Sentences with phrase «of this paradigm shift towards»

Travelers are becoming more aware of the negative impact the travel industry has had on communities in the past and want to be a part of a paradigm shift towards sustainable travel.
What do you think of this paradigm shift towards glass backs in flagships?

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Dr Alexander Merle, co-author from the Max Planck Institute in Munich, Germany, adds: «At the moment, experiments on Dark Matter do not point into a clear direction and, given that also the Large Hadron Collider at CERN has not found any signs of new physics yet, it may be time that we shift our paradigm towards alternative candidates for Dark Matter.
Bonnichsen and Turnmire (1999:2 - 3) perceive a paradigm shift towards acceptance of the Early - Entry model predicated on the acceptance of Monte Verde, Chile, as a 12,500 year old site, identification of regional co-traditions contemporaneous with Clovis and several other pre - 11,500 sites in the Americas.
«The entire education system is designed to facilitate lifelong and «lifewide» learning and the creation of formal, non-formal and informal learning opportunities for people of all ages... The concept of lifelong learning requires a paradigm shift away from the ideas of teaching and training towards those of learning, from knowledge - conveying instruction to learning for personal development and from the acquisition of special skills to broader discovery and the releasing and harnessing of creative potential.
While these strategies and genres have for sure been used in traditional media outlets, they have also been part of a major paradigm shift within peace movement campaigns towards online social media based campaigns for peace.
However, shifting this paradigm so that work life and personal life are complementary priorities, instead of competing ones, can go a long way towards ensuring that we'll be happier, healthier, and more effective teachers.
I thought I was headed towards a «tapping» ceremony, when in reality, I was on a journey that has shifted my paradigms and turned my understanding of what it means to be a teacher leader completely on its head.
The authors» approach of aiming to keep portfolios travelling towards income goals rather than maximizing returns is a bit of a paradigm shift compared to traditional practice, as is rebalancing to constant risk rather than cleaving to a predetermined asset mix.
Be a part of this ground - breaking, cutting - edge veterinary education event to catapult the profession towards the next paradigm shift in veterinary medicine.
When heavyweight indie developers and big - ticket publishers both start driving towards a particular style of gameplay, it's a sure sign that gaming is undergoing a paradigm shift.
Each artist faced the challenge differently but together their work shifts the paradigm of race and representation in museums towards a more inclusive record of what it means to be American.
The customization of epistemological Conceptualism represents the most significant paradigm shift in living memory, as design professions migrate from myopic design assignments — design me a toaster — towards conceiving the intangible commodities that feed the experience economy — design me a system.
Each of the five artists in «The Feminine Sublime» at The Pasadena Museum of California Art explores their relationship to the landscape in a shift from the traditional male perspective towards a new paradigm.
Though «paradigm shift» emerged as the new catch - phrase of GCF discourse — as the fund's governing instrument calls for a «paradigm shift towards low - emission and climate - resilient development pathways» — the board meeting was almost anything but.
While striving for a more sustainable, environmentally responsible future may require investments in green innovation and the commitment of governments, so much of it also relies on a paradigm shift in our attitudes towards waste and reusability.
[18] In other words, there needs to be a further paradigm shift towards more clinically - based legal training opportunities for students, placing practical knowledge on more of an equal footing with theoretical knowledge.
Positive education represents a paradigm shift away from viewing education merely as a route to academic attainment and towards viewing it as a place where students can cultivate their intellectual minds while developing a broad set of character strengths, virtues, and well - being.
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