Sentences with phrase «of thousands of dollars per year»

Companies want to hire employees at the lowest possible cost, and relocation can amount to hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for H / R departments, even at small companies.
The interface may look scary at first, but I find it's well worth the savings if you're converting tens of thousands of dollars per year through Interactive Brokers.
In fact, these choices are costing us hundreds of thousands of dollars per year on our property tax bills.
Going with one of the cheaper companies can mean the difference of thousands of dollars per year.
Because we spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per year optimizing our search engine rankings, our lead generation sites are very likely to come up when a consumer makes a request.
PMI is otherwise required of all borrowers paying less than 20 % down; it can be very expensive, typically to the tune of thousands of dollars per year.
A couple of librarians I spoke with gave me examples of the annual cost of frequently updated publications of thousands of dollars per year; the other example was updates that do not contain enough content; for example, 50 pages replaced, of which only 10 contain any commentary.
By Edward Nawotka The great thing about students is they pay tens of thousands of dollars per year to — essentially — do little more than read and talk about what they are reading.
Smith explained, «The position of receiver of taxes unnecessarily costs taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
This is more than just a playground spat among vendors, since a company's public image can determine the direction of contracts worth tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
In recent years this has added hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to the property taxes of my constituents on Grand Island and the Tonawandas.
Approve drugs for the treatment of cancer that cost tens of thousands of dollars per year that extend the lives of cancer patients by mere weeks without even the slimmest prospects of definitive cure?
«My argument was: let's take the resources you're investing in a corps member — tens of thousands of dollars per year — and put that into professional development for training current staff on campuses,» Schwartz said.
The great thing about students is they pay tens of thousands of dollars per year to — essentially — do little more than read and talk about what they are reading.
Personally, I think a talented and hard - working indie author can expect to do well — to earn some tens of thousands of dollars per year.
You probably have to pay them tens of thousands of dollars per year.
Meanwhile, this Board has paid itself hundreds of thousands of dollars per year.
This would be the case of successful bloggers who started out as a fun project but who are now making hundreds of thousands of dollars per year or entrepreneurs who become hugely successful.
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