Sentences with phrase «of thousands of pounds»

And how can you warn me against trusting PR material from drug companies when you receive hundreds of thousands of pounds from the government to run your surgery?
When tens of thousands of pounds of metal, glass, and cargo crash, there's going to be some damage.
Police have revealed how a man who stole tens of thousands of pounds from church donation boxes kept detailed notes of his crimes.
Her comments come after it was revealed some schools were spending tens of thousands of pounds with agencies to fill gaps in their workforce.
A percentage or two difference in fees easily adds up to hundreds of thousands of pounds by the time you're ready to retire.
You have spent tens of thousands of pounds over this time and up to your illness in keeping up to a decent standard.
In the derivatives markets, this happens when investors can not accept a delivery of thousands of pounds of coffee from a futures contract, for example.
A wind turbine operator has been fined tens of thousands of pounds after one of its wind turbines made too much noise.
The physics of flight dictates that you need an exceptional amount of fuel to launch hundreds of thousands of pounds into the air and keep it moving for hours at a stretch.
I have witnessed cases where an individual misses out on tens of thousands of pounds, which if they had married their partner, they would have been fully entitled to.
Hell, even people like Mertesacker and Walcott should be out of this club by now yet every end of the week they are gleefully rubbing their hands and collecting tens if not hundreds of thousands of pounds for doing squats at the club gym.
For the Liberal Democrats, Nick Clegg said people were «a little baffled by all the various solutions» being proposed to clean up MPs» expenses because «they all fail to deal with the biggest loophole: MPs making hundreds of thousands of pounds on second homes funded by the taxpayer».
Warning Signs of a Catfish Dr. British women are being conned out of thousands of pounds in an online dating scam where fraudsters pose as American sites.
Some of those are stored as a backup, while the rest are sent to a diamond - growing lab in Amsterdam, which applies hundreds of thousands of pounds per square inch of pressure over time.
As shown in the video above, a TV can fall with the force of thousands of pounds, which is 10 times more powerful than being hit by an NFL lineman.
You want to try paying for 3 season tickets, travel to home, away and European games for 3 people, all the food and travel expenses, it totals 10s of thousands of pounds over the past 10 years alone.
Angela Burns AM, the Welsh Conservatives» shadow education minister, added: «In 2011, average per pupil funding in Wales was # 600 less than in England, equating to hundreds of thousands of pounds less for Welsh secondary schools.
Unite's intervention sees the Government put in to place legislation today (Monday) that will benefit hundreds of sufferers of the fatal asbestos cancer, mesothelioma, to the tune of thousands of pounds in compensation.
The two men were filmed as they offered to use their positions as politicians in return for payments of thousands of pounds from a fictitious Chinese company.
The Archbishop of Canterbury has admitted he was «irritated» after it emerged the Church of England has tens of thousands of pounds invested in Wonga.
The documents we have obtained show the enquiry found betting syndicates in Russia, northern Italy and Sicily making hundreds of thousands of pounds betting on matches investigators thought to be fixed.
If this were to happen, you could end up facing serious court battles which could total hundreds of thousands of pounds depending upon what data was stolen and how it affected your customers.
Firefighters will be robbed of thousands of pounds while the bankers who caused the problems continue to count up huge bonuses.
Speaking from York where he is visiting an FSB member and other businesses affected, John Walker, National Chairman, Federation of Small Businesses, said: «It is unacceptable that small firms are paying out what could amount to tens of thousands of pounds because they can't get adequate insurance protection from their insurers.
Stark predictions of how public sector workers could lose tens of thousands of pounds under the government's pensions plans are shown in an online pensions calculator created by the Public and Commercial Services Union.
Despite earning hundreds of thousands of pounds through lucrative book deals, after - dinner speeches and directorships, Mr Hague — who also owns a # 1million apartment in Yorkshire — used his MP's living allowance to pay his mortgage interest and # 4,000 - a-year service charge, including use of a gym.
Duncan Hames, director of policy at Transparency International UK said: «It is almost inconceivable that campaigners would donate to each other hundreds of thousands of pounds without some assurance or agreement as to what the money would be spent on.
They live in water that hovers just above freezing and that exerts pressures of thousands of pounds per square inch.
Nicola sets up a plan that seems doomed from the start — she tricks Guy into giving her tens of thousands of pounds so that she can save Keith from loan sharks.
Fraudsters posing as headteachers have conned schools across the country out of tens of thousands of pounds since last September.
If you are not interested in badge snobbery then sit back and buy this for almost loose change and laugh at all the money you have saved by not buying a marque 4 x 4 - and I mean a saving of thousands of pounds here.
A list of attendees at a climate - change seminar the BBC has spent tens of thousands of pounds trying to keep secret has been unearthed on an internet archive.
Summer 2015: Officials move to cut the subsidy paid to businesses, which has no cap, after realising an error in how the initiative was set up means companies could make hundreds of thousands of pounds off it.
If the driver of a truck weighing tens of thousands of pounds crashes into your smaller and lighter vehicle, the impact can be devastating to you and your passengers.
CCAs did huge damage to firms» cash flow when the LSC recouped hundreds of thousands of pounds legitimately claimed by firms, after inadequately qualified and poorly trained LSC staff carried out incompetent audits.
«Shipping containers are designed to carry tens of thousands of pounds across brutal seas,» says Duke Claghorn, business development associate, SG Blocks.
Schools are spending tens of thousands of pounds with recruitment agencies and sending emissaries to Australia to look for teachers, but Nick Gibb still won't use the word «crisis» when it comes to teacher supply.
The former editor of the News of the World was given hundreds of thousands of pounds by News International [NI] as part of his severance package — reportedly the most generous possible — and maintained his private healthcare insurance and his company car.
Grammar schools are pocketing tens of thousands of pounds from mock 11 - plus tests, fuelling worries that reintroducing selective schools will «end up assessing wealth not ability».
Staff are working hard to ensure the commission succeeds, but spending hundreds of thousands of pounds on consultants, problems with matching people to roles, as well as cutting the Manchester helpline has done nothing for their morale.
A specialist information and communications technology lawyer has issued a stark warning about the dangers of posting on social media after a Dorset woman has been left with a fine of thousands of pounds for comments made on Facebook.
In addition to his lonely hearts scam, he has been accused of conning his stepson out of thousands of pounds.
MPs could be forced to repay mortgage interest claims worth tens of thousands of pounds in the next stage of expenses auditor Sir Thomas Legg's scrutiny.
According to a new CPSC study, when a television falls from an average size dresser, it can actually fall with the force of thousands of pounds.
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