Sentences with phrase «of unaltered male»

FIV is transmitted primarily by deep bite wounds - this kind of injury is most associated with the mating behavior of unaltered male cats, including fighting.

Not exact matches

The scientists found that altered males and large females were equally attractive to unaltered males and that their pheromone blends were identical, the team reports in The Journal of Experimental Biology.
Then the team allowed unaltered males to choose between scent trails of altered males, large and small females, unaltered males, and she - males (unaltered males that naturally emit small amounts of female pheromones).
Chinese crested puppies are not one of the easiest breeds to potty train, and unaltered male dogs may be prone to extensive territorial marking.
70 % of what comes in, dogs and cats are unaltered males.
If your female dog or cat was in heat at the time of surgery, you must keep them away from unaltered males for at least two weeks.
Unaltered male cats are very likely to spray (urine mark) both indoors and out, the smell of male cat urine is particularly unpleasant and very difficult to get rid of.
Some surveys suggest that as many as 85 % of dogs hit by cars are unaltered males.
Dr. Robynne Ferguson reports that «2 years is the average life expectancy of an unaltered outdoor male cat».
Of the 99 unaltered dogs, 70 (70.7 %) were male and 29 (29.3 %) were female.
Statistics show that an unaltered male cat and an unaltered female cat and their offspring are capable of producing 781,250 kittens in a seven - year period.
Commonly found in unaltered, older male dogs, testicular cancer can be life - threatening, particularly if the cancer metastases to other parts of the body.
Unaltered males are subject to a number of hormone - related medical problems as they age.
And keep in mind that unaltered male animals are more likely to be killed by cars as a result of straying from home.
- Unaltered male dogs are responsible for 70 - 76 % of all dog bites.
Profiles will be chosen based on several criteria, including the caregiver and animal's story, level of need, and risk of unwanted pregnancy, such as in homes with both an unaltered male and female of the same species.
Altered male dogs and cats are less likely to engage in frustrating urine marking behaviors, and tend to be less aggressive; the vast majority of serious dog bites are inflicted by unaltered male dogs.
Unaltered males will be at much higher risk of testicular and prostate cancer along with prostate infections, all life threatening conditions for your beloved pet as they age and the surgical risks from any kind of procedure, including neutering, increase.
And if you have an unaltered male cat, you're probably not seeing much of him anyway.
Research indicates that 80 percent of dogs hit by cars are unaltered males.
Just one unaltered male and female dog or cat and their litters can result in thousands of unwanted and homeless animals in just a couple of years.
Unaltered males have a considerably higher rate of developing prostrate cancer.
Neutered males won't wander in search of a mate, and spayed females won't stray when they are in heat - as unaltered females tend to do.
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