Sentences with phrase «of tiny air bubbles»

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This step is particularly important since shortbread cookies have no leavening agent (i.e. no baking soda or baking powder), so the tiny air bubbles you're beating in now are the only source of fluffiness in your cookies.
You can identify volcanic basalt from its tiny pockmarks, formed by bubbles of escaping gas that froze in place when hot magma hit the cool air.
He imagines future versions of these VR sleeves fitted with tiny tanks of compressed gas to inflate the air bubbles.
But behind such atmospheric phenomena are billions of tiny interactions between the air and microscopic drops of saltwater cast upward as bubbles on the ocean's surface burst.
Confirmation of this idea requires a direct record of the ancient atmosphere — and this can be recovered by analysing the air that became trapped in tiny bubbles within ice as the snow it formed from fell to Earth.
Tiny valves made of cellulose membranes connect each «pipe» and help keep air bubbles out.
Among the hallmarks of a good champagne are multiple bubble trains rising in lines from the sides of a poured glass like so many tiny hot - air balloons.
Their superhydrophilic — or water loving — coating is composed of a three - dimensional matrix of negatively - charged, water - loving polymer chains intermingled with a mixture of glass nanoparticles and tiny air bubbles.
When an ant does end up underwater, tiny hairs on its body can trap bubbles of air that give the bug a buoyancy boost.
Foaming of the solution may dilute the injection with tiny air bubbles.
We watch bubbles of air escape as waves roll over the sand, sometimes exposing tiny crabs.
This is especially clear in a new series of burnished graphite works in which tiny white spots resulting from air bubbles in the gesso result in overall patterns.Not only the spots but also their distribution and the texture they give to the surface are the beyond the artist's control.
The key to AirCrete is in the foaming agent, which works to suspend tiny air bubbles in the cement mixture, and a small piece of equipment, a continuous foam generator, which disperses a mix of the foaming agent (which can be as simple as an all - natural «high foaming» dish detergent) into the cement mixture to be mixed together.
When the ice from a certain layer is crushed — say, a layer known to be 2,000 years old — tiny bubbles of ancient air are released, the composition of which reflects the composition of the atmosphere 2,000 years ago.
One promising new device called «Silverstream» cuts water friction by laying a carpet of tiny bubbles along the hull so it rides mostly on air.
The ice contains tiny air bubbles from the atmosphere in the snow that fell, and by analysing the composition of the air you can get a climate curve, which tells you about both the annual temperature and methane content.
The most direct evidence comes from tiny bubbles of ancient air trapped in the vast ice sheets of Antarctica.
My review unit has what looks like tiny air bubbles at the top and bottom of the glass front, thankfully not on the display itself.
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