Sentences with phrase «of train travel»

If BC is to join the new era of train travel, it must plan for passenger rail on a regional basis, and protect potential new rail corridors.
Enjoy a rolling, graceful cocktail party along with the golden age of train travel.
This is one of the train travel hacks that is often overlooked.
The business traveller might now choose to fly from A to B because it is faster, but the experience of flying simply can not compare with the finer aspects of train travel.
Regardless of your destination, watching the passing scenery is one of the special treats of train travel, as you see the world closer to eye level instead of from 30,000 feet.
You've heard me talk about the lost art of train travel.
Here's a little story that celebrates the benefits of train travel.
We say unfortunately because one of the highlights of train travel is relaxing in your luxury room and watching the world go by!
Wind through dramatic mountain scenery or observe scenes of everyday life, experiencing the world through the nostalgic lens of train travel.
I am a HUGE fan of train travel, but have never taken such a beautiful trip like this one.
Furthermore, this overlooks the option of train travel.
If you plan on visiting multiple cities in France and Spain, making a number of train journeys in each country, you may want to consider getting the Eurail France - Spain Pass, which gives you up to ten days of train travel in Spain and France for a very reasonable price.
One of the few active historic passenger railroads in the United States, the Napa Valley Wine Train offers an engaging and memorable experience that echoes the glory days of train travel, with fine dining service, multi-course meals cooked to order, Napa Valley scenery and ultimate relaxation aboard exquisitely restored antique rail cars.
As much of your train travel through Portugal is done as a group, your Tour Manager will provide the gratuity for group meals, tour guides and hospitality staff.
Traveling by rail is the easiest and most laid - back way to see the country, and there are a number of different rail holidays to choose from, all offering a different view and a different kind of train travel experience.
I feel like this is relevant for any kind of train travel, not just in europe:)
Because of a train travel with Toddlers, isn't just any old train ride.
Genevieve Bell, an Australian anthropologist and historian of the culture of technology, told the Wall Street Journal years ago that early critics of train travel warned «that women's bodies were not designed to go at 50 miles an hour.»
Low has put together a photo journal of his trip (along with some maps like the one above), that he took back in 2011, but since his blog has gone viral again, he's even started serving as sort of a train travel agent, offering to book people's trips for about $ 50.
«I first read it as my companion on a complicated series of trains travelling from London to Marrakech.»
The romanticism of train travel coupled with the lure of working in a space that doesn't have the daily interferences that many working people face is a great chance to accomplish a lot.
Without realizing it, I'm settling into the relaxed pace of train travel quite nicely; maintaining a nice balance of impulsive chatting, musing, and working.
Just ahead I see a cow on the line, just one of the many hazards of train travel in India.
Andy Mossack rediscovers the glamour of train travel and shows that Interrailing is not just for gap year students.
If you are not yet sure of the virtues of train travel and want to test your toe in the water, metaphorically speaking, you won't be disappointed if you start with the Amtrak Cascades.
Open for the common people, luxury saloons on train offer a customized way of train traveling in India.
Travellers venturing to the ancient Inca citadel of Machu Picchu will now have an even wider choice of train travel available to them as Inca Rail launches its brand - new service, the 360 ° Machu Picchu Train.
It covers over 42,000 kilometres of train travel through 11 countries, in 44 days.
From extravagant interiors, appetizing gastronomical fare, grandiose ambience, comfortable sightseeing, pampering hospitality and almost everything you can imagine, Luxury Trains in India create unforgettable memories of train travels in India.
A month of train travel and we've made it: from London to Palermo by train with some wonderful detours along the way.
Capturing the idiosyncracies of train travel, the circumstances Theroux finds himself in, as well as the characters he encounters are a comical portrayal of life on the road.
With over 100 locomotives on display, the National Railway Museum is the largest of its kind in the world, and offers a fascinating insight into the history of train travel.
Yes, planes are faster and car travel is more direct, but when you want history with your geography, and tradition with your travel, when you want to enjoy the ride as much as the destination, it is time to cruise Australia by rail and join the revival of train travel.
Experience the comfort of train travel in Hungary, conveniently situated in the heart of Europe, where Budapest offers up romantic views of the Danube River.
Incredible attention to detail — authentic china in dining cars, velvet and finery in the Pullman sleeping carriages, a charmingly stubby wooden caboose — give you a sense of train travel before cars became king.
For more window view pictures of my train travel experience read my review of the Swiss Travel Pass.
Discover the advantages of train travel in England by joining us on a journey that combines stays in some of the country's most famous cities with the chance to explore unspoilt rural landscapes.
However, one of the best features of train travel is that you arrive in the city center so from there, the closest underground or bus is usually just a hop, skip or jump away... especially in London.
LA's Union Station, built in 1939, continues to be the hub of train travel in Los Angeles.
Despite the green merits and stress - free nature of train travel relative to flying or driving, Americans have been slow to abandon their «homes on wheels,» and seem content to tolerate an increasingly unpleasant air travel experience.
Located throughout the country, typically in areas of historic interest or outstanding natural beauty, our guided tours on England's heritage railways recreate a golden era of train travel and offer an unforgettable railway experience.
The Napa Valley Wine Train isn't just a train ride — it's an institution that echoes the glory days of train travel, with fine dining service, multiple course meals cooked to order, Napa Valley scenery and ultimate relaxation aboard an exquisitely restored vintage rail car.
Rakesh Kumar, Managing Director, IRCTC commented, «The train is designed to transport guests into a more gracious age of train travelling.
Along the way we rediscovered our love of train travel — the comfort, space and scenery make it by far the best way to travel.
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