Sentences with phrase «of timber plantation»

The Federal government has sought to allay community concerns about tree farms - which have jumped 20 per cent in five years in Western Australia to reach almost 400,000 hectares - releasing a report on the impact of timber plantation.
«Borneo is a network of timber plantations, agro-forestry areas and mines, with patches of natural forest,» said Loken.
Delicious meals are served on a spacious wooden deck which has a magical view of timber plantations and sand dunes.

Not exact matches

AS one out - of - pocket investor left the Pulpwood Plantations meeting last week, he noted that the heads of the fallen bid to take over Great Southern timber schemes could have done something to ease the pain.
Plantation timber investment manager Great Southern Plantations has put pen to paper on a lucrative contract with a leading Japanese company for the export of hardwood woodchips, worth in excess of $ 130 million.
The replacement of natural forests with plantations of new, fast - growing trees helps to provide timber and paper but speeds up other losses.
«They just decided to table that until next time,» said Gus Silva - Chávez, a negotiator with the Environmental Defense Fund in Washingon, D.C. Same, probably, with the worry by some scientists that funds for REDD might incentivize the cutting down of forests to turn them into timber plantations.
12.9 %: reduction in forest cover in South - East Asia due largely to an increase in timber extraction, large - scale bio-fuel plantations and the expansion of intensive agriculture and shrimp farms (1990 to 2015)
The plantation experiment set in motion by the British was intended to help make the best use of the colony of Malaya's (as Malaysia was known under British rule) timber resources and was also instructive in the development of rubber plantations that were spreading across the region to fuel the booming new automobile industry.
It consists of forest patches that have been highly degraded by timber extraction, which are sewn into a landscape of palm oil plantations and human settlements.
The probability of being deforested was found to be lower within forest concessions or industrial timber plantations than in other locations outside concessions.
Most of the fires are the result of slash - and - burn practices — a cheap way to clear land and destroy native forests for palm oil and timber plantations.
In deforested areas, layers of peat — sometimes dozens of meters deep — become flammable as they dry out, which is sometimes exacerbated by deliberate draining in order to make them more suitable for palm oil and timber plantations.
Two industry giants, International Paper Co. and MeadWestvaco Corp., are planning to transform plantation forests of the southeastern United States by replacing native pine with genetically engineered eucalyptus, a rapidly growing Australian tree that in its conventional strains now dominates the tropical timber industry.
The timber industry has long dreamed of importing eucalyptus into the South, mimicking Brazil's success, where plantations transformed the country — at some environmental toll — from a timber importer to an exporter within decades.
Forests: Threats to our forests Deforestation Results of deforestation Forests are cleared all around the world for a number of reasons, including: Harvesting of timber to produce wood and paper products Clearing land for farms, cash - crop plantations, and cattle ranching Clearing land for urban development, including homes and roads.
With the modern architectural lines and extensive use of timber and plantation shutters, this provided the perfect combination of a resort style living in the sanctuary of nature.
There is a natural element within each apartment from stone floors to the plantation timber concertina shutters, enabling guests the choice of intimacy or to enjoy the spectacular aqua vista.
WASHINGTON, DC (17 February 2015)-- More than 30 percent of wood used by Indonesia's industrial forest sector1 stems from the unreported clear - cutting of natural forests and other illegal sources instead of legal tree plantations and well - managed logging concessions, 2 according to a new study analyzing Indonesian Ministry of Forestry and timber industry data to assess the sustainability of the country's booming pulp and paper industry.
«It emerged at the international level, through the combination of, among others: (1) the conservationist interests of big environmental NGOs in the North, (2) the interests of national and sub-national governments in the North seeking low - cost alternatives to supposedly «offset» their continued and excessive emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, (3) the interests of national and sub-national governments in the South seeking to obtain financial resources for the «protection» of forests in their countries, (4) the interests of corporations that could profit from market - tradable «offset» credits, including through speculation on secondary (derivatives) markets, which would allow them to continue destroying the forests for the extraction of timber, minerals or oil, the establishment of monoculture plantations, etc., thus expanding their business opportunities, and (5) the interests of consultants and other actors involved in financial capital markets who want to turn «unexploited» forests into a new market for this type of capital, through the commercialization of «environmental services» such as carbon sequestration, among others.»
«Plantation» refers to an area allocated by a government or other body for the establishment of fast growing tree plantations for the production of oil palm, timber, or other wood products, including pulp and paper.
«The fires are burning in plantation forests where they may have been set purposely in rotation as a method of boosting crop production on oil palm plantations and timber plantations — a practice known as swidden — or slash - and - burn agriculture,» writes CIFOR's Julie Mollins in a blog post.
After decades of unsustainable logging, which depleted timber stocks and undermined the viability of traditional forestry management, Malaysia's forests are increasingly being converted for industrial oil palm plantations.
Malaysia's forest loss was partly offset by a 25,978 sq km gain in vegetation cover resulting from natural recovery, reforestation, and establishment of industrial timber and oil palm plantations.
Indonesia's natural forests, losing 2 million hectares a year, have suffered some of the heaviest cutting and could disappear within 10 years as they give way to timber and oil - palm plantations.
Moreover, a large proportion of deforestation is not taking place for subsistence agriculture, but for cattle ranching, oil palm plantations, timber extraction and other commercial enterprises — many of which are supplying raw materials to the rich world.
Wood is one of the few renewable building materials, and new technologies like Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) are letting architects and engineers do bigger and taller buildings, using massive wood elements built up from plantation wood «grown like Christmas trees.»
Each year hundreds of thousands of hectares of peatlands are drained and cleared for oil palm and timber plantations on Indonesia and Malaysia.
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