Sentences with phrase «of their brains as»

Think of your brain as an (almost) endless kitchen.
If you want your startup to be a masterpiece, you'll need to use the right side of your brain as much as your left to determine value.
What it is: «C2 Montréal is an immersive three - day event that appeals as much to the left half of your brain as it does to the right through a vast array of non-traditional experiences.
We need to be in touch with both the female or imaginative left side of the brain as well as the male analytical right side of the brain.
He spells out the neuroscientific view of our brains as a dynamic network of 100 billion neurons capable of 100 trillion different connections — a number larger than that of the elementary particles in the universe.
My counterview proposes that we think of the region of the soul in its relation to the regions of both the brain cells, and the occasions in the interstices of the brain as White - head thinks of the cell in its relation to the molecules and empty spaces within it.
You probably think of your brain as this intricate and complex organ and your gut as, well, a poop shoot.
The Mindful Brain: Reflection and Attunement in the Cultivation of Well - Being explores the nature of mindful awareness as a process that harnesses the social circuitry of the brain as it promotes mental, physical, and relational health.
Think of your brain as an intricate system of roadways and pathways.
Early adversity, scientists have come to understand, can not only affect the conditions of children's lives, it can alter the physical development of their brains as well.
«The effect is quite extreme, but it's not surprising when you think of the brain as a muscle,» says Friston, who was not involved in the study.
Healthy people in their 70s have just as many young nerve cells, or neurons, in a memory - related part of the brain as do teenagers and young adults, researchers report in the April 5 Cell Stem Cell.
While most blind adults develop a mature theory of mind, it wasn't clear whether they used the same parts of their brain as sighted people do to reason about the mental states of others.
It is natural to think of the brain as a computer and an eye as a simple camera connected to it.
Lucina Uddin, an associate professor of psychology in the UM College of Arts and Sciences, explains that studying the brain when it's in a resting state allows researchers to «basically look at the organization of the brain as it is without any extra stressors or stimuli.
To make matters more challenging, Lappas decided at this early stage in the experiment to search for patterns not only in the auditory cortex but in other areas of the brain as well.
This phenomenon has been coined HAROLD (hemispheric asymmetry reduction in older adults) and reflects the reorganisation of the brain as compensation for reduced brain capacity and efficiency due to age - related structural and physiological decline.
He was teaching his patients to reattribute their OCD symptoms to some gnarled brain wiring, teaching them to see the functioning of their brain as meaningfully separate from their sense of self.
Saxena's findings are corroborated by a recent study from the University of Iowa, involving a group of people who had suffered lesions in various parts of their brains as a result of strokes or other neurological diseases.
While mouse models have traditionally been used in studying the genetic disorder, Deng said the animal model is inadequate because the human brain is more complicated, and much of that complexity arises from astroglia cells, the star - shaped cells that play an important role in the physical structure of the brain as well as in the transmission of nerve impulses.
This results in shifts in the structure of the brain as it forms and displacement of cells from where they're supposed to be, including those that line the ventricles and help control fluid flow.
That's like thinking of the brain as «a giant clock, and if you figure out each gear, you'll figure out the brain,» Miller says.
The team also found an association between the delayed development of the nonprimary auditory cortex in infancy and language delays in the children at age 2, suggesting that disruptions to this part of the brain as a result of premature birth may contribute to the speech and language problems often seen later in life in preemies, Monson said.
These were clustered together in the same area of the brain as olfactory memory neurons.
In both trials, levels of two proteins that play major roles in transporting beta - amyloid out of the brain as well as enzymes that degrade beta - amyloid increased significantly after administering oleocanthal.
One way to see it, he says, is to think of our brain as a house with two floors, each with a different set of residents.
It is a known phenomenon and one of many that we do not yet fully understand but which may be telling us as much about learning and evolution of the brain as about how we forget.
A functional MRI scan, known as an fMRI, will check for increases in blood flow in certain areas of the brain as I react to or record an experience, initiate an action, or ponder something.
He often refers to the olfactory parts of the brain as the «Old Factory,» as they are remarkably similar across species.
Absolute size is important, but it is usually regarded as less informative than relative size — the size of the brain as a fraction of the size of the body.
Yes, rats have this system in much the same areas of the brain as cats.
They light up the same parts of the brain as monster trucks and battlebots do.
It appears to show that understanding language is not relegated to one part of the brain as has been commonly thought.
Colorful scans have lulled us into an oversimplified conception of the brain as a modular machine
Further analysis found that mice possess NPGL, and its associated neuron network, in the exact same locations of the brain as those regions already known to control appetite suppression and energy use.
Scientists have created the first genetic «atlas» of the human brain, and the result is a very pretty Skittles-esque map of the brain as a rainbow.
The knowledge - based training group learned information about the structure and function of the brain as well as the effects of sleep and exercise on brain performance.
In 1953 he underwent a major operation to remove parts of the brain as treatment for his epilepsy, including large portions of the hippocampus and adjacent structures.
I mean, you can think of the brain as this extremely complicated network of neurons.
And this applies to other areas of the brain as well as the hippocampus, where we are beginning to ask questions about how these areas become dysfunctional in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease.
Thanks to recent advances in genetics, neuroimaging and computer science, researchers can track the complex wiring of the brain as never before.
Here in our center, we can take structural pictures of the brain as well as use fMRI, which takes a second - by - second look at how activity in the brain changes in relation to the functions it is implementing.
Objective: The primary objective of the present study was to estimate how large a sample size would be needed for future clinical trials for AD - modifying treatments in Japan using atrophy measures of the brain as a surrogate biomarker.
Exercise maintains the fitness of your brain as well as your body.
We usually think of our brains as separate from our bodies.
Think of your brain as a metabolic pig — constantly taking energy from the bloodstream and storing none of it for itself.
Children need a steady supply of animal protein, and plenty of fats, to fuel the development of their brain as well as the growth of all of their organs, bones, and tissues.
While many think of their brain as the organ in charge, your gut actually sends far more information to your brain than your brain sends to your gut... To put this into more concrete terms, you've probably experienced the visceral sensation of butterflies in your stomach when you're nervous, or had an upset stomach when you were very angry or stressed.
To understand ADHD, think of your brain as having crisscrossing wires that go in many directions.
Brain scans demonstrate that sugar acts on the same part of the brain as highly addictive drugs such as opiates and amphetamines.
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