Sentences with phrase «of thing movies»

It's the type of thing movies are made of.
Here is a website which summarizes some of the things the movie reveals.
That's exactly the kind of thing a movie like this shouldn't do.
If you look closely I have mentioned Gabby standing out amongst the three «young» guns and from the looks of things her movie has got the most momentum out of the three.
Yes, you'll barely control your bladder with some of the things this movie throws at you, but the devil is in the details, and that's where this succeeds.
I've interviewed Tommy before, and it resulted in a trippy 90 minutes in which he admitted, bald - faced, many of the things the movie's fans had speculated on for years, like his sad view of women and why the hell there's a dash in the character name Chris - R.

Not exact matches

If this were an old Disney movie made while Walt was at the controls, this would be the moment in the story when a little bit of magic would appear — perhaps in the form of a fairy godmother or some pixie dust — to make things right.
When you fly 300,000 miles per year, you do one of three things on a plane: work, sleep or watch movies.
The discovery of the network leads to some intriguing theories about why people often fail to come up with creative solutions when they're focusing on a problem but succeed later, when they're doing other things, like taking a shower or watching a movie.
«It's the humans convincing themselves that it's a really cool thing to do with their pooch,» said award - winning trainer Bill Berloni of Theatrical Animals, who works with TV, movie and Broadway producers.
Most of his inventions were never produced, nor was a Disney movie about his life; only one of those things seems reasonable.
«Despite everything that is going on with digital — great penetration by Netflix, by cable in the form of video - on - demand, iTunes and all of those things — physical media is still the most popular way of watching a movie in the U.S.,» he says.
«Avengers: Infinity War» had big ramifications for the MCU, and while the devastating ending leaves things open for some sort of reversal, there was plenty of bloodshed throughout the movie leading up to it.
It's quite impressive that Netflix's rate is so low, considering it frequently turns out high - quality original series and movies, with big stars attached including «House of Cards,» «Stranger Things,» «Okja,» and «To the Bone.»
Take a look at the top 10 highest - grossing R - rated movies of all time adjusted for inflation (to keep things on an even playing field):
At the time, all the networks were making 20 - plus movies a year and a couple of miniseries and maybe a few limited series, and so you were making things all the time.
That sentiment is expressed in the top rated comment on IGN's version of this story: «It is in fact the smartest thing EVER done for a video game movie,» writes KDonivan.
You probably wouldn't guess it, but the people behind some of your favorite movies and TV shows — even some of the ones that seem the least tied to reality — might have consulted a scientist in an attempt to keep things (sort of) realistic.
Michael Bay is known for two things: his blockbuster, action - packed movies and allegations of sexist on - set behavior towards female stars.
They think about all sorts of things a lot that you barely think about at all, like the price of gas or lettuce or movie tickets.
Guerrasio: One of the things that is embedded in my brain about your movie is Nicolas Cage impersonating Humphrey Bogart by the end of the movie.
Speaking of the investigative journalism - focused movie to win the most recent Best Picture Oscar, Oliver said: «One of the things that made Spotlight so powerful is the knowledge that the newspaper industry today is in big trouble.»
and access to thousands of TV shows, movies, and songs on demand, it's never been easier to get the things you want or need with the quickness.
I fast forward movies because they move too slowly; I can't fill out any sort of paperwork from start to finish; and if I'm not doing three things at once, I'm bored.
The very first thing I do when deciding which movie I want to see next is check its rating on RottenTomatoes and if the film is North of 80 % then it's a «no brainer» for me to go and see.
«Not in any sort of [Neil LaBute's play and movie] The Shape of Things way.
McDormand, Rockwell, and Woody Harrelson are so good in Three Billboards that I think a lot of voters have totally forgotten the less successful aspects of the movie: How every white character is immensely colorful but every black one is a cipher, that whole thing about Woody Harrelson's big dick (stop!
By the end of the movie, Burry decides to shift his investment focus to one thing: water.
The first thing many of us think about when it comes to the future relationship between artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity is Skynet — the fictional neural net - based group mind from the «Terminator» movie franchise.
It is the sort of thing we teach our children (or at least the sort of thing we used to be able to teach our children before this age of incivility corrupted our youth with its rock music / hippies / video games / rap music / violent movies / Internet / baggy pants).
At the recent All Things Digital D10 Conference, Ari Emanuel (co-head of William Morris talent agency and the inspiration for the Ari Gold character from HBO's The Entourage) spoke about how crowdfunding could revolutionize the way our favorite TV shows or movies get produced.
The first Iron Man movie is, among other things, a very enjoyable romantic comedy with a healthy dose of slapstick.
(Some hateful ignorant things said, can have consequences, is the premise of the movie).
And they pull it off without having to give away the movies storyline or talk about everyone's resume and do a bunch of other boring things we feel like we've seen a million times now that crowd funding has been around for a while.
Well, I've also discovered that liking Wes Anderson movies ranking very high on the famous list of things white people like.
At this point, it's best for all of us to just grow up and accept that fact that Hollywood is going to make a movie out of every single thing...
We take meaning from things every day that do not claim to be of divine origin: music, poetry, movies,...
Peter Jackson isn't saying whether he's just turning The Hobbit itself into three movies, or if he's planning on adapting some of the appendixes to The Lord of the Rings into a film, but one thing's for sure: three movies will make a lot more money than two...
I remember getting real cross with my little sister when she told me that she went out to see the movie The Exorcism of Emily Rose, but when she started asking me questions about God and all that, I was kind of thinking, «You know Olga, maybe this is a good thing that Hollywood is spending some money on making horror movies
There are plenty of worse things in this world to complain about than the content of a movie.
At this point, the first movie is set to come out this Christmas, and the second will hit December of 2013, but Warner Bros is definitely interested in exploring options for stretching things into a third movie, provided all the actors are willing to come back on for another round.
«Isn't the simplest touch of a child's arm on the face more important, isn't the good meal, the brush against a thigh, a hand held during a movie, a swim in the sea, aren't those things of equal importance as the sands of time come rushing down on our heads burying ambition and love, good and evil, breath, blood, brains, waste, memory, alike in the oblivion?»
All of the things in the movie are things that happened.
For most of you, probably some sort of romantic dinner, possibly a movie, maybe even a couple of presents and then, well, we'll just see where things go?
But things are changing, due to a combination of the media questioning the lack of female directors and the movie ticket - buying public showing up to support diversity at the box office.
everything is made up of atoms (don't believe me do some research) its the different variables of heat and light and things like that that cause different reactions to make different things and these things when they interact can create something completely different and you and slowly the process of mitosis or miosis starts to work and form stuff hell i learnt that in high school and it was a catholic one at that a millions of years ago i bet the universe was completely different and had things in it that our minds cant even imagine that have since changed over time from action and reaction to what we have today and in another million years who knows with all the different gases we pump into the air and the weather getting more intense on both ends of the scale life as we know it will be different the human race will have to evolve to survive and will probibly form into a slightly different species hell maybe well evolve into 2 different species like in the movie time machine
I haven't heard that argument used for movies since the early days of pornography when hard - core pictures were preceded by a warning from a man wearing a doctor's smock about the terrible things viewers were about to witness.
Several things about the book of Exodus which have always bothered me about how God is portrayed in that book were brought into clear focus in the movie.
he best things about summer are the beautiful nights, a slew of fun movies on the horizon and that you can finally shake off all those emotional shackles of winter...
Setting is one of the first things we attach to as movie and TV viewers because we engage with it before we have full understanding of the story.
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