Sentences with phrase «of trouble understanding»

He also had quite a bit of trouble understanding what I was saying for the first few days.
«I think they're not Americans, and they have a little bit of trouble understanding the American political systems and how things work,» said one of eight GOP political consultants interviewed for this story under condition of anonymity.
If you had a little bit of trouble understanding the tone of «Santa Clarita Diet» at the beginning of Season 1, Timothy Olyphant gets it.

Not exact matches

«On a bipartisan basis, we believe Mr. Zuckerberg's testimony is necessary to gain a better understanding of how the company plans to restore lost trust, safeguard users» data, and end a troubling series of belated responses to serious problems,» the two senators added.
If you have trouble with numbers, are not sure if you're setting up forecasts and budgets correctly, or need help understanding whether or not labor costs should be cost of goods or expenses, for example, your accountant should be able to help.
Get your business off to a smooth start — and stay out of trouble — by understanding some basic legal and tax rules.
Perhaps the best way to understand differences, though, is how chief executives respond in the face of trouble.
Wired evidently had no trouble finding former colleagues to say nice things about him, with the consensus being that he's very Bill Gates - like: a technical genius who also happens to understand the business side of things.
And if you don't have a good understanding of yourself, you are in big trouble,» he explains.
It seemed to help that Tamerlan had trouble understanding even Danny's pronunciation of the word «China.»
It seems bizarre that the most reasonable understanding of why the 2008 bank crisis did not require a vast public subsidy for Wall Street occurred at Monday's Republican presidential debate on June 13, by none other than Congressional Tea Party leader Michele Bachmann — who had boasted in a Wall Street Journal interview two days earlier, on Saturday, that she voted against the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) «both times.»
You can understand the reluctance to force liquidation on an NPL from the perspective of a troubled bank; the company goes away and the bank immediately books the loss.
They can't sell without creating a loss and they dare not do that because it gets them in trouble with the Republicans and the House who don't understand monetary policy at all, but have a lot of opinions on it.
I understand and agree that remaining holders should not be disadvantaged by those who bug out at the first sign of trouble, but individual circumstances change unforeseen, people retire and need to draw down, get sick and ultimately have their estates settled if they die.
In a speculative market, it's not the understanding of valuation, or economics, or market history that gets you into trouble.
Apologies are about empathy, about showing that you understand how the customer feels, and about feeling genuinely sorry that they feel that way or are having trouble, regardless of who caused it.
But Podesta and his candidate want to force a religious order of Catholic women to cooperate in the provision of contraceptives and abortifacients; they want to compel small businesses to cater to same - sex marriage ceremonies; and they want physicians to refer troubled patients for «transgender» treatment — all against the Catholic understanding of the right to act on one's conscience (in these cases, one's rightly formed conscience).
I had in my heart and tongue the Name of Allah when ever I had fears, troubles or depression of any kind but from Jan 05 1995 when had lost my father and second brother in a car accident, it was the time I really felt am alone at age of 33 to face all the challenges my father has left upon me to run and manage among other partners therefore had been investigating the Quran as to understanding every word of it rather than to memorize it, have been did a lot of reciting verses of prayers begging God to look upon me and give me strength... am sure through such difficult times if I had no faith in God I would have perished and lost every thing long ago... Another thing my heart always gave me signs and my mind gave me logic of what to believe although have read many books abroad in my youth of many beliefs out of curiosity but could not belief in other than that God is one and Muhammed is his last prophet in all belief of the Quran he brought upon me / us in all that it says... Should mention at times had experienced dreams seeing signs and warnings long in advance of things going to happen A year or more before losing my father in a car accident I had seen him in my dream good bye wearing white cloth and going to board a tourist ship all crew dressed in white uniform rolling a red carpet on front of him and when was on the top of the stairs weaver smiling good bye... seen in another dream how or wealth will be stolen and what I will hold... so many things like that..
Prayer changes things Prayer draws close to the thoughts of God Prayer builds character Prayer lights the pathway to God in the troubles of life Prayer brings understanding Prayer brings healing Prayer changes things
But the thing that 99 % of our population has trouble understanding is that any belief in God is not meant to be a religion.
@Dave > I have trouble understanding how we can even define «good» and «bad» without a concept of God.
The Treaty of Tripoli contains the religious section because the US wanted the world (especially several Muslim nations we were having trouble with) to understand we weren't going around proselytizing Christianity (i.e., undermining the basis of their rule).
It is truth that God has troubles within the fractal paradigms of inter-cellular cosmological wherein «activists» sometimes revolt against the grains of our embodied sanctifications creating many undulations of travesties not uncommonly viewed by us celestial beings as being viral and bacteriological in the way we understand things to be and become.
Always was and is and will ever be no matter what matters of materialized shapes to tend to seemingly clutter up His spiritual abundancy It is truth that God has troubles within the fractal paradigms of inter-cellular cosmologies as protruding «activists» are sometimes revolting against the grains of our embodied sanctifications creating many undulations of travesties not uncommonly being viewed by us celestial beings as being viral and bacteriological in the way we understand things to be and become.
As Dr. Bernard Brandon Scott (professor of New Testament at the Tulsa Seminary) explains in «The Trouble With Resurrection» what «seeing Jesus» meant (in the correctly contextually translated Greek of Paul) was «coming to * understand * Jesus * in a different light».
It is truth that God has troubles within the fractal paradigms of inter-cellular cosmological «activists» sometimes revolting against the grains of our embodied sanctifications creating many undulations of travesties not uncommonly viewed by us celestial beings as being viral and bacteriological in the way we understand things to be and become.
You will run into trouble whenever you parcel out God's Word, rather than understanding the Bible as a progression of revelations and solution to the human condition, with the common thread and purpose of Jesus Christ running throughout from beginning to end, to further the glory of God.
Yet, given this new understanding of Whiteheadian societies, Wolf has trouble imagining presiding occasions within structured societies if they simply occupy one small space within the society just like all the subordinate occasions.
If understanding our case as above all a matter of protecting religious liberty rights means that social conservatives don't think or talk that way anymore, then we are in great trouble.
One thing I find troubling here is the grade - school level of understanding many commenters seem to have regarding democracy (even shaded as a democratic republic).
Part of the problem with the Bible is that since it is written in an ancient format, people have trouble reading and understanding it.
The prison analogy is troubling on multiple levels, and it's important for Americans to understand why the comparison is so incredibly damaging, especially to people of color.
This is the God, then, who lets the suffering of man go on, who is deaf to his cry, who does not prevent the persecution, who for some time grants neither deliverance nor answer to prayer, so that one can understand the accusation of man against him, the accusation of the king: «This trouble is from the Lord!»
When our conclusions regarding regarding troubling passages in the NT contradict the clear, positive statements out of the mouth of Jesus in John 3:16, 18, 5:24, and elsewhere, regarding eternal life being a simple matter of faith we need to keep seeking until our understanding of those passages agrees with that He said.
I can't yet share what I think about these texts, but one thing I know for sure: We will never understand these troubling texts of Scripture, and we will never understand God, and we will never understand ourselves, unless and until we begin with the realization that Jesus does not drown babies.
Her basic lack of understanding is apparent, her lack of logic is much more troubling.
i have a decent understanding of the troubles i think — i only reference them to show how the trappings of tradition and prejudice are a universal issue, one that we as a people are all struggling with.
But he understood something: For a full 15 verses, Asaph complains about how the wicked are prospering and the godly are not, but then a shift happens in verse 16: «When I tried to understand all this, it troubled me deeply, till I entered the sanctuary of God; then I understood their final destiny.
I personally think we get into the most trouble when we think that our understanding of any passage is the only correct understanding.
This lack is doubly troubling for the woman writer who is a feminist, because feminism as a movement for transforming patriarchal structures and relations of domination understands change in a quite different way from that of the individualistic biographic tradition presupposed by the question of how one's «mind has changed.»
What I did not realize then, and what I still have a little trouble understanding even now, was the nature of my offense.
Mary was troubled because she was thoughtful, in the sense that Mary understood the Word of God.
I'm pretty excited about it though, because it has really helped in my understanding and application of various passages which have troubled me for many years.
The crux of the matter is here: The trouble is that «spiritual but not religious» offers no positive exposition or understanding or explanation of a body of belief or set of principles of any kind.
This guy is clueless to say «The trouble is that «spiritual but not religious» offers no positive exposition or understanding or explanation of a body of belief or set of principles of any kind.»
The trouble is that «spiritual but not religious» offers no positive exposition or understanding or explanation of a body of belief or set of principles of any kind.
«The trouble is that «spiritual but not religious» offers no positive exposition or understanding or explanation of a body of belief or set of principles of any kind» Wrong — because it's not a «trouble».
In this way Zossima's vision of a united humanity will be achieved, and we can understand why, early in the novel, the elder so mysteriously bowed before the troubled Dmitry.
When the troubled person finds himself or herself under the care of someone with accurate empathy, someone who seems able to enter another's perceptual framework, he or she experiences a profoundly liberating feeling of being known, being understood.
Both saw that some human pain and torment are punitive, that some trouble is disciplinary was taken for granted, that in one way or another the cosmic process should not in the end be ethically unsatisfactory, that the whole experience of suffering remained mysterious, but that the climactic element in the New Testament's contribution to the understanding of suffering is to be found in its treatment of vicarious self - sacrifice.
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