (Chiang et al., 2009) and behavioral variation of white matter fiber pathways and functional correlations for analysis by the entire community, and help define an optimized methodology for collection of a definitive connectome dataset using DSI (V. J. Wedeen, 2005).
However, DTI has some important limitations: it can't show the complex course of white matter fiber tracts as they cross each other, and it can't accurately show the starting point and ending points of white matter tracts.
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