Sentences with phrase «of thinking about it»

This way of thinking about the destruction of the cities on the plain is seen elsewhere as well.
The New Testament's later development of an international and inter-racial faith was the logical conclusion of Jesus» way of thinking about God, and so notable was this contribution that he has been credited with being the first one in history to take monotheism with thoroughgoing moral earnestness.
Using examples from mythology, Scripture, theology, and philosophy, Rollins shows how mankind has long been interested in speaking of God in these terms, to the point that «instead of thinking about our understanding of God as a poetic utterance arising from an encounter with God, it was thought that our understanding of God directly matched up with the very nature of God.
This indicates why so many adolescents reject religious beliefs as they hold on to childish views too long and then can not make the adjustment to other ways of thinking about religious stories and assertions.
I'm not trying to be antagonistic here, but rather encourage a way of thinking about how we move the church forward that I believe will be more productive and life giving.
One should take part often, It was easy to put it off and say «I will go next week», and then faith grew cold until one «becomes completely bored of thinking about «his dear Saviour.»»
Classical theism is a beautiful way of thinking about thinking, and for those who are passionate about pure thought, there is no idea more beautiful than the idea that God is like our ideas.
The Nicene tradition has struggled for many centuries to discipline its concepts so that they fit with the Bible, so much so that it is difficult to identify a way of thinking about God, history, and human destiny that is at once more metaphysically self - conscious and more thoroughly and constantly invested with exegetical substance.
All of these types of thinking about theology are Western ways of thinking which stem primarily from Greek Philosophy and the Enlightenment.
Now that kind of thinking about God which looks for evidence of His activity in phenomena which have no natural explanation is often referred to as a belief in the «God of the gaps».
A full defence of the analogical mode of thinking about God would require an elaborate discussion.
To use the metaphor of body to speak of God is not to describe God, but it is a way of thinking about God on the basis of something very important to us, our bodies.
Now, if we take spirituality seriously as one of the two focal points of the Christian life, this leads immediately to a way of thinking about one of the major purposes of our life together as «church.»
As you consider the following ways of thinking about the Bible, pick which one you most prefer and which one you least prefer.
This process of thinking about the future with a divinely inspired imagination and then working with God to bring our imagination into reality is called The Prophetic Imagination by theologian and Bible scholar Walter Brueggemann.
Eslinger first defines this situation as a «crisis» for both preachers and homileticians and clears the way toward news ways of thinking about preaching by suggesting that «the way out, toward new effectiveness in preaching, is not yet clear» (11).
Unfortunately black ministers and theologians were strongly influenced by the white way of thinking about God and theology.
Birch's aim is to offer a nonmechanistic understanding of nature and to show how such an understanding elicits a new way of thinking about God.
An ecological doctrine of creativity implies a new kind of thinking about God.
«I don't think this means Protestant America is over,» I told the AP, «but I do think it means the old way of thinking about Protestant America is over.»
The other implication of this way of thinking about human nature is that we must not separate groups, classes or races of men by assigning to one the image of God and to the other the effects of the fall.
For the evolutionary paradigm has come to dominate our ways of thinking about the world.
Linking such changes to arguments about world order provides a way of thinking about their place in longer - term historical patterns and their relation to trends in the wider system of societies.
I think Carl Jung came up with some good ways of thinking about our cultural images and how they come about — that scientists many hundreds or thousands of years later might have the same sorts of cultural images informing their intuitions, and thus using those images as the basis for a theory of evolution is not so much extraordinary than it is to be expected.
This couple is coming from a fundamentally different view of thinking about the body and marriage and how it is a sacred trust to enter into the s - exual act (physically or mentally).
Frankly, the whole argument sounds somewhat silly to modern ears, but was quite consistent with Hebraic ways of thinking about their ancestors and helps solve the dilemma about how Jesus could be our High Priest even though He was not of the Tribe of Levi.
Far from being a matter of merely historic interest, this contrast in the New Testament between Jewish and Hellenistic ways of thinking about the future life has remained ever since an unresolved dilemma in Christianity.
Yet much of his thinking about the natural world was done before he made this move.
That's the American way of thinking about it.
Without saying that it is particular religious acts or practices, such as prayer or the use of Scripture for guidance, that make one's function pastoral, I believe that a case can be made for an identifiable pastoral function as well as a pastoral way of thinking about that function.
I am increasingly convinced that the time has come to find a way of thinking about spirituality and ethics beyond religion altogether.
For through this shift in the way of thinking about them, «things» actually become for the most part more «natural» because seen in terms of originary and self - acting units of process.
This way of thinking about the character of God and hell is so strong that even when the veil is lifted and you see that it's nonsense it's still extremely difficult to shake off.
The just war tradition came into being during the Middle Ages as a way of thinking about the right use of force in the context of responsible government of the political community.
A transitional figure, Machiavelli reflected the tension between the old and the new ways of thinking about justice.
There is no need to expand this list or to argue the appeal of this way of thinking about God.
And, some of us, such as that puny lil» guy behind the spotlight, started on the path of thinking ourselves about what the story of our time's music really meant.
Be that as it may, here are two fundamental modes of thinking about God.
But leaving that aside for the moment, we have at least shown that the perception of two notes together makes possible a different conception of space and spaces from that which is typical of, say, two colors together — a different way of thinking about space.
I want to talk about two of these problems — the problem of emergent individuality and the problem of relations and relata — because I believe that this study suggests some productive ways of thinking about them.
These affinities grew out of a common desire to get beyond «liberal» and «conservative» ways of thinking about scripture, mission and theology.
As a matter of fact, it is a foregone conclusion that no human way of thinking about God and his ways can be literally accurate.
It's not true, as you might guess, that any other participant at the conference thought that my way of thinking about all this is all that sound.
Evidence indicates that Protestant ways of thinking about the church, family, and sexuality have lost meaning and may actually interfere with the capacity of church members to respond to change in the family.
Dualistic ways of thinking about what is spiritual and what is not affects the way people act and relate in a congregation.
This division of labor in the home is reflected in a similar way of thinking about church programs and in attitudes about church leaders.
The father - son imagery was a new use of older, more traditional ways of thinking about the relationship of God to the world and to the people of God.
As I thought I had made reasonably clear in my article, the just war way of thinking about the moral exigencies of world politics begins with a presumption for justice — a presumption that the magistrate has the moral obligation to defend the common good, even at the risk of his own life — and then proceeds to a moral analysis of the various means available for securing justice, which can include proportionate and discriminate armed force.
The hope is that there may emerge among us, as we inquire into these matters, a way of thinking about worship which will liberate us from our placid captivity within our separate traditions.
Old ways of thinking about the world, the habits of the old way of life can lead her to doubt the promises of the new life in Christ.
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