Sentences with phrase «of traditional church»

She is passionate about giving voice to those outside the bounds of traditional church experience.
The source postures itself as a reaction to the violent paternalism of the traditional church, and yet its main female character, Sophie (Audrey Tautou — and of course her character's name is «Sophie» and of course she's played by Audrey Tautou), a noted cryptographer, is completely helpless throughout to solve any puzzles and made not once, but twice, the squealing prize at the end of a hostage - takers knife / gun.
«It's obvious that people are searching for a spiritual experience outside of traditional church gatherings and in an on - demand world this trend will accelerate.
Can a constitutional amendment protecting unrestricted right to abortion be justified in view of traditional church teaching, common law and 19th - century state laws that condemn abortion?
Following Jesus has led them to leave the institutional church and seek relationships with others outside the four walls of the traditional church building.
Following Jesus has led Genevieve to leave the institutional church and seek relationships with others outside the four walls of the traditional church building, while Shannon and Jessica have decided to remain within a traditional church setting, but switch from one church fellowship to another.
Because I have great sympathies for this line of thought, I am often self - conscious of how mainline Protestant traditions - including the one in which I carry out my ministry - have failed to articulate the beauty of traditional church teachings on sexuality.
If you are part of a traditional church and have wondered how to grow in unity, or if you just want to know what church unity is all about, or if you are part of a house church, missional church, simple church, or something that doesn't look like church at all but is still connected to Jesus, then this book will invite you to grow in unity with other brothers and sisters who might follow Jesus a bit differently than you.
An ecclesial life characterized by communal repentance and renewal may not excite the managers of mega-churches and their clients, or anyone else suspicious of traditional church trappings, but it is hardly the suffocating and stultifying experience Mr. Benne fears....
On the other hand, renderings of traditional church designs by contemporary classicists including Matthew Enquist, Dino Marcantonio, and Duncan Stroik make for an encouraging conclusion to this informative and eminently readable book.
The Assembly described itself as a secular urban oasis, where atheists could enjoy the benefits of traditional church - the sense of community, the weekly sermon, the scheduled time for reflection, the community service opportunities, the ethos of self - improvement, the singing and the free food - without God.
My finding I could worship and have a healthy relationship with God OUTSIDE of the traditional church was very much like the boy finding he could camp and enjoy the woods apart from the scouts.
In short, they possessed none of the traditional church and biblical lore they were expected to have.
Just as our previous 30 year olds were sick of traditional church and moved us to what so many people are now wishing we'd do something else.
Marvin Bordelon, ed., The Parish in a Time of Change (Notre Dame: Fides Pub., 1967); Grace Ann Goodman, Rocking the Ark: Nine Case Studies of Traditional Churches in the Process of Change (New York: United Presbyterian Church U.S.A., 1968).

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, over in Europe, we seem to be somewhat more flexible with homosexuals in the church, at least in the «traditional» European churches that focused on the practicality and contexts of the written documents contained within the Bible.
The conservative wing of the church is itself a fragile coalition, including those who lean in a catholic direction, those who are card - carrying charismatics, those inclined in an Anabaptist direction, and those who are really pragmatists at heart but for the moment lean to conservatism out of convenience and traditional piety.
The Church of Antioch, a traditional bridge between cultures and nations, refuses to attend the Holy and Great Council — and not just because it objects to the council documents.
Having lived with a servant of the Word for more than fifty years in three Lutheran churches, I have this question: Why is it that the «white, middle - class, traditional, orthodox theologians» being told that their understanding of the church is no longer relevant, are told this by «white, middle - class theologians?»
Indeed, many of your comments alluded to the so - called «contemporary» (as opposed to «traditional») churches starting in much the same way every week and employing the same general service flow and song selections.
For instance, the ecumenical openness of an otherwise profoundly traditional church is of crucial importance, especially in light of conservative and traditionalist circles in the Greek and Slavic worlds.
We had a beautiful church, a traditional New England style house of god.
There are other big differences between Mormonism and traditional Christianity, including the Mormon belief that the modern prophets of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter - day Saints can receive revelations from God.
There are renewed questions regarding the current status of Patriarch Antonios of the Eritrean Orthodox Church, after he failed to deliver the traditional televised...
In this theology gay and lesbian Christians have the same status earlier attributed to slaves and currently attributed to women, the status of those excluded from the traditional church.
All those things are worthwhile and good goals, but looking around my church at the twentysomethings who are making a lot of big life decisions, rarely do I see an example of a young millennial who has gone the traditional route of a four - year college degree to find themselves in a cubicle on the 11th floor — or at least who are happy being there.
Yet some of the most substantive theology being written by Baptist scholars today comes from a little - known circle of mostly younger moderates who have shown a surprising interest in quite traditional themes such as the deeper meaning of baptism and the Lord's Supper, the covenantal disciplines of congregational life, and the positive role of creeds and confessions in the life of the church.
Moreover, it is demeaning to suggest that Paul VI affirmed the Church's classic position on marital love and procreation (which had been held for centuries by virtually every Christian community until the Anglican Communion broke ranks at the 1930 Lambeth Conference) because he was afraid that changing the traditional position would unravel the entire body of Catholic moral teaching.
And so, to the pastor of a very traditional church, maintaining the look and feel of the traditions can seem almost as important as the reason these patterns exist.
If you think the bible is enough, just look at the hundreds of traditional - Christian churches that read from one bible, yet teach hundreds of different doctrines, which confuses us as to which interpretation is the truth.
Perhaps with enough people hammering the issues of abortion and gay marriage, Harris is right to direct her attention and effort to other issues of mercy and justice, but the flavor of the book seems to downplay the importance of traditional marriage, infant life, and the church's role in mercy ministry.
«With many churches now offering alternative services to those of the traditional morning service, Christians are now finding workable solutions to both being committed to their sports club whilst continuing to be a part of their local church
Pressed by organizations such as Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council, as well as by the emphatic teaching of the Catholic Church, millions of Americans have been caught up in the effort to restore «the traditional family.»
However, many of those were older, more traditional churches led by entrenched, autocratic pastors well into their 60s and composed of a congregation and worship style that was far from contemporary.
Those holidays, along with every denomination and belief that is apart of Traditional Christianity ALL come from the Catholic Church; which is FALSE AND IS IN ERROR itself!
Maybe it's a good idea for American Christians to take a sabbatical from traditional church for a few years and focus on how how each individual relates to the teachings and example of Jesus outdisde the influence of ecclesiastical thought control.
Can you think of any other diagnostic questions that help determine whether a church is missional or traditional?
Having regularly flirted with ideas of meditation and transcendence, in 2012 he married and later divorced popstar Katy Perry (formerly a Christian recording artist and the daughter of two American church pastors, Keith and Mary Hudson) in a traditional Hindu ceremony.
Our attempts to organize the available nutrients have suggested a general lack of the traditional staple represented by the doctrine of the church.
there is the progressive church, the church of Vatican II, which attempts to bring traditional Christianity into contact with the contemporary world.
The founding fallacy in the new church was a «defective ecclesiology» that provided for governance by a lay majority, dominated under a quota system by minorities and feminists, in which theologians were marginalized and issues of race and gender took precedence over traditional ecclesial and confessional concerns.
To the recent generations who rejected Christianity, it may have seemed that the Church's traditional teaching on sex — that it should be kept within monogamous marriage — spoiled the fun of modern sexual liberation.
I think all the author was saying was that it isn't «the great apostasy» or even mere self - indulgence (we want an in - church barista type thing) that is turning some people of faith — both young and old — away from corporate «traditional» gathering.
More recently, theologians and church leaders from denominations that have historic ties with churches in the north have encouraged African Christian expressions that are free of northern acculturation, are faithful to the gospel and draw upon traditional African
To help determine whether your church (or a church you are thinking of joining) is missional or traditional, below are ten diagnostic questions.
The second expression of Latin American Christianity is the traditional church.
4 / A Catholic or any member of the other big «traditional» churches?
Its kind of an interesting thought but 20 years ago, that generations 20 - 30 something's we're leaving the traditional churches we are going back to because they were sick of the legalistic, formalism, suit and tie, hymnal style church.
The government should not be permitted to create incentives for religious practice or belief (like giving favored status to religious organizations, as compared to other nonprofits), to facilitate the religious practices of some at the expense of others (like offering vocal prayers in public schools), or to accommodate one religion but not others with similar needs or problems (like limiting draft exemptions to members of traditional «peace churches») Within these guidelines, religious accommodations are fully in keeping with the First Amendment — albeit in conflict with strict separation.
Some see Mother's Day as at best an antiquated observance or at worst a patriarchal indulgence, evoking traditional ideals of motherhood and domesticity, when what the churches really need are new liturgies of gender equality and inclusion.
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