Sentences with phrase «of true justice»

The meaning of true justice in human affairs is also quite different from the ordinary understanding.
The teachings of Christ are crystal clear — that we must love our enemies, bless those who persecute us, pray for those who hate us — and not that they receive condemnation, but that their hearts may be turned to ways of true justice, love, and peace.
Here's the endorsement I wrote for the back cover: «Drew Hart masterfully cuts through all the platitudes and good intentions to reach the fleshy, beating heart of true justice.
Only God can exhibit true righteous anger and can mete out violence as a method of true justice and Godly discipline.
Bonds of loyalty allow us to resist tyranny, whether in the form of the utilitarian despotism of global capitalism or the universal moralism that regards our traditions as impediments to the realization of true justice.
Gadot's Diana is raised to be a warrior among the Amazons, with a strong sense of true justice, under the watchful eye of her mother Hippolyta (Connie Nielsen) and trainer Antiope (Robin Wright).
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