Sentences with phrase «of tumor»

Fine got federal approval this year to try such a drug screen on one patient whom he describes as «well - connected,» creating an organoid from her cells and adding bits of her tumor to it in hopes of throwing drug after drug at it until one vanquished the organoid's cancer.
But most importantly, the researchers say, in three laboratory tests of tumor growth, the drug strongly blocked tumor formation in distant metastases and their precursors.
Loss of tumor suppressor KDM6A amplifies PRC2 - regulated transcriptional repression in bladder cancer and can be targeted through inhibition of EZH2
In a previous study, his team worked with other collaborators to identify the potential role of extra copies of the tumor suppressor gene (p53) that increase the elephant's ability to eliminate pre-cancerous cells with DNA damage.
Patient - derived xenographs involve the implantation of tumor tissue into an immunodeficient mouse which becomes an avatar to help identify which drug or drug combinations are most likely to be effective for an individual cancer patient.
These are indications that areas of diseased tissue could be dying, while other parts of a tumor could be rapidly growing or becoming more aggressive.
Frank Ruscetti, who had discovered HTLV - 1 while working in Robert Gallo's Laboratory of Tumor Cell Biology at the NCI in 1980, was Mikovits's primary collaborator.
Glioblastoma is the most aggressive type of tumor that originates in the brain and with no curative treatments currently available, the average survival time for patients ranges from 15 to 18 months.
The researchers conducted genetic tests and found that many of the tumor cells had a mutation in a gene called PPM1D, which causes cells to proliferate and avoid natural death.
The progression from gene mutation in the renal cells to the development of a tumor took eight to twelve months.
Doctors at the University of Arizona Cancer Center at St. Joseph's Hospital and Medical Center in Phoenix reported today in Lancet Oncology that a new treatment for ovarian cancer can improve response rates (increase the rate of tumor shrinkage) and prolong the time until cancers recur.
When breast cancer is diagnosed, the drug regimen that the patient receives is based primarily on the results of a biopsy that is used to identify the type of tumor she has.
This is important because tumors are not all alike and some types of tumor cells may respond differently to a specific drug than others, Skala pointed out.
For each of these cancer sites, the researchers calculated important regional and county differences in advanced stage of diagnosis, which takes into account the growth and size of the tumor and whether it has spread to the lymph nodes or other organs.
Sometimes, he speculated, it was because CTLA - 4 deactivated T cells before they could finish off a clump of tumor cells.
The primary cause of death from breast cancer is the spread of tumor cells from the breast to other organs in the body.
Meanwhile, each mouse retained an immunological memory of the tumor it had vanquished, which curbed recurrence.
However, when the researchers switched on KRAS in the preclinical models, an entirely different kind of tumor formed, called angiosarcoma.
«What he showed us is turning the immune system on isn't enough; the crucial step is to make sure it doesn't turn itself off,» says Antoni Ribas, director of the tumor immunology program at UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center.
This blood vessel normalization results in an increased barrier function on the one hand — thereby blocking cancer cell dissemination and metastasis - and in enhanced tumor perfusion on the other hand, which increases the response of the tumor to chemotherapy.
«This study also adds greater understanding of tumor - infiltrating lymphocytes and their influence on the causes and progression of ovarian cancer.
In doing so, the scientists made a surprising observation: «One and the same active ingredient caused most of the tumor facets to die,» reports lead author Roman Reinartz of Professor Scheffler's Team.
Suppression of tumor growth by terbinafine is associated with decreased cholesteryl ester concentrations, restoration of PTEN expression, and inhibition of AKT - mTOR, consistent with blockade of SQLE function.
After surgical removal, radiation, and chemotherapy, this type of tumor often returns; drugs are then usually no longer effective.
COSBICS — Computational Systems Biology in Cellular Signaling — is an E.U. initiative focused on understanding cell signaling in the context of tumor development.Partners are based in Germany, Bulgaria, Scotland, and Spain.
A mutation that helps make cells immortal is critical to the development of a tumor, but new research at the University of California, Berkeley suggests that becoming immortal is a more complicated process than originally thought.
The ability of tumor - infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) such as T cells to produce multitudes of clones that overwhelm and effectively control cancer cells has been demonstrated, but the significance of the composition of T - cell repertories is unknown.
«Hodgkin lymphoma is unusual among cancers in that it consists of a small number of tumor cells in a sea of inflammatory cells and immune system cells, including T cells that don't work very effectively.»
The study demonstrated a trend toward a reduction in the incidence of tumor recurrence in patients who had pelvic RT..
The different nature of the tumor cells requires the use of combined therapeutic measures.
Furthermore, these results also have an important prognostic value — the positioning of macrophages in hypoxic tumor regions would be an indication of a poor prognosis, while the localization of macrophages in normoxic regions of the tumor could predict a better disease outcome.
EMT is crucial for normal embryonic development, but also operates in wound healing, and when abnormally switched on, can enable the spread of tumor cells.
Images of the tumor cells are immediately created on an LCD screen observed as the surgeon scans the instrument across the tumor or brain surface.
«This is a treatment that, rather than targeting cancer cells themselves, targets the immune response, reactivating the T cells in the neighborhood of the tumor cells,» Shipp remarked.
«High rate of tumor shrinkage among pancreatic cancer patients.»
How many drugs were then needed to combat all the facets of a tumor effectively?
Outcomes of children and young adults with cancer have improved, primarily due to enhanced understanding of tumor biology and due to the clinical application of biological discoveries through multicenter clinical trials.
These TAMs suppress the immune system and stimulate blood vessel formation thereby stimulating the growth of the tumor.
In the mice, rapamycin suppressed the ability of the tumor cells to relapse.»
In fact, more than 80 percent of their tumor cells were dying, the researchers reported.
«This led to formation of tumor - like growths.»
Ruggero has for several years been probing the ability of tumor cells to make extraordinary amounts of protein to sustain their rapid growth and immortality.
This stress, which is notably induced in pre-cancerous lesions, is characterised by an increased DNA replication rate, which provokes DNA damage and genome instability, major drivers of tumor formation.
The ambitious plan was to create a new shared resource of tumor samples with attached patient information.
In collaboration with the group of Valerian Kagan, Ph.D., D.Sc., at the University of Pittsburgh, Gabrilovich and colleagues analyzed in great detail the events that take place in the DCs from tumor - bearing mice models and found that impaired cross-presentation, which occurred in the presence of tumor - derived factors, was associated with defective trafficking of the antigen - MHC complex to the cell surface.
So if researchers think that an individual drug for, say, chronic myeloid leukemia might work against a different kind of tumor because the two illnesses share similar biological underpinnings, they have to conduct a whole new clinical trial and go through the approval process all over again for the second condition.
This is especially beneficial for malignant tumors where the amount of tumor removed may play a huge part in the survival time of the patient.
The researchers found that high expression of the tumor - suppressor ZMYND11 is associated with longer survival for patients with triple - negative breast cancer.
«This is a substance that kills lots of tumor cells, every cancer we test it against,» Svensson says.
Detecting the presence of tumor estrogen or HER2 receptors with PET scans would enable oncologists to examine all sites of cancer for each patient, choose the appropriate drug treatment more quickly, monitor the tumor for changes that would necessitate a switch to another treatment, and even evaluate how well a drug is hitting its receptor targets.
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