Sentences with phrase «of therapeutic cloning»

The OAR proposal uses a variation of therapeutic cloning called altered nuclear transfer (ANT) in which the nucleus of a donor cell (a skin cell, for example), containing the 30,000 genes of the genetic code, is altered in such a way that it produces an epigenetic factor, a protein called nanog.
In my view, this has not been achieved on any occasion in the case of therapeutic cloning.
But everyone who accepts these instruments becomes implausible when asking for a ban of therapeutic cloning and projects the near end of the Western world.
Hwang's 2004 work illustrated the feasibility of therapeutic cloning, but he was still working out kinks in his protocol.
Blackburn, a cell biologist at the University of California at San Francisco, charges she was released for speaking out in favor of therapeutic cloning and against federal funding restrictions on stem cell research.
This work has revolutionized the field of therapeutic cloning and could bring its promise — to better understand and treat a variety of diseases — a step or two closer to reality.
The value of therapeutic cloning has long been clear to Lanza, who did his early work with South African heart transplant pioneer Christiaan Barnard.
This is what makes the return of therapeutic cloning such a gripping plot twist (see «Human stem cells made using Dolly cloning technique «-RRB-.
The lab results for iPS cells have been impressive so far, he says, «but if they do not have therapeutic value, they will be far from getting to the point of replacing the whole idea of therapeutic cloning
For a number of years it has been suggested that this use may be one of the fruitful applications of therapeutic cloning.
But there are risks that the legalization of therapeutic cloning will smoothly go into reproductive.
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