Sentences with phrase «of thousands of authors»

That said, I try to help the tens of thousands of authors who are struggling to sell books find a way to reach more readers, without breaking any rules.
With the advent of self - publishing, there are presently hundreds of thousands of authors who feel that they have a bad review that should be removed for one reason or another.
In the publishing world, tens of thousands of authors write books without considering who will want to buy it (or just assuming that everybody will want to).
And that's the problem — there are hundreds of thousands of authors out there doing the same things, competing for the same space and attention.
But considering the hundreds of thousands of authors whose work never saw the light of day back in the «old days», it's not so bad.
True, I won't move that bar much by myself, but with tens of thousands of authors like me, the effect could be significant.
I have a ton of valuable knowledge and have helped tens of thousands of authors publish, but because I focus on the details, I've always had trouble selling.
Let that sink in and if you're still game, you're miles ahead of the thousands of authors just waiting for success to knock on their door.
I have a list of thousands of authors, but I only ended up selling around 50 books.
That is daunting, but then there are hundreds of thousands of authors in the world, most of whom who self - publish with no quality control.
Over the past fifteen years, this guide has helped tens of thousands of authors understand the process of self - publishing.
I don't think the tactic works because those groups are full of thousands of authors promoting themselves.
I'm referring to a large publisher's ability to negotiate on behalf of thousands of authors.
Hundreds of thousands of authors like you are publishing profitable work right now instead of waiting for agents and publishers to give the green light.
For tens of thousands of authors every year, this vanity press publishing model has been irresistible.
The Audible Creation Exchange is limited to residents of the United States, which prevents hundreds of thousands of authors from ever creating a digital audiobook.
For tens of thousands of authors with true commercial goals — like you — vanity press publishers with their Print - On - Demand - only model are wholly impotent.
There was a lot of pent up demand, hundreds of thousands of authors around the world, eager to get published who couldn't work with the traditional publishing system.
If he does not then we can simply walk away from Smashwords and hope 10's of thousands of authors do too.
In the fast - paced age of social media, Manaher, a self - described people person, has managed to build a strong community of thousands of authors through Book Marketing Tools, and that community, he says, is ever growing.
Most people know when you're not being straight with them, and they'll pass you over for one of the other hundreds of thousands of authors clamoring for their attention.
After years of developing online strategies for selling and marketing books, and after helping tens of thousands of authors grow their careers, that question became, «What if there were one online platform that could handle all your book marketing and audience growth needs in one place?»
Every November, hundreds of thousands of authors put aside hours each day, all in the attempt to write a 50,000 word book in the span of one month.
Interestingly, although they are the standard for author website design, there are extremely few of them — search around for examples of high quality author websites and you'll find that there are really only a handful of examples out of tens of thousands of author websites.
With thirty - plus books published, tens of thousands of authors coached to succeed as perpetually profitable publishers, and a thriving coaching - publishing company, Michelle's approach to all things publishing and personal management for the innovative author is relevant, contemporary and useful wisdom.
Every November, hundreds of thousands of authors write a complete novel — in a month.
Since the launch, tens of thousands of authors from around the world have used IngramSpark as their platform.
While Hachette has a cadre of well - known authors, Amazon must have contacted hundreds of thousands of authors with this single email.
For every self - published author like Amanda Hocking, there are tens of thousands of authors who never sell more than ten copies of their book.
This week also marks the fifth anniversary of the launch of Kindle in the UK, the platform that has allowed hundreds of thousands of authors to independently publish and whose self - publishing arm has been growing substantially year - on - year.
I know we've got tens of thousands of authors who are dying to have their books available on Google Play.
The rise of the independent book publishing industry has given a voice to hundreds of thousands of authors, more than 16,000 of which, from more than 120 countries, have realized their dreams of publication through Trafford.
In their bid to sink the class action claims against them, Pearson attorneys acknowledged that the potential class could be «tens of thousands of authors
4 min readAt Lulu, we have hundreds of thousands of authors, and each one has a different approach to marketing.
A hands - on approach to book publishing Tens of thousands of authors each year choose to take alternative methods to traditional publishing to get their books into the hands of readers.
His interactions with tens of thousands of authors, during his frequent globe - trotting adventures, have confirmed prevailing introverted traits in most writers.
Many of us hopeful writers grew up browsing bookstores with the misguided impression that all of those tens of thousands of authors we see on the shelves were writing for a living.
At Lulu, we have hundreds of thousands of authors, and each one has a different approach to marketing.
5 Basics for Creating a Marketing Plan That Doesn't SuckAt Lulu, we have hundreds of thousands of authors, and each one has a different approach to marketing.
Tens of thousands of authors are already part of our community.
I'm just one of thousands of authors to do this.
Tens of thousands of authors and hundreds of thousands of titles, a thriving part of our UK business.
It's a success formula that has been fine - tuned over the past 15 years with tens of thousands of authors, subject area experts, and entrepreneurs working closely with the national media, including Fast Company, MSN, the Today Show, and hundreds of others.
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