Sentences with phrase «of times i do»

You can also think of this model similar to how Dan Sullivan of the Strategic Coach talks about how you need to spend most of your time doing the things you are best at and enjoy doing that you can also make money doing.
How much of your time do you spend trying to acquire new clients, and how much do you spend making sure your current clients are happy?
A lot of times I do it because I'm afraid of the project, not just failing but succeeding too.
Currently, sales reps spend a large portion of their time doing everything but selling.
It's not just entry - level workers or low - wage clerks who collect and process data; people whose annual incomes exceed $ 200,000 spend more than 30 % of their time doing so, too.
When I did my MBA, I interviewed hundreds of women and spent a lot of time doing digital anthropology... going to chat rooms and getting people to talk to me about things they wouldn't necessarily feel comfortable talking about in person.
When I learned about the systems already created which allowed me to reach cash flow more quickly and spend most of my time doing what I do best, franchising simply made sense.
I spend a lot of time doing that — this way, the studio team, whether it's in Columbus or London, can see what I like and don't like.
I just felt that, if you were going to spend a majority of your time doing a job, why couldn't you have fun at it?
«You will spend 15 % of the time doing what you love (your gift... in my case coaching and writing) and 85 % of the time marketing, administrating, selling, strategizing your business, and answering a sh ** load of email.
Because my company is small, I spend most of my time doing the public - relations work I love — not just managing other people.
«The thing I have to mention is that Barack Obama when he was president found out about this in terms of if it were Russia, found out about it in August, now the election was in November, that's a lot of time he did nothing about it.
«A lot of the time it does
That research helps explain why we don't merely spend all of our time doing pleasurable activities, and why we still somehow manage to do things like work and chores.
But if the company is going to start removing accounts belonging to anyone who says anything remotely offensive, it is going to be spending all of its time doing that, and by doing so it is probably going to alienate as many users as to which it appeals.
Don't spend a lot of time doing this — you don't need to collect a lot of data from these forums right now.
As a business owner, you want to spend more of your time doing work than finding work, right?
At Legg Mason, he said, «I spent a lot of time doing stuff that I really didn't want to do, like traveling all over the world and pitching for business and meeting with clients.»
Perhaps you are investing a lot of time doing internet marketing, but you know that there are other strategies to double the visits to your site?
Our brokers spend 100 % of their time doing deals, so they can focus on helping you find a space you love.
While in some cases banks directly lend the money of the depositors, a large portion of time they don't.
Saying «you're wrong» and «you're lying» lots of times doesn't make you right or make your interlocutor a liar — even when you say it in ALL CAPS.
It's not my job to prove it, or defend it (although it seems as if I do spend a fair amount of time doing that)..
If you look at the Gospel of Mark and the two other synoptic ones, how many percent of the time did Jesus spoke about his blood being shed?
By the way: Even the best physics people and experts on the topic of time don't know exactly what time is.
Well, I guess if they are going to throw 4 gospels in the trash «coz the Jews cry about «The Blood Curse» and want to make believe to make it go away, might as well go around edit out anything else inconvenient... Yeah, let's get poor St Simon of Trent and throw that statue in the trash... It used to be «What PART of HIS BLOOD be upon us and our Children's Children's Children until the END of TIME don't you understand!?
As we have seen, one implication of this theory is that the basic durational units of time do not change in their own constitutions.
However, how much of the time did Jesus or Paul persuade Christians to get involved in changing the sexually immoral practices of the Romans and Greeks via political pressure?
Most of the time we don't see the forest for the trees and miss the miracle in the ordinary.
Do you think that religious folks today, the modern day Pharisees of our time do not believe that Jesus will give them eternal life?
We have candidates on both sides whose idea of change 90 % of the time does not involve them or who they feel are the bulk of their party.
People of that time did nt conduct war like we do now.
I think it is reasonable to conclude that most of the time we do humane killing of animals.
Reforms such as higher taxes, lower benefits and delayed retirement are designed to put Social Security on a firm financial footing, so that the sheer passage of time does not force future payees and retirees into a crisis that would severely hurt both groups.
Anyone that believes that 8 people from Noah's ark populated the entire earth in such diversity of races in such a short period of time does not only not have a clue about science but also of basic arithmetic.
We spend a whole lot of time doing it.
Not wanting to be «terminated,» Klaus spends a lot of time doing much of what he has already done, refusing to relinquish his occupation, forsake his career.
The A.A. members of that time did not consider meetings necessary to maintain sobriety.
Most of the time he didn't say much about the Torah or his jewish beliefs, and he was pretty curt with most organized religious leaders and followers.
The idea of the remarkable overlapping of two periods of time does after all require interpretation.
But it gets lonely, and draining, always, 100 % of the time doing it on your own.
I suspect that most of the time we do not...
There can be little doubt that when Allaah (swt) uses daiivetrons from the root k - f - r in the Qur» an that almost all of the time it does have a highly negative connotation and implication, often with extreme consequences of kufr mentioned.I am not sure what you are getting at with an attempt to at - Tasriyf [othewise known as «ilm as - Sarf].
They like posting a hell of a lot of comments and spending lots of time doing it too.
They have thought so little about God, or restricted that thinking to such narrow channels, that relating their belief in God to the actual social events of their time does not seem an appropriate activity.
For to be such an object does in fact belong to the essential characteristics of time.3 It may also be the case that the essence of time does not simply permit of definitive categoreal analysis in terms of definitions and concepts.
But most of the time we don't find our calling through a burning bush experience.
Half of the atheists I know are exemplary citizens who spend much of their time doing charity work.
The first is that even if there are some periods during which economic growth does not correlate with improved economic well - being, most of the time it does.
My response to personal failure and sin reveals that I may be able to quote John 3:16 from memory, but most of the time I don't view God's primary response to me and my sin as love.
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