Sentences with phrase «of traditional marriage»

A recent paper highlights the differences between evangelical and Catholic defense of traditional marriage.
In general, Rule 44 was embraced by proponents of gay marriage and opposed by proponents of traditional marriage.
We haven't convinced them of the unique merits of traditional marriage, for instance, and I don't expect such a change ever to happen.
No matter the advantages of traditional marriage, at the end of the day, the institution imposes arbitrary discrimination on a minority of the population and therefore is cruel and unjust.
The first is the crisis in contemporary liberal education; the second is the decline of traditional marriage.
Extra benefits are being requested as is an expansion or dissolution of traditional marriage.
But one thing is for sure; it is the demise of traditional marriage that has brought the broken society upon us.
This door slam that marks her departure might have been literal, but it has been held as metaphor for a woman breaking free from the structure of traditional marriage.
There is a lot of sex outside of traditional marriage in the bible... some of which God even provided for.
Perhaps with enough people hammering the issues of abortion and gay marriage, Harris is right to direct her attention and effort to other issues of mercy and justice, but the flavor of the book seems to downplay the importance of traditional marriage, infant life, and the church's role in mercy ministry.
By questioning some of the fundamental premises of traditional marriage, Esther Perel has become psychotherapy's public face and most quotable voice.
In applying the phrase «secular orthodoxy» to what the foes of traditional marriage have in mind, Franck makes this error.
Matthew J. Franck's debunking of the charges of bigotry hurled at defenders of traditional marriage leaves his opponents little claim to the honorific rationality with which they flatter themselves.
Why we should celebrate today's reaffirmation of traditional marriage from the House of Bishops
The defense of traditional marriage doesn't, Roberts insists, rest on «partisan and fideistic grounds,» but can point to patterns inherent in «creational order» and the witness of history.
I want you to know that I land on the side of traditional marriage as God's first and clear design.
The prayer, to be read in all churches on Aug 15, echoes the defence of traditional marriage by Pope Benedict and Catholic leaders around the world as gay nuptials gain acceptance, especially in Europe and North America.
If supporters of traditional marriage devolve into resentment and bitterness, they'll lose any chance at credibility.
And it should be no surprise to anyone that SCOTUS is being called to weigh in on the unconstitutionality of traditional marriage laws in light of this ever - increasing change in public opinion.
I thank God for those who have resisted this trend, and hold to a biblical definition of traditional marriage.
Nor is this a rejection of traditional marriage, which we affirm and support....
It is possible to argue that an unalterable tendency toward homosexuality, when it means the impossibility of traditional marriage, must also mean that one is called to celibacy (the renunciation of sexual activity for God's sake).
In the District of Columbia, the Catholic church and other backers of traditional marriage have lobbied the city's lawmakers and rallied to urge that citizens be able to vote on a same - sex marriage bill that is now being considered by the City Council and expected to be put to a final vote by members by the end of the year.
The Rev. Jason McGuire, of the traditional marriage group New Yorkers for Constitutional Freedoms, said he couldn't estimate how many advocates were gathering at the Capitol today from his side, but the groups include Baptists, Jewish groups and members of the black clergy.
On the other side, Democratic Sen. Ruben Diaz, a minister, plans a May 15 rally in the Bronx for what he says is defense of traditional marriage between a man and woman.
If you're sensible and moderate, perhaps even old - fashioned in your outlook, in favour of traditional marriage, say, or concerned about the pace of change in society, maybe disapproving of mass immigration and not particularly enthused by the growth of identity politics, then there's not really anywhere for you to go, politically, these days.
In that moment, he says, they became engaged — without a diamond ring, a bended knee or other trappings of a traditional marriage proposal.
If you are the Caucasian male with the goal of a traditional marriage you will see this as a benefit to interracial dating.
After you have developed a deep connection with a Russian bride through online dating sites you may have spoken about their views on marriage and typically most Russian ladies like the idea of a traditional marriage.
«What transpired was the adoption of a new orthodoxy: that same - sex relationships are, in every way, the equivalent of traditional marriage, and that same - sex marriage must therefore be treated identically to traditional marriage in law and public life.»
The Art & Science of Love is a workshop for every type of couple and has been shown to achieve results similar to 6 months of traditional marriage counselling.
Co-authored by Judge Michele Lowrance, a distinguished family court judge turned mediator, Gemma Allen, a prominent family law attorney, and Terry Savage, an esteemed financial writer, The New Love Deal, is the first book of its kind to confront the pervasive truth that we no longer live in the world of traditional marriage.
Susan Johnson, developer of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, discusses what the science of love says about what couples can expect when they rebel too much against the conventions of traditional marriage.
Whether we like it or not, today's couples feel far less encumbered by the legal, social, and moral strictures of traditional marriage and its obligations.
We conservatives know that having lots of wives — like Solomon, Abraham, and other cool dudes from the Bible — makes for good religion and strong support of traditional marriage.
Legal challenges could arise with respect to hiring or firing, if the basis is sexual behavior outside of traditional marriage, or advocacy or acceptance of such behavior, or a change in gender identity.
The Chief Justice, in dissent, complained about the majority's «entirely gratuitous» aspersions against supporters of traditional marriage: «It is one thing for the majority to conclude that the Constitution protects a right to same - sex marriage; it is something else to portray everyone who does not share the majority's «better informed understanding» as bigoted.»
But then, the church believes that all human beings are made in the image of God: transgender people, gays, T.E.R.F.s, Klansmen, Trump supporters, even proponents of traditional marriage.
It is far more interested in speaking about fossil fuels than the importance of traditional marriage and the procreation of children.
«Once we arrive in Washington D.C., we will join people traveling from all over this nation — including Puerto Rico — to bear witness in favor of traditional marriage to remain between a man and a woman,» wrote Diaz, who is a a Pentecostal minister.
«Is it not incongruous to advocate, condone, allow for various sexual practices and pairings but treasure for yourself the comparative stability of traditional marriage
By questioning some of the fundamental premises of traditional marriage, couples therapist Esther Perel has become, at least for the moment, psychotherapy's public face and most quotable voice.
Your desperate defense of traditional marriage is nothing more than thinly - veiled hated of what you don't understand.
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