Sentences with phrase «of traditional religion»

Rather, what we're seeing is a clash of values between a secular worldview that has little patience for traditional religious expression, and the followers of the traditional religions themselves.
It was not the voice of traditional religion to which she listened, it was the voices of people, the inner experiences, of nature, of poetry.
Many others are what she calls «spiritual entrepreneurs,» seeking creative ways to work with the tensions between science and faith outside the constraints of traditional religion.....
He speaks to his own people, and in so doing remains within the frame of the traditional religion.
The beliefs and practices of the traditional religions in Africa can enrich Christian theology and spirituality.»
Members of traditional religions became moral outlaws in the United States once equal rights for sexual preference and gender choice were enshrined in regulation and law.
Whitehead's postmodern sensibility is highly critical of the dominant leadership of the traditional religions, insisting that religion needs to be liberated from the shackles in which it is now bound.
3) Knowledge of the actual history of the traditional religions 4) Failure of the faith to which they were born and in which they were raised to answer the fundamental questions regarding morality and ethics to the satisfaction of the seeker.
Eberstadt calls the persecution of traditional religion a «witch - hunt» — a critical error.
That is if they have not surrendered the liquid liberty of enlightened sonship to the doctrine, dogma and authority of the traditional religions of the races.
This observation is important because it emphasizes the fact that the authority of Scripture is generally not (as often maintained by the opponents of traditional religion) arbitrarily imposed but is by common consent out of the long experience of the group.
According to a eulogy by Francisco Ayala, «Dobzhansky was a religious man, although he apparently rejected fundamental beliefs of traditional religion, such as the existence of God and of life beyond physical death.
Nearly everywhere we look in the world today we witness an unanticipated resurgence of traditional religion.
Only the benighted defenders of traditional religion, it would seem, could think the Treatise a sinister work.
That secularism means that the State guarantees the security of the laws and structures of family and society of religious communities which have the sanction of traditional religion.
Changing of the Gods, Feminism and the End of Traditional Religions.
He also wished to show that for all of communism's contempt for the narratives of traditional religions, it relied nonetheless on faith and dogma.
In the more liberal churches, women's participation is «as much a rejection of traditional religion as an affirmation of feminist identity.»
Opposing all of these was a combination of traditional religion, less virulent forms of nationalism, and democratic feeling.
Their contribution would be integrated with that of historians and philosophers, psychologists and sociologists, and even the theologians of traditional religions.
The interest of traditional religions, including Christianity, in human community becomes far more pertinent and helpful than Enlightenment individualism.
«The holiday is in recognition of the annual Isese Day, which allows the adherents of traditional religion to come together for the annual celebration.»
The attack prompted widespread debate about the role of traditional religion in encouraging homophobia, and Jannini hopes that solid science might shed welcome light in the massacre's dark aftermath.
The works inform the sensitive debate surrounding the demonisation and denigration of traditional religion instigated by colonial and missionary rhetoric, and more recently by the most dominant and visible forms of the religious belief systems in Nigeria and across the continent: Islam and Evangelical Christianity.
That means every member of any traditional religion is supposed to subject his previous religion to secularism (striclty speaking, that means to forsake oneselfs previous religion).
Whitehead's postmodern sensibility is thus highly critical of the dominant leadership of the traditional religions.
The crisis for religion, he said in The Sacred Canopy and other writings, is how to maintain the «plausibility structure» of traditional religion in a world that does not think religious truth claims are plausible.
«Neo-Atheists» [such as Alain de Botton], on the other hand, are aware of the psychological and spiritual deficiencies of atheism and eager to import into secular society some of the enduring «goods» of traditional religions.
Given the sharp opposition of the doctrines of economism to those of traditional religions on many points, this quick acquiescence is surprising.
All of the traditional religions came into existence and shaped their teachings before the industrial revolution.
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