Sentences with phrase «of traditionalists»

I'm a bit of a traditionalist when it comes to home décor.
The Amish (/ ˈ ɑː m ɪ ʃ /; Pennsylvania German: Amisch, German: Amische) are a group of traditionalist Christian church fellowships with Swiss Get the latest news about celebrities, royals, music, TV, and real people.
The total agreement was 68 per cent, but this ranged from 42 per cent of the traditionalist clergy up to 100 per cent of the modernists.
Apple Chestnut Stuffing from Healthy Happy Life I'm pretty much of a traditionalist when it comes to stuffing, and this one fits the bill.
Even a lot of traditionalist Catholics disown Rick because of what they regard as his bellicose foreign policy.
The Vatican has called for «reason» after a small number of traditionalist Catholic figures accused the pope of promoting heresy.
It can account for, and indeed deepen, the thinking of traditionalist and liberal alike, and can also be an effective instrument of translating between their different interpretations of their experience of reality.
In contrast, 68 percent of traditionalist Catholics were pro-life, while only 40 percent gave priority to economic matters.
One of the most strongly - held views of traditionalists is the idea that racial and socioeconomic integration is some form of school reform.
Marcel - Jacques Dubois, this most Israeli of traditionalist Catholic theologians, yet received at the same time almost as passionate a critic.
To rephrase his incipit, if there is a specter haunting the imaginations of traditionalist Christians today, it is the specter of liberalism.
is one of the favourite calls of traditionalists and the Tory leader is today returning to an idea that he first floated when he was running for the Conservative leadership (see here).
However, «there's still that not - so - silent contingent of traditionalists out there who want to remain with the status quo,» DiDio cautioned.
Nevertheless, his expansive view of civic toleration would authorize governmental intolerance of traditionalist religious educations that protect children from in - depth exposure to other ways of life until their own faith has taken root.
Macedo's expansive view of civic toleration would authorize governmental intolerance of traditionalist religious educations.
Contrary to the arguments of some traditionalists and erstwhile reformers, testing provides the data needed for improving student achievement.
In fact, one of the underlying culprits of the nation's education crisis has been the unwillingness of traditionalists working within districts and university schools of education to adapt to an increasingly knowledge - based society.
Although the bete noire of the traditionalists, Emin - best known for her tent of names, Everyone I've Ever Slept With, and the wall hanging Mad Tracey From Margate, Everyone's Been There - is hugely influential among young artists, and jury member Sacha Craddock compared her to the legendary sculptor Louise Bourgeois.
«This is not my football anymore,» said Eintracht sporting director Fredi Bobic, echoing the sentiments of traditionalists up and down the country.
And the reverse applies to the long - standing enemy of the traditionalists: the digerati, who have openly dismissed the value of traditional media and predicted its demise as the rise of the tablet and the smartphone take hold of consumer attention.
However, don't forget Chanukah, the second most often used spelling and the favorite of traditionalists.
Both broad streams of traditionalist responses to the contemporary climate of oppression — those who say our troubles are an extension of liberal principles and those who say they are a betrayal of those principles — tend to jump too quickly from theory to practice, and so to treat the lived experience of our society as a kind of working out of philosophical premises.
The atheism of Marxism and of the modem secularizers is really the choosing of one side of the dualism, while the theism of the traditionalists is the choosing of the other side.
Mark Greaves has written an article for this week's Catholic Herald («Bishops insist on uniformity for Masses on Holy Days») in which he quotes «an official» from Ecclesia Deiwho dutifully says of traditionalists «They're obliged to keep to the Holy Days that have been agreed upon» but then goes on to say that there is «no problem» with them also celebrating them during the week.»
Silence was highly related to belief in traditional church doctrines: 95 per cent of the modernists preached on Proposition 14 while only 29 per cent of the traditionalists did so.
More important only 14 per cent of the modernist clergymen believed they definitely would go into the c1ergy again while 75 per cent of the traditionalists definitely would.
Of course, only a few of the modem clergy are Other - worldly, while a great many of the traditionalists are; this basic division of clergymen is what led to our original finding that doctrinalism was so strongly related to speaking out.
But our parliament is 24 % women, and there are plenty of women in larger cities who are professionals, although in the rural areas, there is more of a traditionalist approach.
At this point there always arise a number of traditionalist movements, attempts by those with rigid personalities or with much at stake in the old order to insist that the solution to the current disorder is to adhere more strictly to the old beliefs, values, and behavior patterns.
At this point a number of traditionalists reacted to the new demands for freedom, characterizing them as the work of the devil, and in some cases urging withdrawal into communities of the perfected saints to preserve a «saving remnant» from God «s wrath as the world came to an end.
The opinions of traditionalists, moderates, liberals, and radical reformers are dutifully recorded - even to the point of tedium.
Indeed, there is considerable merit to the argument that Dole's lukewarm approach to late - term abortions and other social issues failed to mobilize the full potential of the traditionalist vote.
Both Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority and Pat Robertson's Christian Coalition envisioned an alliance of traditionalists, a true «religious right.»
Tony Robinson, Bishop of Wakefield and chairman of traditionalist Anglican group Forward in Faith told Premier the appointment was inevitable, but hopes Bishop Sarah will do well in respecting people on both sides of the issue.
Under the «Personal Ordinariates» that will be introduced with the Constitution, ex-Anglican clergy will provide pastoral care for groups of traditionalist converts to Catholicism, who will maintain their own liturgical practices so long as they do not conflict with universal Catholic doctrine.
Because it is centered on law, it has become the refuge of traditionalists seeking to preserve the status quo.
But what about those Jews of a traditionalist bent for whom change and subjectivity remain an issue, indeed a patent fact?
In contrast to this arbitrary procedure, consider the following statement of the mainstream critical consensus by Elisabeth Schussler Fiorenza, a scholar who can hardly be accused of traditionalist bias: «Exegetes agree that it is the mark of Jesus» preaching and ministry that he proclaimed the basileia of God as future and present, eschatological vision and experiential reality.»
Rob Renfroe, president of the evangelical Methodist movement Good News, stated that the commission is «fraught with peril» and cautioned that «well - known and respected leaders of the traditionalist and orthodox renewal movement» need to be included.
True, he didn't have the best 2016 - 17 season, nor does he necessarily carry the label in the eyes of traditionalists (like my colleague Tom Ziller) who still favor LeBron.
When Everyman gets into the act he usually manages to streamline an activity and adapt it to the pace of the times while ignoring the surly mutterings of the traditionalists.
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