Sentences with phrase «of thousands of homes»

Both of these loans have helped tens of thousands of home buyers purchase their first home and offer decent rates.
These institutional managers have purchased hundreds of thousands of homes in these depressed markets.
The first is proving out its risk management approach to the satisfaction of lenders who will need to issue a massive amount of debt to fund tens of thousands of home purchases.
The importance of the project in this context is to provide an alternative model to the hundreds of thousands of homes already built after the 2008 earthquake.
Our stats show that we've introduced tens of thousands of home cooks to blogs that they may not have found otherwise.
Android has hundreds of thousands of home screen widgets out there for you to try out, from advanced widget creators to those that come with your favorite apps.
In hundreds of neighborhoods that once attracted first - time home buyers, investors have stepped in, buying up tens of thousands of homes for the rental market.
It is one of the lowest - ranked states for solar, despite its potential to generate enough solar to power hundreds of thousands of homes and spur many jobs.
Hurricane Harvey's massive flooding has displaced tens of thousands of people and destroyed tens of thousands of homes across southeast Texas and Louisiana.
Hundreds of thousands of home sellers have had their pockets picked at closings during the past decade: They've been charged interest on their mortgages after their principal debts had been fully paid off.
«Today, many months of hard work, negotiation and bipartisan compromise have culminated in a law that will end skyrocketing flood insurance costs for hundreds of thousands of home owners,» says U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters, D - Calif.
Harvey hit Texas in late August, damaging or destroying tens of thousands of homes in Houston, the nation's fourth - largest city, and smaller communities throughout the state's Gulf Coast.
He has been involved in heading a number of prominent class actions including: a class action against the operators of Wivenhoe and Somerset Dam in relation to the January 2011, flooding of thousands of homes and businesses in South - East Queensland.
It's compatible with hundreds of thousands of home devices, from Apple TV to Roku TV, to Dish Hopper DVRs and Nest Thermostats.
Spruce has financed and serviced tens of thousands of home energy and efficiency projects throughout the U.S.. Now, we're bringing our expertise to the California PACE market with California Statewide Communities Development Authority (CSCDA), Western Riverside Council of Governments (WRCOG), and other municipalities.
A Christian care provider is urging the Church to do what it can to help elderly people in their homes, after figures showed hundreds of thousands of home care visits in the last two years barely lasted five minutes.
CLASS consists of thousands of home schools throughout the United States and around the world, with students ranging in age from four to adult.
«The growth has returned to the county» Bill Sebring, Assistant Superintendent for Support Services and Facilities and Construction Management, said of the need for continued use of Ed SPLOST, noting there are 21 current residential developments with construction of thousands of homes underway.
But to really nail it down here in the U.S., he says, we'd need to study tens of thousands of home births, «to be able to find a difference in those rare outcomes.»
Suffolk County Executive Steve Bellone's newly proposed Water Quality Protection Fee, while still being developed, appears at first glance to be a realistic way for the county to begin funding the connection of thousands of homes to these much - needed modern systems.
However, we know there is more to do, which is why we've set out the most ambitious vision for housing in a generation, including delivering hundreds of thousands of homes exclusively for first - time buyers.»
The destruction wreaked by Hurricanes Harvey and Irma over the past weeks is almost unimaginable: hundreds of thousands of homes severely damaged or destroyed, tens of thousands of people in temporary shelters.
It has been a month since Hurricane Harvey brought devastating wind and flooding to the Texas coast and Houston area, and while the water has receded and businesses have reopened, huge debris piles in front of thousands of homes serve as a constant...
Record - breaking flooding in southwestern Queensland and northern New South Wales leads to the isolation of entire towns and the abandonment of thousands of homes.
The Hub then generates the appropriate IR or Bluetooth signals to control hundreds of thousands of home entertainment devices ranging from TVs and audio systems to cable boxes, Blu - ray players, and game consoles.
Analysis of thousands of home listings and hundreds of other criteria yielded three key reasons why first - time homebuyers and investors are using the web to get a leg up in the battle for homes:
In honor of the recent Presidents Day, Zillow analyzed home values for tens of thousands of homes nationwide located on streets named after presidents to determine which streets had the highest median home values, and also counted which presidential streets had the most homes on them.
Instead, for hundreds of thousands of home loans, it used Wall Street alchemy to chop these loans up into complicated securities — slices of which were sold in financial markets.
Or all that different from hundreds of thousands of homes across the country around the witching hour.
Tens of thousands of home sellers and home buyers visited HomeGain during 2008 and completed requests to Find a Realtor to help them with their real estate needs.
With that phenomenal cost being added to already spiralling power bills — there will be many more households who will be unable to afford power; adding to the tens of thousands of homes already deprived of what was once a basic necessity of (a decent) life.
Every year, hundreds of thousands of home buyers cut this middleman out of the equation.
This is timely news, given the current dangers lurking in the debris and destruction left behind by Hurricane Harvey's floodwaters that destroyed tens of thousands of homes in Texas.
Concentrated solar plants are a relatively new technology that has the potential to provide hundreds of thousands of homes with clean energy.
At least a quarter of Harris County, which includes Houston and the immediate surrounding area, is now under water, affecting tens of thousands of homes, local officials have said.
This is not news; the city's decay — the slow letting of its industrial heart's blood, the fleeing of more than half its citizens, the blight that has shuttered tens of thousands of homes and businesses — has been covered extensively by the media.
This service matches up tens of thousands of home and apartment owners / landlords with guests looking for accommodations for between 30 days and up to one year.
Since five years ago when it started, the Great Recession has hit the United States like a hurricane, erasing trillions of dollars of wealth, destroying more than 8 million jobs and eroding value from tens of thousands of homes.
Since then, the family's Minto Group has built tens of thousands of homes and numerous high - rise condominiums, including Canada's first, in Nepean, Ont., in 1976.
The researchers performed tests on Samsung's SmartThings platform, which is used in hundreds of thousands of homes, based on the number of app downloads.
This is the sort of sight greeting engineers as they attempt to restore power to some of the thousands of homes cut off by Storm Katie.
Three regional Ukraine power authorities suffered a malware attack that caused hundreds of thousands of homes to lose power last week, according to ArsTechnica.
As the storm bore down on the UK and Ireland, tens of thousands of homes and businesses suffered power outages.
«Lead paint was so widely used, there are still hundreds of thousands of homes and apartments with lead paint,» he says.
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