Sentences with phrase «of time quoting»

Porter, Since you spend a lot of time quoting my relatively short piece on the AAR blog, I want to clarify and expand on my thoughts a bit here.
I can spend a lot of time quoting figures on eBook and print sales (and analysing how efficacious they are, given the erratic quality of published numbers), but it isn't necessary for this discussion.
However, it is Basil Rathbone who gives Price a run for his money as John F. Black, the landlord who wants what is owed to him and spends a lot of his time quoting lines from Macbeth.
They are one of the most reliable gossip rags because most of the time the quotes come from the person them - self — either directly, through a verified family member or a publicist.
According to the New York Times, «Van Jones has been a strong voice for green jobs, and we look forward to having him work with departments and agencies to advance the president's agenda of creating 21st century jobs that improve energy efficiency and utilize renewable resources,» CEQ Chairwoman Nancy Sutley said in a written statement last night.Michale Burnham of the Times quotes Joe Romm:

Not exact matches

Barbaro, a co-author of the story, disputed the claim that the Times didn't speak to women that Trump proposed talking to for the story — saying they did interview and quote women that Trump's office suggested.
The oft - quoted Jim Rohn adage that you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with has been found to be pretty accurate.
MacLellan goes on to quote the researchers: «Everyday activities (like household chores or running errands) may afford families quality moments, unplanned, unstructured instances of social interaction that serve the important relationship - building functions that parents seek from «quality time».»
My journey to find mentorship started when I heard the Jim Rohn quote, «You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.»
It identified Oregon as an «epicenter of cannabis production» and quoted an academic as saying three to five times the amount of pot that's consumed in Oregon leaves the state.
Here is a collection of inspirational Veterans Day quotes to support you in your time of reflection.
Let these 20 quotes from Dr. Wayne Dyer motivate you to become more as a human being, tap into your limitless potential and take time out of your busy day to remember a man that transformed millions of lives in such a profound and powerful way.
One of my favorite Gary Vaynerchuk quotes of all time is «I suck at 99 percent of stuff, but I go all out on that 1 percent I'm good at.»
I keep a notebook full of my favorite book passages / adages / quotes and interesting theories in my backpack or purse so that I never have to feel like I'm wasting time.
In researching this letter, I poked through news articles from the time and found a treasure trove of horribly embarrassing - in - hindsight quotes.
Not knowing what you want will usually lead to quotes that can't help but be inaccurate, a lot of time (and possibly money) spent having your Web designer make mistakes so that you can tell them what you don't want and eventually get to what you do want.
Every time one of its 400 lenders provides a quote for a customer seeking a mortgage, that lender pays LendingTree a fixed fee, whether it eventually writes that borrower a mortgage or not.
A Columbia law professor, Richman was previously quoted in The New York Times as a «close friend of Mr. Comey's who helped woo him to Columbia in 2013.»
There's an important quote from Jim Collins, business consultant and author of the New York Times Bestselling book, «Good - to - Great.»
Recently while watching some of my all - time favorite movies, I picked up on some great quotes that extend beyond the plot of the movie to my real life and my personal journey while working at a startup over the past two years.
I think Jim Rohn's quote applies: «You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.»
Getting in front of a customer and providing a quote or proposal means you are very close to the sale, but only if you do the right things from that critical time on.
It was the iPod that Steve Jobs was talking about in 2003 when he uttered the line that has become one of his most defining, and frequently quoted, aphorisms: «Most people make the mistake of thinking design is what it looks like,» he told the New York Times.
«Markets are coming to the conclusion that the U.S. economy is close to overheating and therefore that the risks of inflation are bigger than the risks of a recession,» Deutsche Bank economist Torsten Slok said, quoted by the Financial Times.
For Pegg's efforts at becoming the Dr. Johnson of mash - ups, he's been quoted in newspapers from Argentina to Germany, including major U.S. publications such as USA Today and The New York Times.
«The Frida Kahlo Corporation actively participated in the process of designing the doll, Mattel has its permission and a legal contract that grants it the rights to make a doll of the great Frida Kahlo,» Mattel said in a statement quoted by The New York Times.
Besides his business acumen, Grove was known for being incredibly insightful and generous in giving with respect to his time, so it's probably not a surprise that he was the source of quite a few memorable quotes over the years.
According to Alexandre Lebrun of Facebook's artificial intelligence division, quoted by Business Insider, «The better we get [at artificial intelligence], the less time you spend talking to customer service.
According to Goodman, your book should have three things upon launch: social proof, i.e., a number of Amazon reviews; an «intangible,» e.g., a quote from a renowned expert in the field, say a New York Times bestselling author; and lastly a good book (which may seem obvious, but...).
The Military Times over the weekend quoted the Center for Military Readiness President Elaine Donnelly, who runs a military advocacy group, as endorsing the «rolling back» of some of President Barack Obama's military personnel reforms.
No one wants to see employees covering up their essential beliefs or wasting time hiding harmless bits of weirdness, but as Jarrett points out, quoting Shakespeare, it is worth keeping in mind that «all the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players.»
«A great writer of software code is worth 10,000 times the price of an average software writer,» Bock quotes Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates as saying.
It's impossible to say how many times it won or lost, but the story quotes lawyers who say they've prevailed time and again because of sloppy paperwork.
Have you heard the popular quote attributed to entrepreneur John Rohn: «You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.»
I read a quote by Jim Rohn (American author, entrepreneur, and motivational speaker) that really put this into perspective: «You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.»
Erudite enough to write reviews for The New York Times and to quote Wallace Stevens from memory, he also had a strong affinity for physical labor and a history of writing stories for and about men.
I'll end with one final quote of advice — this time from my idol Albert Einstein — that applies especially well for hardware entrepreneurs — «Make things as simple as possible, but not simpler.»
Quote: «All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us... they can't get away this time
Bezos was quoted as saying, «If you're going to take bold bets, they're going to be experiments, and if they're experiments, you don't know ahead of time if they're going to work.
Before long, the company's lone fax machine was overwhelmed, in use four times more than before as telemarketers sent and received page after page of insurance quotes and forms.
Janna Drucker, the founder of a Parkland boutique called Fannies Finds, has a tradition of slipping small trinkets emblazoned with motivational quotes into customers» bags when she senses they're having a hard time.
«The e-book terror has kind of subsided,» the Times quoted Steve Bercu, co-owner of an Austin bookstore as saying.
The contract «particularly important» at a time when Europe has threatened to cut gas imports and reduce its dependence on Russia because of the Ukraine crisis, said Alexander Lukin, a deputy head of the Russian Diplomatic Academy under the country's Foreign Ministry, quoted by the RIA Novosti news agency.
«In 30 years» time, as technology moves forward even further, people are going to look back and wonder why offices ever existed,» reads the epigraph quoting Branson in the last chapter of the book.
Every day I pick out a quote that I carry around with me and really spend a lot of time thinking about it.
Mr Murphy then quoted from the Financial Times that «Germany's Wolfgang Schauble and Michael Noonan his Irish counterpart pushed for curbs on emergency liquidity for Greek banks unless capital controls were imposed, one of the officials said».
«These proposed tariffs on steel and aluminum imports couldn't come at a worse time,» Bloomberg quoted Cody Lusk, president of the American International Automobile Dealers Association, as saying.
Zhu Xiaohu, founder of GSR Ventures, an investor in bike - sharing startup Ofo, said in September that it is time to consider a merger of bike - sharing market leaders Ofo and Mobike, in a speech in Shanghai quoted in local media.
The firm's Vice Chairman, Charles Munger, once remarked in an interview that no fewer than three times in the fifty plus years they ran the business, they watched the quoted market value of their Berkshire Hathaway shares collapse by 50 % or more peak - to - trough.
It is not an exaggeration to say that there were many periods, sometimes lasting for extended lengths of time, during which the shares would fall in a quoted market by 30 % to 50 % or more.
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