Sentences with phrase «of toxic items»

Never let any of these toxic items out in the open as your pooch can dig and eat them.
Some examples of toxic items include household products like air fresheners,

Not exact matches

Given the amount of potentially toxic chemicals that are allowed to be present in commercial skin care items, it's really nice to know there's no funky stuff in here.
Keep locked up / out of reach: choking hazards; medicines; toxic substances; items that are hot, sharp, or breakable.
Using these alternative items, or wearing tampons for an extended period of time, can lead to toxic shock syndrome and other infections.
Everything from medicines, bleaches, oven and drain cleaners, paint solvents, polishes, waxes and other toxic items should be kept out of reach, behind a secured latch cabinet or drawer.
Finn + Emma is a blend of classic and contemporary, modern and whimsical, stylish and utilitarian baby items, all of which are free from any toxic chemicals.
Apparently, manufacturers and retailers are not required to disclose whether PBDEs are in their products and who knows what kind of toxic fire retardants are used in imported products, so there's no sure way to tell if a piece of furniture or other item contains the most toxic fire retardants.
Move cleaning agents, medicines, hand sanitizer, vitamins, toiletries, mothballs, dishwasher pods, laundry pods, and other potentially toxic items out of reach or lock them up.
This week's edition of Wildcrafting Wednesday is all about personal care and cleaning and getting rid of the toxic and disposable items we use every day on our bodies and in our homes.
Even the non-food items are full of toxic ingredients.
In an email to its members, the NYLCV touted Avella's «tireless work» on some of the organization's key agenda items, like getting toxic chemicals out of children's products, promoting clean energy and protecting clean drinking water.
ALBANY, N.Y. (WBEN / AP)- Legislation introduced in New York state would mandate child - resistant packaging, warning labels and uniform colors for laundry detergent pods following the dangerous trend of people eating the toxic items.
ALBANY, N.Y. (WBEN / AP)-- Two New York state lawmakers are calling for a state law to require new packaging for laundry detergent pods following the dangerous trend of people eating the toxic items.
ALBANY, N.Y. — Two New York state lawmakers are calling for a state law to require new packaging for laundry detergent pods following the dangerous trend of people eating the toxic items.
Between the bleaching process and pesticide laced cotton cultivation practices, disposable feminine hygiene products like sanitary pads and tampons are likely some of the most toxic personal care items women and girls use on a regular basis.
Other excluded food items include processed and preserved foods and those that are difficult to digest and increase intestinal permeability of toxic substances.
I have always felt very ill after consuming any Xantham gum or guar gum, really not sure what the problem is so when everyone talked about the toxic nature of these items I found it very interesting and I will keep all I learned here in mind.
Even the habitual use of certain personal items such as perfume or hair sprays can be a sub-conscious use of stimulants because of the toxic reaction they cause in some people.
It includes essential natural oils that can help all of us expel all the toxic items that we possess in our liver along with our colon.
(Here's a neat tip if you'd like to get the toxic reek of fabric softener or other perfumes out of your clothes: put the item in a bag with activated charcoal for as long as necessary.
In newer school buildings the trend towards tightly sealed construction design — to reduce noise for example — plus the use of certain synthetic building materials, toxic paints and varnishes, and items of furniture and carpets that off - gas chemicals such as formaldehyde, all contribute to indoor air pollution.
Simply ensure that none of the items are toxic or harmful to your bunny.
See our «Toxic Plants» link for additional items of a dangerous nature.
There are tons of items that are toxic or deadly for your dog if they ingest them, but there are some common symptoms that should send you straight to your veterinarian's office if they occur.
Daily washing of these items with warm water (avoid dish soap because it could be toxic) can help get rid of germs.
That includes keeping toxic foods, pet - unfriendly plants and dangerous household items out of the pets...
Unfortunately, toxic items can often be found in every room of the house!
Click here to view the American Veterinary Medical Association's list of foods and common household items that are toxic to pets.
Intuition tells us that the small animals who live with us would most likely enjoy just about anything we could pluck off a plant, but experience reminds us that some of the most seemingly harmless produce items are toxic to our pets.
Examples of toxic ingredients can be found in topical flea and tick control items like Frontline, K9 - Advantix, ect.
If the magnet attaches to the item then there is a good chance that it is made of lead or zinc and could be toxic.
Here are some of the most common toxic items that can harm your pet.
Toxic situations involving poisonous items account for 15 to 20 percent of all animal emergencies notes Cesar Millan, Inc..
Harmful items like household cleaners, toxic plants, electrical cords, broken pieces of glass may warn for your dog life.
Some of the common items we use in the winter months can be toxic to our pets.
The internet is bursting with all sorts of pumpkin remedies for pets as well as humans, but be sure these recipes include the puree and not the pie filling, and do not contain pet - toxic food items like chocolate, onion or garlic.
You will need to remove toxic substances from the reach of your pup, get rid of anything that could be harmful to your pup, remove pointy, sharp, and slippery furniture or items from home, repair broken wires or open sockets, etc..
The multiple lists of toxic versus nontoxic items must be carefully researched.
Sometimes our pets will eat something out of the ordinary, be it a food item, an object such as a toy, or something toxic.
The other scary issue with offering dietary enrichment is the overwhelming number of resources for toxic versus nontoxic items for parrots.
Although both caffeine and theobromine are toxic to cats, these food items contain higher concentrations of the latter.
Raisins are another dangerous item on the list of food that is toxic to dogs.
Despite some variability in species susceptibility to certain toxins, as well as a lack of scientific studies proving the toxicity of certain substances in birds that are definitely toxic to mammals, there are some items to which birds should never have access.
There are many household items that have a lot of zinc, lead or other toxic metals, even some that are unexpected.
Here is a list of common household and yard items which are pet poison hazards: In the Kitchen Toxic foods: chocolate, gum / Xylitol, grapes / raisins, onions, garlic, chives, leeks, nuts, bones, caffeine - including coffee grounds, alcohol, fruits with pits Around the House Cleaning products: oven cleaner, bleach, detergents Medicines: vitamins, prescription and most OTC medications.
Of course, there are many other toxic items potentially toxic to birds, such as certain plants, lurking in our homes.
Unfortunately, there are a lot of common items in our homes that are toxic to pets and may make your dog or cat sick or possibly put their life at risk if ingested.
Expect plenty of creep - out factor from the latter's biomorphic, toxic household items.
Although we might idealistically call for a ban of plastics, or mandatory recycling, or adding a hefty surcharge for each «disposable» plastic item, one of the only things that seems to hold promise in reducing plastic pollution is to move toward greener materials that are made from renewable resources and can break down quickly without adding more of a toxic load to our waterways.
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